THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. Yon are no donlt inter ested(l ithe ibove Cline, andI as woe havxe Miadle themn a specrial study', wish yon woiilcail ind see what we have. We know we (can1please yon and save vim iioieY oiinl'o THE T WO M0 M-S. Afll Arortu ll bLi11rY, VOORHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, W1OR K CALLEPEOR anid DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. 'fficee - 23 South Fourth Ave. ZILt'i[ R ~ Of Olt U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices towest. Quality highest. Gluaraniteedl every inchtiofitule read. V'iolin alliit (uitar 'Striings, ii0 ets.; Banjo and Manlein S0trinigs, 57 ets. Everythiniig ini proiporitieii. L. 11. Ce et 31S.Main1.ILSiLL I.LA IJLI Q L le.T5 0i. BROWXN'S DRUG STORE (iSINERIT MAIN AND IJUIION SiTIllE'S. ()iF i0 is CToiLIETCT GooiSsAND Fi-i (is Xi I I.1 iCo 0 .0 (. AR ""IE IN l' IY. DO)0N7T 0-0 DOW1 T 0WI-1T+ FOR FOOTWEAR. We ea 's it IIIli e ot 5140ES for J30T14 LAJIIES and GENTLEMEN. 11' 1 S % '!' Siii 1 1SHOP11 0t11111 22 SOUTH STATE ST. LEMMON & BOWDIISH. WTAHR'S BOOK STORE, aDPOWNi TOWNi~ii.iroN lEvery Sit en l sitt e 51 1 ilii ccbto Isilug 1 'ciieroir vTxfoo l n alsppisatfed W)tes 'e alo111w s1cia tir il L ilAW tBt(IKS K Lev'A.ttiIs.I iE l Il)) oevIoou Is edill thee Tii I I I ii it tII I 'r 77 i C 6 711 The111' s M rch11111.Bots ITT m 1"'0" q''"Is PceOKioii IN fi ll' o.~ I \ f 'I'll j llil)Iti 1a1 ' CLOTHING 'April i -- 11 1 Ol t i 1 ill ' a v 1 c %,. '11I be1 aso'.icl: J OF ALL KINDS AT iRld~l ~.T. JACOBS & 00.5, .io Dsii is. 27 AND 29 MIAI-N -Sr- 'A'-Newl Factsir illHki ri L. CRUN ER. .iic' i tis' dullss Nu. 0 55111111 N11011 sltsli. M is ............(ifeli'.it 5ciof s 7 (l'n'on N Straight Qat. iss 1111110t1ii'l CIGARETTES.1 V.liCtt .1.11.1 I I lii tliii iii iiiiil ii halllios'.i iiCid si j :11 111 i Th CH5.1s5151511 isc ill( 11(1'' e s lis Iiis .ioTiiS1 t rI l Ii ito 111, deii icai11n fa Ii 'isi 1.111d hllis O J. (.:ic iI I e 'ixi li 5 11 g-1'.0.iI ull lil. . V is ic e )4 Q rg~ilII a Il(!Sri , . Ii. Iltlitsst 5 1 'l is'.UC . 5, hroLiZ JO(111hyw ilFll- .:ItN. n fthrpaisorersnaie o niATi Lills 11drIS(. ofthevaiou taoiait tm ite M1111otass leaguestoiarrange ttie seheduts NItoves nwanCod,.are n of gamesofor1the stleris on tur- for coal, woo- Rcllliid, oi and a y v..a I 'lok-o om I o t Lwdepr teno-to ) ~h~o~i00attJ. E Harkin., 28tE ol Fir01 1 t (re Gnra L1 MA~rLw s d NAGofteR iMter.Cary S LAGUmE. 'V. HAVE Dahof J. L. McAllister. YOU to'.1(1(. 1 Ii iii or SEEN 1 i I '.' ii lii cr THOSE' ofth ]t- DERBYS? s~c"?% "2.501163.00 cationliesi t lssieillith i iiii.1 co $200, $3.0 1.1' rpiliii 1111111' .iiit titiCom-i DON"T MISS THEM iecl. iiind iliihichresiiltichs dtieth liI Potent s ill Vi Wcinsdi t heis til ,li, tilie IliiessLe t e livi 'i 'isic~litti li iiut iek. Iieat her a 1ill 1). Cal.d tok'Ils hm GOODSP-)EED* I k Sinia vl . V . siwiere the '') B I.. 211pi 77Lfl1 Q D u, . { o i I. I )c IlIlileIII 'ricia t 11 oti'I a h -ll.' stii i lid Piea bl ber .ii cii atiiicetOtera 11House, iiigiit of this sweek. Mr. -htas sparest 110 painscto ni .juv-enile classes ahle to loresi -of the nmost charming, thinj given here. 0 The new suits of the nine worn next Saturday in th( 1 with the University of Indiai N, slo.T-,PI1 flb f_ I I tUIJSl1III156 It I c Sill *"'c vasnd Ait needs. s1ill to 'I' 1i 1 -111, n 1 'riday G ranger ______ ______ ake his aIa-a-5v"IT=fliTS UIO'Js~, ant one or. iH. HAWVKINS, Pro1., g evrSpecial given to Students. 01ve us a call. e gllme SHORTHAND [OUSE gaeIT WSLL PAY YOU. Shorthand Schoot, NEW na. Building, 20 South Stale Street.