T7iizz mxci 1051-- SOAPS TIME TABLE. 1m inlllf wtillIt 3.11 tilt, loot 1of thel 1112 'NO .1atI NI .u 16,.1 , . m., 11 C j'rc 11O(1 Ot j1113 aintlash t. . ,2 t, '1, .4(1 9 . :0p In NW \ Am m T ij i ,50,1'4 iLAN1'1) .1 .1.25 11.11, '':"111 5'1151'5 'isthehotfo 1111"1 13. F. g .5A1N11 i1, , 3 .1 .(,51~, sl2Ilt (if aliki ns . II i t(al Le v A N AR,1 r m mrt121s1.Zt 111 l OGG JDEllT1L -++.1,7OTE - oard and 00:ns 1 40 :4 o -W ELLIOTT & SHUTTS, Proprietor,* arc, amsbous for adlvanscemn trathelr thar those witot o; The Ashby Special," 'Ash by ' ' Oxford,"' "Harv'ard 'G . H W I D I) 1315 11 1 5 1 . 1 ll till' ltst 3111, 1 11111ill(]1nov ltiesii oti (,I'll I51 111122 1111 o~~~~~ S1MIsk 11 t I MAIN5131 T. O 'lat i7" G.1 ess311 131,111 H. WILD. 44No. 2 E. Washington St- near Main. G 1. Hl. SILFOIDOO 1-UGH CbA$ GORBEOT:-STYLES _IN'_ GREATEST VAR IETY LOWEST PRICES OIN CROIICKERYIN IN TH11 CITY. 7 tinchIPearl Wilte Plates - 31 Its. per set 7 111311Ad~amlantinle China I'1t3 - 'las4o1 cts. per set 7 111311 Semi-1111333a111, lsote's Plates 'i8 ets. prtset Pea1rl Whlite 11'11'1d'Teals- - - - - i ts. per set Adlamantine lil11 'l eals - - - - 501 ts. per set Baste's Seeoi-poreelIainll'11131 'eas - T5-74ts. per set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. I)EAN & GO- Spring S uitings) Overcoatings. . Silk Vestings, New Colorings NewIN' (.Trouserings. Noveltlies ia 'Fa111y \estuigs-Every- 2111115N ew-Stylish and~ Seasonable at 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBO0R, - - - MICHI. 26"S.1TA11S'.15A.N 11311o, II ila., THE CAMPUS. 111e n'lw.gynIllasiunI at lBrown Un1iv'ersity 15 to co)st $50,030. ,Ilie (ov1rse1ers l OfIHarvard 1have1 v(ote11lgainlst sllllrtllnhiI the coarse to) three3 years. 11lr~lel~ 1.01117 11111C .137,ofPictn !Will 1 wliththe111 M. A. IC. 71t1o 1.113 ester belat (1)31311 on 'Thurs- dlily IC Ia score Of 7 to and.1111Irlaly t1he SCl~rC Wa1s1f 2 to 1 2. Thle(degree of the Rell Cross wyas b~estowledI up1on11Dr. Flem~ing Carrow 112 the SIlasoiiic' I fall011n(April i10. Wh11y are not thle seasonl tickets for 111121211a11On l le ? Nobody is likely to buy 'tihem after lext Satur- dlay 's gamle. Messrs. Howard and Cook were3 electedi Regents of the University. Thie exact figlires of tileir plulralities are nolt yet obtainablle. Th'ley take office next Dlecermber. lhe SiMichigan tisiersity G;lee and51 Banj o Clibs thoullght tihemlselves s'erv Il0I l 1llkilsg fellosuntil they 5sw their hictllres in the I ilica,,,o I leralI. I etroit Tribunle. foreignl stmltents are a finan~lcial tielpI to 211 ichiigan Unliversity' is 1102 1a1new ose; bt lt 1131reasonlin~g'is emlinlenly3 Mir. MtarsihallPease, tile vocaltist, wh111 ias come to .A111 Arbolr, has studliedi with illiam11Courtnsey, of New York, ant i err hlan, ,Of Mon- ichl. lie ias a tensor voice andi is a favorite 11n Nes vYork. lie ias a class in Yp~silanlti. 'Tise concert of the D~etroit Musi- cal Society, iheld Aplril i0, under tile leadershlip of P~rof. A. A. Stanley, seas al enminent success. About thsirty mlemlbers of tile Cisoral Union assistedl in tise rendering of Christo- forus and Tile Fligilt of tile Holy F~amily. Tise Oratorical AXssociation elected the following officers before tlse re- cess, for the comi 'ng year: President, W'. 11. Eichorn; vice-Isres., A. J. Ladd; secretary, Arthlur Webster; treasurer, R.. L. Roberts; executive commlittee2, Prof. Trueblood, W. A. Cutler and F. L. Grant. Delegate to the league convention, Eben B. Gower. 3IJOIIOESS DIR ECTORY WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, :16 MAIN STIIEET. aii11. .werlry. M. W.- BLAKE, ]PICTrURXES, IFRAMES, A f4 AftRGOODS. lo west Haroil St. FERDON LUMBER YARD. MaIlnufactrer 113 and11dealer in SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM EER ('11. Fouarlthand I3pot Ss3..... J HALLER 46 S5 I TI.7'AIN , ST.~ " 0. M.MARTIN, I)L'51CI1IN Cloth CasketsMetal le 15NI) IIN31O1(5COFF1INS. J. A. POLHEMUS, 51,711 'BII11513 N II 1.31251 iis.IN RINSEY & SEABOLT. Itl1itrsa11111dealers 5ill Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, JOHN WOTZKE, L ADIE-S' aad GCENT-4,S' sOVE W~liltilte retulrn Of tile Base 111 Seaso01, we shlall be Ilrehlraredl 211fuir' Ilisi l 1h(1t12is lews' lnd de1sirabsle ill UNIFORIMS 1012 Bose Ball LaN'1 Tennis, Criicet, La ('rosse, vaclitinog anlI foall1 Outing u~ses. Our sliak-er Swseater for lillality 11n11 durlability lhas 110 eqlual. Oulr linle of Base Bail SlUP' 11113s, Bats, Ballis, Masks, hlody Pro- tecto~rs, Catellers'AMitts, ELawn Tennl's Su~pplies, ete., etc., sinS11 fornmer seals' 011s wyill ldefy completition, we are julstly proud1 of ou~r large college fol' lowinlg, du1eaSstwe Ire aware, to tile superior qulality of our good~s.This esteems we a1111 to strellgthlel fronl season to season, in tile imamsrovenlellf of our goods where it is possible. cor- respondence desired with moanasgers of all college clubs. Sen1d for our e Catalogue of Slummer Sports and U'ni- forms, A. & B. free to any address. A. G, SPALDING & BROS., CmuTcAGO: PHeILADELPHIsA: 108 Madison Street. 51= chestnut ssreet, NEW YostK: '241 and:245 Broadwayr. D A ..i') DO. D V VJIN 1113 street raiisway- compllany is placinlg a lewsw sitcih at tile cornser of Northl Unliversity andliEast tIlt- -AND- versity avensues. :P -.A-. :ID::S Prinlcetonl defeatedl Colunmbia 1last w eek, 17 21) o, Birosw-l defeatedl .Z6 1 0 Q r lHarvaIrdI6 t204,t2. Of 1P. wo011frolll Forth net hir~yday. rinlcetonl 6 to 4, andli lliamls froms For ileilIt tiirt laS 3atIe 6 to0 4. 'Pile Unliversity bill plassedth ie ,T-L-Mf= Sensate on Ap.lril 9. Tisere were but Barvllrll, Yale, Uo'. and 11. Ulveesitl three votes agrailsst it: Sensator Bas- COLLEG + OUTITTER tone, wiho thlought tile University COLLFIF,+ OUTFITER was sot run very econonmically, andi Sporting 1101 Atllletie Goods, Senators ;hi3ougllton andHiolconab. Base 14a11 and Tenis Archsibaldi S. Dewey, fatiser of Good a seciaty. Prof John Dewey, died on Friday, 10 AND 11 IHAIRVARD 1R0W, April io, at the age of eighty years. MvfIDO1-S, His remains were taken to Burling- BURtLEIOB .& JOLLY, AGENTS. ton, Vermont.