THE U. OF M. DAILY .ti ... TIh TWO SAMS Messrs. YOL/MAN'8, KNOX' and 8IL VERMA/'8 See the C ollar new THE -L"-COAT Sece it at 9- z o re Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Gua ranteed every inch of the road. Violin aid Guitair Strings, 10 ets.; ilaliiji) and Madalolini Strings, 5 cts. Everything ini lreeortioii. L. 11. Clmaiei.nTtTfTr 'TIJE _MA 2r BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORINERlI INAND IHUON STR11111 L. RnE~rsinT(CK (n ToILEr Goofns AND FINE CIGAnS, Ton3ACCUs AND C1inknErTaS IN inE CIrY. FERGUSON & SLATING, Ge~s'Ft iriijishers aijd afters Carry a full1 line nftII:' S. CAPS, N ECKWEX1I, IIOSIIIY, GLOVES, UNI)EItW1EAII, Etc. The latest styles and an entire nesv stock to select trout. 22> SO©TTr S'A r s'., - ANN TET 0 _____ 6 Mn roe Pive ,,Detroit,.Mich, W N8 The Largest Musicsl Merchandise Reese in at Hadqurter. Weallow the State. Agents Cur Martin. Washbarn, supplies aBedqatrsreunas and BenaryoGis, n.d Dobsan, S5w KS, in short, every Book sised in the art andBunaryuBanjos. Beat Strings In the World seatb mail toary address at 15 cenie each foeeiini and Guitar and 10 cents ech _car Baajo. AIAr OP stOhllbllli. VOORHEiS & ETS BEST WORK IN THE CITY STATE ST, TAIL ORS, WOIIK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FI RST CLASS WORK. Ofic. -23 SouthuFourth Ave. G/LL INSSEELi, ~WAHRSBOKSORD Every Student will save money hy hbuying Uiiiversity Text-Books and all special discount on LAW BOOKS, MEDtCAL BOOKS, DENTAL BOO] University. 5,000 Blank Books at lowest prices. LEADING BOOK STOtRE IN THlE CITS Y/. ALL THlE NEWEST STYLES -IN- CLOTH ING OF ALL KINDSIAT J. T. JA.COBS & CO.'S, .,_27 AND 29 MAIN ST. FACULTY ANNOUNCEMENTS, day evening at 7:30. Important LAw DLEPATMNT.-Lectures inbuies law departmoiit for we-ck begin- S tudeints leaving lead experience iting Oct. 13 will be as follows:i Oreliestiral playting and desiriiig Monday, Prof. Thompson; Tiies- tot coiitinule tree same, call oii F. day, Prof. Wells; Wedneday, M1cOmnber, P. 0. stamp wiindow. Prof. Wells; Thursday, Prof. S. L. A. COURSE. Tlhoinpsoii; Friday, Piof Kitowl- ton. Judge Blrown-t will lectutre to The board of the Loctnre Asso- seniors and graduates oin Momnday, ciation hiave about comnplcted ar- Wednesday, aiad Friday alt 3:25 rneet o h entire course, rnoauso u SCIENCE AND ART OFs-TEACHINGe. iL.iRsiER s.-rot. Hinsdale aisiounces that zo zs .~DS o;,- on Tuesday, Oct. 14, 5 p. us., SeairingsiosuNethyaPrmtl. Room 21 , lie will begin his course --- of lectures on Oriental Education. Everybody is iiivitedltot go to The principle siubjects considered thie sk-ali -ngtt wt will be, "4The Geiieral Facts Con- riik tiigli, o wt-ditioning Oriental Education," n'ess the exhibition iii liglitiiing "