THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. lnvr onare no doubt interested in the above line, and as we have Prices lowest Viliitd ade them a special studyv, wish yon wonid call and see what we 5 ets. Every L. 11. Clement, have. We know we can please von and save von money on them. :e S. Main St. THE T WO 0 AM& B ROVN L.~. LATZ. LARGEST ST O( CIGARETTES IN TI =1T=S TTD=ITT Of Old U. of M. should have a aity of Michigan Guitar. tQuality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the read. Guitar Strings, 10 eta.; B~anjo and Mandolin Strings, ything in propiortiofl. TALLMHENIN~GER. FII{ O & ORGAITCO. TRAI E A~T IN'S DRUG STORE ORN ER MAIN AND HURON STREETS. cK OF' TOILET GOODS AND FINE CIGARs, TOBACCOS AND HE CITY. MIRAior1ffi b~alltr VOORHEIS &DITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY 1' STATE ST. TAILORS, COKCALLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. MnSrEcIAL onrnTa OSTUDENTS 0f~e MSouth Fourth Ave. TALLPAND SEE LUS, +:DOT"rG O DOWI*T- QWJ~qT+ FOR FOOTWEAR. We earry a Iul line of SHiOES for 130TH4 LAMIES algd GENTLEMEN. TIHlE STATE STREET SHOEK HOUSE. 22 SOUTH STATE ST. LEMMON & BOWDISH. pWAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. EeyStudent will save mniey by huying University Text-Books and all sllpplici a tt Headlquarters. We allow specmialdiscounlt 0on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, DENTAL hBOOKS, in short. every Book ulsedl in the Unliversity. 5,0050hBlank Books at lowest prices. LEADING 1B00K STORE IN THlE CITY. TL j TH E WEST STYLES 1 Glee and Banjo Clubsn. L 11 (oinused.) ITT taken in on the floor of the Ex- G chiange anld given an opp~ortunity to CLOTH IN G see the lpractical wsorkings of the '"wheat buyers.'' At the invitation OF ALL KINDS AT of the lpresidlent of the Exchange . T. JACOBS & co.'s, the Glee Club sang several songs. The audience in the evening was 27 AnD 29 MAIN ST. very appreciative, and one of the L. GRUNER. papers stated the next morning that ~zo TS= Dalerin ,~ although Princeton, Yale anid lIar- Se No.suth 'Main streel. yard gave good concerts there, the airiengdone Neatlyoal Promrptlr. P6t~hmOnd tra Ighft - U. of It. Cluhs gave the best. E. Fronm the Opera House the boys CIGARETTES, hurried to the depot, where a special /r z '. Cvr,,. aSmokenrs rwioengine was waiting to take themi WVednlesday of each mniths, June excepted. U~r. 1V. A. Camlphell wvas appointedl demnonstrator of ana- tomy anid secretary of the niedical faculty, with a salary of $1,50oo per year. The following reapipoinit- nments wcere made for 159 1-92 at a salary of $900, as instructors: Messrs. Hussy and Markley, mathe- matics ; McPherson, history; Mar- den and Levi, French ; Henchs and Winkler, Germian; Newroimie, bot- any ; Morley, rdescriptive geometry aiid drawving ; Swiggett, Germnii anid French ; Lyman, iiathiemiatics; Campbell, astronomy; Sober, Greek anid Latin ; Clement, Latin ;aunt Miss Hunt, drawnig. ITie fotlou-iii: resoluion wcas LUNG' S MUSIC llO1IE 67 Monroe Pive,,DetrotMioh.-, The ILargest Miuilerchandise Roan.ein lire Stiate. Agernts Car Martirn. Washrburn, Blruno and nenarynGitsimnad Dobson, Slew- art and IBenarrylBano. Besr Strirrgs in the WorldI sent mi lrrrtiains address atleit cents (re for Violin andlGuitar and 15 cents;eachr ler Bannjo. HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NEW DERBYS? $2,00 02.50 $3.00 DON'T MISS THEM Patent Leather Bl uchers. tGOODSPEED. FiINEI HOr1OGRAkPHSj Mnilirery and Art Goods. 0A~ Wi.11. HAWKINS, Crap., Special given In Studentra. Give ita a call. SHORTHAND OUS IT WILL. PAY YOU. Shonrthand Sehooli, New Building, 20 South State Stree. are rwilirgrto ayruittl .,mere tiran lire pricer chavrgedfri5,thi5~e rim'?i v trae Ciigaettes,rwill rind '1111s IBRANDlisupemrir In al o,- . n thlers. S The IRichrosrdlStraightl eut Es. 1It0uerreires are riade frrmrrrelireigrht- ho ILise gorelin flavorerld igiserl n\0eI merei irginia. nThise in the orI $nd orgina learid ofntSrairight CalCigaretes, endas brouightr ot br a- in rtneiere 175. Ispallev opeaeernei the TeALLEN & GI NTEII Brarrchl Of tlie Amnercani TnnliueerrCs.. Manuacrm era., - -Rimnrdrr\-irgirni &Syfl Arbor Savings Bank Ann Arbor Mich. CairitliSleek, $50~,0, Surrli, 5151,(.5i Or 'nnized undrer lire General Barnhing Lairs B1 ibis starre.lieceives lDeporsits, trys anrd Delis excharige enuIbheprineripal ciries ofre igied Slates. Drafts cashlednupon rop ~vler dentiieation. Ofiers : t11IlSTI AN MiAC, Crcv., W. 0. Vsnsn icerCer., CHiAS. E. RISCOCK, Cashier. --tTH>E ARGUS,- AT LOW PRICES. Stoves, new and old, large and smtall, for coal, wood, oil and gbsoline, at J. E. Hlarkins', 28 E. ~1ron street. ninety miles to connect with thre Kansas City train. The audience at Kansas City was adloptedi: the finest that ever greetert a glee Resotved, Tb-it it is aprnlttie club ini that city. The conrcert wvas wish oif tire remibers nfthtie Legistri followed by a reception at tireGUi- ture ftint tire fees of nion-residlent stir- versitv Girt HIlouse. denrts shroutld be raoised, and whereas, At Topeka tire Clubs wnere taken sfince tire tatendatr ririureiirg tire fees for tire cominilg vealrihns beeni issued, it around tire city in carriages. They is impnraeticablte tin nake tilnirdditioll visited Washburn College amiong to the fees for the niext year, there- oilier places. fore, 'Mrs. Anthony tendtered the Clubs Rtesolvedrha hrt it be announl~cedinil a rcetio a oclok tLavn-tire next Craleindar tihrt the annuaiil cee a reepton a o'loc at eanen-of ciillrnon-residenit studients wiro ahall north. enter the Uniiversity 011 or after Julie, meeting of the Regents. 1892, shall be $10 greater than that 110w requirerd. The Regents met last Saturday, The legal committee of the Board but because of tire absence of Re- yesterday appointed OItto Kirchner, gent Whitman, chairman of the of D~etroit, lecturer on private coy- committee or. buildings and grounds, porations, and Alexis C. Angell, of took no action withl reference to the D~etroit, on constitutional lawe, in athletic field. Hereafter regular the lawv department. The Regenta meetings wiii be held on the third 1 xiii meet again on May I.