THE U. OF M. DAILY x - x: -.xx=. x ; : THE BEST BARGAIN YET f U ir ;1 .. ii) Black C(eiot t Spintg Ox t''((ttt. (all and see thetti If N' wint a tie, (get the ne(w shale, 1_)e I nitiil l ouin in ) l THE T WO AMSm L, 73 I11 _ z. illArbor a1o llulftY, vooRHEis & Ea, BETWR I H T' OR ALLIIIIOR and DELIVERED, FIRST CLASS WORK. (Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. u UL T R E US, Of Old Ut. of M. Sholid have a ' Universit of Michigan Guitar. Pri'es towtest, Quatity ihighes't. (Guaraniteed exery minch(oftie r~l V jittin tiiiiGuitar Striniis, 1I t)st.; IBanjo andtMatidotinstiings, 5a ets. Ex'errttig inipropoitiontili. ,II (en. A.LLHENiDIITGLL ?.1TL 0 LGAP 00C. TRACJE .AT BROWN'S DRUG STORE I.I RTt'iii STCK OFTOILETGoonit AND FIl IGARititJ"olt (((I (ND DOINkRFTGOSDIW THETOWTY FOR FOOTWEAR. We'a(tarry a itline t' S14OES for J30T4 LADIES acct GENTLEMEN. 22 SOUTH STATE ST. LEMMON & BOWDISH. 'I''ARSBOOK ,SJORE, DOWN TOWN. ,, r0t:o-oe"rrcMC, atntINli cat Mittartdit'x.i N et. I":i IGNi1I )i .. ''0hiO :IN 1111 (CITY. 'FTT A ATTi .,._. ®. ... . CLOT1H INGI OF ALL KINDS AT ~T. JACOBS & CO. S, 27 ACID 29 MnAIN ST.' THE CAMPUS. YOU the cti rieal ilixsetiat ti he D idi it evro, whoitm((atte till lure a lawiax ui L. GRUNER. ANSI TDS7ZO=CM taxi'ofi xeeklx N'a S7 .( Itith NtSl altre I arn do Neatty stI' inpttlit. ____ kniow' that 1I1 ~?Ihmond Straight Qt.failutre in tivt Noi. t sure'ly is xOxWi CIGA RETTES. nue alr r g irtt Sm krwh (((tre ilgto nayiaitlt he wsh th Iore t l t he ])li,( 'c / I t i t i i t f t he ; u r i a - t 1 C l r b itt((.i ai ii i iti i -e ttiN iIll find Ar TorS ANgsupBaik t tsaitrii01 till other's 8rlOites nito and od, l- artsodhetiallion te b Of the Alnrican'aolato l Co. iii (7j it ii iii' nIi In pc av oriapr tltix a tteahuf ttun ti itli1 "r S'l la rta 1. N1'r itieibrr !cu to itemthttCu xx f ora~t t a i t 'at seed in'''Novemtber lx t~ivr it ttit i itaitnic- N-s am l' i cit tltrthes At llmwartd Iyi'ti'rdatyAdeliert classitolit 94, xxis out ini at iitile scull, xxwhi'ni it xxsix apiziedl aitdti ie iwaix adrtixied.iIl isitfeet tiati itn- doutbeidlyxcaugh lt intthtei'toe-straips. tie haiIltibei rowxii'gtx No.i.1in thte c~er it b ntoat.I tit 'T'ileLinlvesit . i-iltit it osen THOSE NEW DERB-YS? $2,00 $2.50 $8.00 DON'T MISS THEM Potent Leather ,Blucher~s. GOODSPEED. M ilittotpy and Art Go.ods. ;0 tlast IIk ISt. W. I. HAWKINS, Proap., Speaa gilln s tuadIla(>t . il t sacal SHORTHAND UR IT WILL PAY YOU.03Sbortband Schooat Sew Biling, SISouthStaIe Street 1it }it st' 'li f it ' ,-' c i c nt it E E I 011-ice iti'e tpruistir ittbait r'ace." res'itedi'l iit an ayxic'tatry ueit xcave trt ses'two ieuei'iiitte iiizter.iantdutile cat u 'i Ct i' , illttheir rance.Telgtblues c Iaptturid ii guruIt beiteve evtite u ht-lipurihi aie ittingtng(ra n xgiv elenxo"tet trbl itc'amlt highittihurdletiraceg,(hrnier ieanie tf the xwriter, thtrowting anthtree-milhe rates,xwtiile J. it. JtoHiNiti tN . the huntdared syanrdstti resultteti in a _,r. I ideadt heat. -my nmember of the ais whto experts to ase-bali teanmsitottld naeimdia~ltlto t NtiTtl'-All candidates for 925' base-bailtleant wili be expected to practice on thte campus afternoons from 4 to 6. F. D. GEKEN, Manager. tifafl, for coal, wood, oil sod one of tite directors: Sandersotn gasoline, st J. E. Harkins', 28 E. Friedman, Whitehead, Nicholson, $ir"0 street. or Hail.