THE U. OF M. DAILY. '.D'ilL ore than $300,000 has beents e- ---+.+--X- WEWILL. FOR THlE NEXT FOUR WEEKS Pu blihed 1ly(un5 s xepted) durng USN ESS LOCALS. Offer five toss of papesr of ati kinds to Ute sold1 by the poundi at regular murn i im~rnvmxmT A _npI~mnxii ill rates. rs ouro w isn tImperial Lineni at cents 1per I r THE U. OF It. IN DE 'UihlIiNI T F PIOU1) . I[Ntices insertediti sclm nt her e of I7 Bnts er ine.Spe i-rtest-' rii huge --- ' Goto E. Bt. Badt for coal. 'ltlIst s wishecs its sitiscribiers I Bth,,s tireit 1P. F). Itarbel o p. a pleatis priii.hlidayili. \ltliml-1iiji N te is tur senliors at ltaiilall's. the attittte studenti(0eslnot iteshaust C( ' 116lttti 011l it J.liols Mtate 5t. himself Ili stu dy , vet a period of rest \liy 0 it tl I i 'i'-i. aiui andl retreation at this tinge ((f the 11it11. eDo lit'tle-i's "' 1ite in Lot- scar is terty 'Iscptabe ad la (ol" w iill te toliec -d t litheFOpeli k liil. Itts ttI tt x ot ttcseli 'liii: liii s tokes the s1lioitstloltt T i-T.A.A.&ti . Itiltras ticket tha te ar o te ampisado~l- unilill ip. i 't itifit.Tn i t'yidaittilanti the hli sitarlcte i dos t i n l I Ft liii' u ty then'iuiluth is wekto c t iotnsute Illit I-it Ute iuitteil - nlon forthe lse f th clas le~ie Sli lli 1tickts. Ol i c cnal. felno 1 on at tilt i tiotitiralits to cliiStudentsi hisl- t e loe oft he hos olidyto a d he i li iii ii( erifcaes iTe T.,SlA.lA.i t it. ipratc itltitl ii llitititst ln h111 1 iwa ilsele c r inti-ckets - sitititicr' trt' sou cout-t t s till lltpintt still tisi an atdUtal t tt (' not b intrferd wih. ''he sits i s n t e itUdo, iitits u-it' 2. St. roor cifo r bo tit. lli s-iit tt oi r ther Nitt) lsil Rit way t idte "T"IF:,1 is('01siera le iss tisac Apil 1at ndI 11.iitit os to itys ''' l Il) ico a th a tio o th A A .re a- ti'u litti-lati grmuscl ttn t.l ii tiltdis niusitt fteason iic'tttrthst all..1,si oetxctedie sixpistations.apii'c hve A. U. t I sli ity. 'M-crow ifori t fh Wiba lanc o duthis' additinal a tion tken Isi IIIl~t s '.101yes'lye i l 'rsie o11a11111 i. (lisatisaoiol. Iy tits Icti i'llHW1 o Io(% ltil ul i t i ly'ttt si t 'they liii 1lilt' i'tilt;'tltts ticetst (not1 inclsO iigitic cl 5 itt ICood ardave ueDetoi. Y ucl Ipotit-Ittttund.od Ppe, ''hiis, andTytpeIwrite rtatper it it pcieatis reituteditrates. till I TATE ST.~ BU$IflC$ t1' 'I F c.:itit tires. --- J\\--- -- N70tESSSOR tr./Chica r. NI)12 . lN C3NSt ALNEINL LEN WTiERCHERa S AEekRA.US. OU TFI TTER Youtttcti i h Iut -ii Linte oh' Fine Furnishing$~ Adler's Kid Gloves, Feris's Kid Gloves, Ilalf'Ilose at a B~arg" -AL PAL L L~PT SHIRTIS [iF ALL KJNB Made Io Order find Salsfat /i Guar'anieed. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. tinte TabteIs ng into effect, Ni liy . 0 Alunkwo xpressiadtBail. hit. I'lcsutiiii'i wiiscc -........I1>; II Mist ee 'tc atil J NV.cU.tBEi\EAP, it. S. G tI sNo') Recreation for Stutlelts. THEL OLION IO"JS )' UWITMORC LAKC, In fine trim for season of 189' Modern conveniences, corte01tetet lgn o n oas ac aladmsc" Proprietor. ict' itsf homute ottites. 'tlelisoarcof sitlcectuics i(4the.1uc S -A I T --tk + picse ini thealeisstiucusiettof all .i.~jjL l'L V L biratichittsif atlelt ics.'t'lte- shossuld I o ttitflttiiigt tiuil rcceus t'the titoral adtitnancuttuial sup-tiuates s-ftwit' efuirnilsttiditoiiirtquest for piort of altl mentinitcolliege, for wst-t 'utiitiie''ietItnvitautionts, (;ass-D)ay Prougaitmties, IFratertityt titotuery es-er aitiont they utnderttike; for they, "Mena anittGuist ('tids for Ittitilets from niotwsitng thte exigencies of thte andu (Clul tDitters.,IDance trougrammties, andi all otheur kitids itt college swock. ease, cats ieciide far store wtisely Our statiotiery ft alwaiys notaible for thtan the getieral college pubhlic. its hiandlsomie engraintg, corract formi, andunouderate trces. The Calendars can nose he oh- A C, MOCLURG & CO, tained at thte Steward's office. CHICAGO. i I