THE U. OF M. DAILY THE BE8 T BA RGA IN YE T Our X 120 i.i)Blank ('hr 5 tot Sping;t O)vterc(oats. (Cll and'seetheni if t ' w antt atie,. tte l o w Shape, De joillvill oiur-iii-hand". Ie te thtise HI. los t the eilits ithat li"ts tihem~. THE T WO 0AMSw Z, BLIT~Z. Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highiest. Guiar-anteed every itlell of the readl. Violi n aldGuitar strings, 10 ets.; IBantje oil anld noin Strinlgs, 'ets. Every thintg 1 in opotione. (1(1 LII. Clement, ELLM III z ±L N O & OP .. ~TR.ATTE AT BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORlN IRI MAIN AND Ilt'1ION TIIEI'IS. 1A 51 (Nt S"I I ti TILETl'GOODS AND)PIt (CIl S is t Ill ('(N D CIt sEto I' THE CITY. llll Aro amo l1b~llaRmY, VOORHEIS & DIETAS, ±DOJ' r.T_0-0 IDOV7W--Vi WOVTIT+ BS WOKITH CIYt STATE ST. TAILORS, FOR FOOTW EAR-.T WORKi CALLEDEORanI DELIVERED, FIRST CLASS WORK. SLOES for J3OT" LAPIES aqd GENTLEMEN. Ott100 - 23 South Fourth Ave. -5LLeiW - thI. ' 22 SOUTH STATE ST. LEMMON & BOWDISH. .___ f i~trWAHR'S 00OK STORE, DOWN TOWN. "'er i det w sill satve tllitl' iev 1)y su itng t'nisersity e xt-ltosi ad 4,1 l i pp stltiii ,It II(etdlptatters. 1!e <1111)w LEAD~ING B11110R1'. lIN tHll 1ITY. L ITU nr ' The Press Associattuot. Itelreii lltetittI)ti COu IcO7ef{I ed (-osituili ia e fact thttiirs5Ite sttretis 1ittetl_'atei t'. litM. itil rehasree ti I ssud''t ]il t iil t til e sltgt lltss anittity 1 OF ALL KINDS AT e ti ti itt 111for tte putrposte of liltrm- 11oss itleyi.i m ig t'estiplsell. The list J.. rJ.A.COIBS & Q*'5,tuink t ress Assoieatiotn. Ti saa nthtiere tils tlitrtuitgii retvisedl tinve ill the righttdiirectiontanth e t andticoirrecedtlby tilt' ostoitice, thtis 27 AND) 29 MAIN ST. _ I1 sitsis t t ietob om eded for takt too, tatvtng teen donle bitt a short L. CRUNER. ite initiaive ini an lnepie itte agoi. It atddititon to thtis a final Dele5r tg tlepin QQ-71..A2t9D which'ltltif sttcceessfttl, trill be ciofmitetrevs itsntsas ttatde ittttedatelylscfore Noe8 Sot'iltttiit lr). Ite1'iaiingdtt 01'N etalyt itndt'retititt. _ valtte to te jtoritals Coitcerised. irititing. so thtat thte twhole is now i~hmn.d Straighvt QClt. 'Iltere are already tiroitter-collegia'te prtically cirrect lto late, and to. t tress assoi atiotis, tihe Nets'I tiltlc thteretorte tntespecriallys vattlleefa- CIGARETTES. atnd thseCentral . 'lThese tat.e been torteiof liieibooti tigartei' Siterttiiit successfltl.andtil enic is n(,) reasitu fudgil i kittilelt ti onn o air iinft til t i i tt I i"a i(1111-i(dtli the i' 11 t tsitlt-i it tle sttI I ii ) }3 tti r wtli t o all theilurs" Tlist t ilt tst oeftt s iii 11alltirI till/i -'°" CIA No . i tiltt it itiare 5 ad e o i( hiC t tin t th ue ittoris ld thovS i-Al 'ndd t s vr'02r st tr At I I N t IN1t'tl) a ndt. ii stb()-t3) itast. lit1thtestis 33 S St tie, they d tAfnAlrbno.r aing BnktHECAM'' au lt of tnti'ttrtc oiitheiitaliiiets iatteroons purl ws xe lt )ta t e r tlellit ears7it h r t e t o uld s bte aip tol itisl i tenhu g C neet Cu t3Net o eti mlitttt' ti andteirsts( thateshatl ice. 'ltote1. i'ti.tivi tsg '1' Itttn m s lwoti. 1o s 1n . v( Itt'litri ortat eatime li d Iite o e e e r, e(1e--Al heit,,tburg Gnttc'rrnc I tne lati ofteA e Ici' t aI tin IC ir liccr oat. I ' h.vlslt til i e s a tie cOtert l flnu sto eTHE Achtux, I- PityatItlty 11Iausit111 sv ithl h it' ('lak "tber, a - lct io be altylitte sot tlStt evrvste il() An ArhrN't tCtI ItolstltasislenStuck111 rtor5Tter treseersl f tt AT 1.11W t'tttIer the erlM t it cesrseil Cosotey wsllt s ra pe w h as die tts v tstvtis attesrd it heforeits itt's nd SLIeealOttovs e aud(ilicitire sftldhesie to (,ol iltt te rito e ht nd I Iy tlrEi burgtd Ct ncesrettC to nt. I Itteir Irtatee.of it. 'Iltashedttprnstittlttell i~Dltilll, for tct oo, etl t t hexir ttea ive ge oc e v ier, lof ian lnh stey e elst'ne tt I )~ i . . I aNve rkets , 2 . trietlttge ay' o t e s Ce evoo Den tt.'ittt' sit, shert.sthic ap ers tth elOp~ye tt nttstod 1It11'Oitstreet. o i mis ecefromtttthe tac rity oter ites andttr llre u a i o si L--- --- -- hI tgs ith5l nit" l'Mchand11ii se ueitt teState.Agetsfotr :Ma rtin. Ititiisutn, Woldsnth smito ittiadrss t 5 cnt flt11ttlitfoViolin tiGit t Iiit till's,,ac HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NEW DERBYS ? $2.00 2.50 $3.0 DON'T MISS THEM Patent Leather iBlUchers. GOODSFEED. iMillitnery and Art Goods. :41ittitHurnSt. «'. tt. IHAtt'INS, trop., Steialt I slut to Stiiirs. ltits cll SHORTHAND Co R 5 . I 1 WIL PAY YOlU. ShthndiitchooltNew Bilutdiungh)' toth tt tretut.