___._. A !"t ' T 11.5-0 SOAPS TIMSE fAi31.., Mill fa s lrts'tsssest t hss e root 555of the utu :i i11 5 555a5 5.'nt.i''5tt.a'.5G> 5 ..> i. Mix .AN Ami-: l I ::. (IU(l 1 1 '.Bj 'Tl A v 11 ~ 1 55 iNs'il 5 ...'51_ .' 55 5 '5 c .,issis c s Itsissi Isis is~ l t'5i sIt t1Iss h it- 0 IO . s C 0 155 ab st it. 55, ..5 li5.5, 5 . it,., Lind 1.111,5 is> ::.50,.ls's It 11.,:t (a uai1,il isisi sl l , 1, tho he51 s t ills. mlvt11sit1i 13. F. CLA~RK, Manager Ilti)iiNiit55. .t( 1,75,551, 1i b1('iaslritt a(ut' Lelive ANN 1555555 from Court Howe, sit '111(1 sit1tleautill g s'lssggt i. - r id om t u 8 (I1 1'A5 NI )11s.1. iPORTLiAND5, OE. t ~t> 1i(,11 sI. , st.xt ssI Isllsont,. ,n 01 . i lr'oiW. ls)l ti td. ll ill to ( a' tsissgosS t corntr.o1.15 s it iad>5 Irsssis Sstssyoslltt'. -w-_riV11T> A.I OLL 2011' >50 ets1>5k5s1(tt 5 rIs'sm-..ssst saes,.'.,5'jis ~ELLIOTT & SHUTTS, Proprietors Manu l u Yol ca sae tley tsy gingi tis.Way11 to PEOIA . I II._ Pl Es , ts 'that lhsss' Ieens iii ro uss Vstried1i'sA\nsss Isis and 5 5551>en1 Is' Ii's tI '.1'151t I. The Asi by 's 1cia1," Ash~y " O Xteid,' 'Hat'vad.' L,.'sltistdi -rtv1 iS'.. Positios filled,230(01. Seks Tea'.l' ar mbitiosu.s for as!' cncersent rathser thsan tier">evwithoust 1PO>ST 5 I I I G.H. WILD. i1,1111s s,111c tist'Isstsim't SisjisdsijIcit11,111s tssssts s 5 I~ lr i ~u i tt< el tsc.:111 Ietes>tss ss ls i's sstss i s ii Its'1'iusis a1 1 sss .11 t)-r° ai;5 'Vt. sI' 51.I.I. Is >55111 hiIN >a'No. 2E.Washington St.,near Main. G. H. W1J ADiKFO -- £' ATrL'T HII a uTV i u rnI ir im nwr3I-jS-iLSS PIE I HIGH CLAS$ CORRECT ::STYLES Spring Suitings ANDI Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. New Colorings ( Trouserings. Novel~ties in Fa' cy s esinigs-Iivtry- liisg Neiwa-Stylish andis S sonisiale st 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, - - - MliC 1. ST' r.,illS v "5 55 )I5 isi iii BLANK1{BOOK1$-' Folr tsene'xtthu 'iy 5lays 555 5 i I si 15 N IN Hiii 5ITY inch111 1eari lWhlistseIPlates - - - - cs. periset 7-incis damin 5tinssChinaPltes- -40 5 s. per set 7 inch'iiSrni-pssrrelisi, Booste's Pisites - - ;-)s rts. peri'sri Pearl White II'llil Tess-- ---- ---8ctrs. per set ,adamanstotneis'II 'situ'''as - - - - 50i it' s.perset Boote'> s emsi-porcelasin II'd l'es- - - i t. pei set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. DEAN & Co. THE CAMPUS. Halrry ibooths swho firerd the re- volv ersit us>euusotor roan, has ibeen ieisd to the sirruit cousrt isr trial. Thei> large5st uitversity inithe sit ait Casiro. It iisis idt s'avein, - 00o sudsenits. N sill tso scomip1eslitoirs to sign Ihir raessito aits l srticles wistentiy the hie s sa ssed the i>senaste (of the sNinstitotsi legislattire. Thei weatiher has ibeen sucs tht the> footlsall teanms of the Utivsersity of (Califosrnia hasve beensalt to kep up pracietis dutrig thse isinter It is repsortedl that the> heir ofJ ohni Jacol) Astor's immnsne forttine, W~il- lisaum 'Wsaldorf, isas proisedix to give ~Iooostoo tos endiow a ntegrol Usi rersity at Oklahomua. Iiasrsvart!, 'Vale sansdthe Slassas lii sells Insstitute (if'Techsnology get the> blstk of the Philip Exeter grad- niates lext Ifall I Harvardi getting fosrty, Vsale twrenty-twro. Tihe fact that Vsale iassts rely en- tirely upoun tio freshmnen tiosccupy 5the pittiher's bosx tisis yesar shld inispire its with sillsfidessce as tio our ablit-to tsdIefeaut iihese, outrsorthyr lhe>Hiiasrs!niiseissisasle tspas foillos: IUptons, 5.; 1Hoiwe, .; DIick- isisn, 5 ib.; lrsstlsissgssss, 2b.; C'iook. anls Dean , -b.;S IHavery, is. ;Cor- hell, rf.;I Holloswell , cf.;I Deanisisis iFrstltitigiaii, If. :uir. jest hugs isis jusst retuirsied fromsi(Grant!Ratish ier> lie hias bieens workisig in the isterest of Newbierry IHIall. It is likely that several G5rsand Rapids fisrnittire firnms still assist ini ftrnishsiing Neisherry- Ini our reviewv of the Castalian yesterdlay, the senttencte referring to Prof. Scott's song shtousldiiave read, 'lT'e priz> sohig hy F. N. Scott is a mnarcihing song, something the U. of Mit does not have (instead of lose) ansi destined to he one of onr faint- it> songs." N s5iCf -Gym suhscriptionis can he isaid at Steward's office frons I to S o! Aprii. Office hours 9 to 9:30. T. it. HINCii'sAos, JRs. NOasCE-There wiii be a reguiar meeting of the Oratoricai Associa- tion next Tuesday (Aprii 7), at 7 o'clock p. in., prompt, in Roonm 24 Main Building, for She election of officers. J. L. HANER, Pres. WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JE WELr-" islAiN SITR E.T ya~ Speial ast tetn aid toiiirepiingi M.W. BLAKE, PICTU'RES, IF"RAMsES, A 1' ARs OD. l etHrnFERDON LUMBER YARD, Mauactuiislrer of andiei ialer in SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM-ScP ('sr.'sourthi andi uDet Sts. J. HALLER 0. M-NMARTIN, Cloth Caskets, Metallic J. A.POLHEMUS, "155Tu1iIAIis NI)1151E6 3-^ F iN Northi'iMai stt RINSEY & SEABOLT, iiksiandsdiasrs in Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed. k> andsi18 E. Wasin~gton SI. JOHN WOTZKE. Maus1'r Of fineI I.ADIE S' aad(t~vNZl' %lslOEd'-4 Withs (le returis of' the Base 2$ Seasssn, swe shall he preprared to fUr' iiisii all tihat is iiew and desirable in UN IFORIMS FORl Base BaliLa 'teinnis, ('ricket, La Crosse, Yctn aiid for ail Outing uses. Our Shakes Swsester for qualify aind durability isay no equial. Our line of Bause Ball SiiW piies, Bsats, Balls, Masks, Blody i'° teeters, Catchers' Mitts, Lsawn ' Lenlii1 Supplies, etc., etc., as in former se'as' oils wiil defy compieititioni, ,We arie jiistiy proust of our large college fOl 10iosig, idie as we sire awaire, toii superior quiaiity of our goos. is esteens we aims to strengthenfl rtiiL seasois to seasoniiii the imov of our goods where it is possible. Cor- respoindeince desiredl with inflagers 0 all college dlubls. Seind for our SewY Cataiogiue of Simmer Sports and Lsx forms, Al. & B. free to ansy siddress- A. G. SPALDING & BROS.,- CIICAGO: PHILADEL i5IlA 108 Madison Sireeh. 10112 Chuestniut * et NEW YORK: '.41 and 243i Broadway. Thi>eseocrats, in caucus, iast 5 M~ Iigist nsinated NV. G. hDoty, a Hasrvaird. 'ale, U. ostf'M. ans iveirrsal graduate of the Literary Depart- muent, for mayor, aindIProf. lAT. tE. COLLEGE + OTF ITTER. iCooley', for psresidenst of te councii. Sporingantl Atbietic Goods, At the Unity Ciuh, on tMsonday Basse Bail ansd'Tennsis evening, P'rof. George lHempl iwili Goods a speciaity. read a psaper on 'Getting settled in 10 AND itJIARIVARD RO0W, Bleriin." Cornet msusic iby Mr. 0~iMB R2DG , M SS Mr. Collins, piano music by Miss ISURf.EiGf &sJOLLY, AO3EN7SS. Mininie Davis.