Published Dully (Sundays excepted) during the Collesge 3year, by TiE E U. OF M. INDEPENDENT AsSOCIATION. Susritonpie'-1,50seepee, invaiablyti t 1a vn e dinleiicotll is : its. ()11 ide at (evenng at t 'clockI, s cii i ' ties 111.3. he left ntthe off letcif he Opert }loin- b lc lit-tietg sli t lix txt r ih n (it'xciiitile: I tteditors.titit 1)-.mifTHEU.auf to . DAILYslv dy Ann Arbor, Mtich. EDITORS. AX 'iii 'xi iii t '55 tIanaittti 0Ediitoe. liC.sts si 5 c' it Asix st. Cla 'ttitigtttg li It iLix 'iT It It-Asis'ts MaittitgE. or .I CcTA Ix ',itli Xcttti Mtitter.Mtt'te C. It t , T,9 si t ttsinessMait. r F. ,1Dot cirn" 1N1. Ii Ast Ticta i i i I I THE U. OF M. DAILY. wioild be tdebarretifromx its use at- fur setittitantieseiare theine I T T Q C ~ Y ~ b R forwho itis spcialy eedd.WE WILLIFOR Till N'EXT FOUR WEEKS ittle Iitt cc'Offrtirve titns it tater itt all kidstt tobe solt by thxe 1xound at regular Tihe anl eeting ofi the l'ade' S1irtilets. 'eetitle('rown ilImpler'ilinenllllat 25 cenits pee Lietary.\ssoitionit sill bele It 'ltinii poiuld. BondtlPaper, Thes'is, and(1 Typewriter Ptiat l the licrare itotntlea, .-Apcilt ; txI GeeatBa-gnsJits ettpes I to alth altltpapers p. it. 'ietsticc ae cetilcitetlatl Preatly redutedt rates. 2..; p. i ci m. 1c. (5 .5) are ~lctc O to be treset. -Mrs fit 7w. ITnial The1,11O i1 tiec all)ii iltoIs to itt IS rv ~ncIc tttl ii SIc tttlicoti Ili Ric ett ( . I. _'h laII thttot NSit . (cln tecc tot ccplet oni BUSINESS, LOCALS. THE LAT E CEPETION (It the Seasoniwil tPtlb e tel P~SILcANTI. DAILY tt ow,'t t h t t htil t fii il am un o tnnyfr h niasasuedithlctioofthe1"igwl ot tae protposited 1 so illmothsalgoitcli soctes i titi t i tin cilof tiltforthle puapselni Soth It te ist. ade dioule ss vatl i s tcIto i the ssteo te tui ng se wrce i ili itr 01se 1. lit lin th i o he maoifteof ls)u- cetstit so l b lcei'd oti. l the ttteec c iitt thtisti ha~t ote ispiceLi it hitlocig n te a p sistutuci'it itg to y etrctd0a d it w.ouldjie~t touch lit oo eg t ed i t he Fall gru d h11)0 el' be sartil e td. sImt th r ss fii n: cli t e lithe 1111 INt itts i :~tilll 1i;'.]lli h a(} l~l'II'l~fI~l li('l2SJf' otilt. y't' t ite ii'cs. itar cor iaIyli vitd.lieo 5 ii lt 'B. I i "iii.and "11111 ltttitteassurte ts atc 01at Pl.i TERCHErberE Ihop.IA Spet a e Ie f1 eelsa il hipeci I'. loni d S -eoo1401t 111 dsliet, iMt el l ' 1ititthlit stlitl l'.los tl . ll Otto i t '._____ __ 1'o 1ttt io11 tc i l slll5st r,5 1" 11wIv .( le der 011stv i lt tiprm 71'Fort SO'W htailDe.exit, 'm . Al~ traMcinIurg{a necoads ha c eee exettos ,,fIv sodiheinfsc ineo odsiihsz o U city Now for he blanc of his2 scoo ya w wllgvevota wieGRA T NP KTGLisLLS ___ Ns)ill thit. toN s''. 8 TA TE 8T. SOU TFI TTEP Yo i t fi It l "il Iitlle of Fine Furnishing$ dlier's lid1Cloves, Perrins's Rid 1 lov'es, Haslf Hose at asnag'al LI ALL C-jRT3)II SHIR'TS LI? LL KI['II) Madet.'o Order and Sa'isfac/iQtt Guaranteed. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. 'Time Tab le going Itoeffect, MtutuY GOING N 11 t[. t Iat MIi. Il at't Pass ixee r ..... . ... 1 t. I tcast E xpressi . . ......" b Gten. IPass. Aget. Lotil tO tiltereit 01wIitt'he111 cssitie lto tile !' Sli'pecial rfinll tsipils w'testi- 1R3 ' ni o ~spera )p© u ;5 busiest ofthilltui. No x oti t ho tise' mateisswiltlit' furnsishedtil iiru'tluucst fur cdfsli. 8,1(1 titlit ittitlil stietlitvatiteoeslet ot liettpettuslilles 1"etsterttity .Slfsi13l)1e who coul spend lMistsepartiofProgram es rternistfr tsuuupets, their litte in athletics teouldthieier situ ('tuh Gusitrdtltcs'orgs'ttssllt's R YA LJINbUKU'I tate spacious grotuinds cecuietedlsndil stuttu'riinlsof college 'ammeork withl the Gymillevessit it twere a mite Ossr staiontsery is atlcays ntablse t'fur 1XAItL'4.U"IA iway troxiiitile Camus. ut if it its lhandissoesngrainug, erradct fortmC, i ttss fth ss risso ct ansd ssodterate telesis. LC S opsdo h etatsso ct took a fifteein or twyenty minutes ' ,- r.em-- alanitn ltNatiotial soups. wvalk fromitile(University to reachtAC VeSILID D tJ Prices,- 35, 50 and 75 Ots. the gymnasium, msany a busy stutcent CHICAGO. feats sin susie at Po'ttstnice Nes stand, l OSatssda3 at t) o'loch A. M.