of l. alA \- o.. I-N _. .I> UN IVElIISITY OF1i\IICIIIOIA\, SATI DAY, APIRII. ,4 IS9i. I RxcE, lxiv-iZCENxxS. THE JUNIOR HOP. The Most Successful Hop Ever Held. 'lle byofx lintepe pariations forCihe Juior Hop xillii charge, earii resoved i lxmakeithe 110) til yiai thein ost Osuccessfl Ii harationiixnur lbrtbteey tzixNa s inn rexxxxc afi xix 1)111 iheretofore. IlxxIlpis x b-x ternities. Tlix fraterxit1 ies- xre xas follioxsCh Pi, AiixixxD1ltaxxi, deii~l.aixixpa Epsiloxx Sigmxa Ixixi betali, 'i up~silxo, uLa 'Tixeta Ph, l Kx Ixappla Psi andxl Delia Taxi 1tixa I lie commxxitlee having xlie lireparationinxxcharg;e ws cxxxix- hosed of theo folowing: G. C. I teoxix'genecral chiman;ixWX. 2M. J~onxtnex . WNIIisner, G. J. 1hxxda,~ II. T. Smnixil, coxixliijee Oi Ox itaxioixNA. 1). Rathbioixe, 11. - Illilex 11. Ii. Statler, W. C. h~ilixixix ix .11. Lxarrabee, CxiiiR- Anthnyxr.,11. ,. arrdle1.r(. cor- baiiil Ii XX N :2orrax, C. (2. War- dell, receptxxincomitteeiic. PI'ec coraionsxx of thelin siii r- Iassedlxixxxiitig of xlie kindxlecer Cttxiilxicxl iere. The xwork of e1Coraiiio wxxxin xx charge of i Dletroi fixm. Thie lbackgrounxd tl the wallsivas a idark red, relieixed bsy frcxequet groups of fra- tnity exmbtleis, andxlflags. 'lixe °ierlocad decorations were the finest, Ylloxw and bloc being the lprevail- g1 colxrs. Wlhile tli aesthiet i tte displayed iii the use of soine of the colors was not very good, the general appearance of the room wvas quixite pleasing. The south end was Stapart for refreshmxent booths andc the spectator's space occupied apart of the east side. Potted plalnts in different portions of the kltxk added greatly lto the appear- ance of the oos. Cibson's art parlors xere used as recption rooms and a coverexd pas- sge admitted the guests to the sh.nk xcegrand nmarclh started Shorly after io o'clock and was led by Mxir. James Van Inwagen, Jr. and hkiss erthia Baker, of Toledo. The iMiuiic for th evening was furnished bSchremser's Society Orchestra, of 1Detroit. n irchstrafur- cell C ariillciDavexxxAdionIves xxx VINGl thexx perieniie of College niixixcl teliii xx x iic or te . Ic7 l lixixix Iicuixrii-' -xxS it.Me xra ,x xxenI el x o kxnowx axiii applrecixate ixxcx o lx.li xiix i xivc ci x o 1 i-oxi dii Jnnie x~Ives. ElxiI- (xi-oxci ixialrxel(,rroxi'i xxxki mprtixili slxx wex xx oxlx.directly il',xx i -loI .chee \C xix x-lsss l''ixxxIti "ixF. ih. x xx lxxerix' fo aiIo d l n m tra 1 li.(ru-~ 11 aiv)''triii.iour iamiid-, and othierx ixxprxxcious~ lar dic esw rea flow -'isilisti-. iiiNY x lix Meoii nxi Sx ii- - th let ) ii lt e (l xxlz___- -s iii ii xx xx xrei 11 sxio iici Badg s of .1 x i ndsxiuxix i . ar xx xii,._.._-----i---Prxet-ty-iix I iiilxii-x i xxxii-"-__- si-i-i-i Wa nfa iri d in this ollll & '\ o waltzk-----i- --- sai f o(Scrx e i lt- issxiMelxlni, olPorxxix x liiiilxi i'xt(NCtOiI2'IIS IC .IEVES. xokt__- --hsh"xxxxxxaxcher Rl ch u _____arerTom so ,_AN______G JE EL RS Walxixi-________'Gonolirsx---- xxSullxi Mesmsxlxxxc xilxxxxxagecx DIrGlxxxer, ________ -____ Poikax--------Eiquietxte -- Conxtexxirxmax Peck, Chapxlin, -ad Mxxll~xNisses htexx Chapss. Sp~neller -& (. watxci -_....Cixrie"--__ --_ cxxxixer Nx y xxelrxeI xilx" ' "I Schotiscixe--_Skirtnci_--v---N----lWeler, Cliaini, xiane. Nlessr-s Bill, University Outfitters, Waxt__---"ViriexnaWxxxmaxx...'-rusxxxlexyworthx. Dexxx, VI cx txxxxxexx Buidx- ice"i---_ ---.-- -'xMxrks Bra dley xandl l'xrily. iof Chicago. 202 So117 STAE S Trix. Poxlkax-------'Vixna----.-- ixixxtrg N-xrx.(xxxmmxinigs, MNisses Doxdge, Cixixx Gaoi -----iixiitex cmxxxi- - - 'xiegxxxx inxxgx, M~itchell, Scxtlt, exaxierxxaxxl E rNx-G3 L..I S8 - scihottische-x-- xilePci ---"Scix rnxx It-. D xxdge', xf Toxlxedo. Walz____xi ---Lxxv Orxxxxxxx ixxxxxi oeer i rxxdix NxxxxlMixIlcxenet. Mlxx Wxxoxd,1\V T 1Tm QTEQ Tuie proxgramsx xxere itx.exixot xan r. NWoxxd, xf Jaxckxsxn. 1liULINIUU.LJ uiqxupe axndltastxycxver ixedIHere. Ntsxes Haxxvey ixalnd-edith, xof_____ Thexyxwere ofxlie ciuxtoxiaryxxflrmiiiAuroraxxxi.i xxnvixxchaxisxxixi-sinxCovxerxsx ixlixixiixI cxss lllki i-v iaidhTryxxxi of Nx-Ion- T fl V7 GOOD $ iithl ine ci ly esignedilUt of NI.I Ix xnxdxlMlx iss ixix.chf Almux. moxxnogrxamxinxxcolege colors. rs.iindOlixsWdo Nixxrtx, xof Fort ENLS SRG There xere prexsent aboui~t ; i Wne x, IndxiGLSHS-G ixests andxlox o spiectatoxrxs.xxx Iarge Iiss-Brenrf NVxasilixgixxii 1). (2. - ~ a miiiercoiissth iikxxrx NxxScrxantonx.of Sxault Ste. -nixre. 00. ---N mm vN'U3-xm'N muixch. Tlisix xas the xixyxunpleasxx -'issxesiHollixsiand Bestx, of Bositon, .. xcaiiii- axxi featuxre iboxtitxlvhi p.ITlitla ss. -I x xxi x~xi.ox.-it-0t x, m(- Itown xle xsdame Defe,-i' malx l;llissoes xxas xuxnusalyIxrge. A gexntleixixn iwho has attenided every j uxior I-op inx thieixast texi years, renmarked that the dancing and the costumnes were the finest lie had ever witnessed here. 'rhe chaperones were Mirs. J. BI. Angell, Mlrs. Janmes Van Iniwagenof Chicago, Mrs. J. C: Rolfe, Mrs. A. E. Warden, Mrs. J. IH. XWade, Mrs. Miaxiwell, of Cincinnati, Mlrs. Geo. 11I. IPrentis, of D~etroit. The booth for the chiaperoines occupied the northwest corner of the rooxu. It was tastefully furnished, and dheco- rated with yellow anul blue, and wvas the cexter of attraction throughout the evening. 'Thie folloxwing is a list of those at- tending from out the city: Mesdames Chapoton, Griggs, Prenitis, Randall, Van Sycle, Rbinscon, Me- (Graths and Lyster; the Misses Prentis, (lie Misses Chapaton, Misses Van- Sycle, Garrison, Lamned, Blarnwell, Emerson, Katherine Smith, Mackay, Utley, Randall, Addison, Smith, Leg- h'xiiibxxll andil Gillxxlxaxnd,if Xdri-axo. Mrs.IBuirns, Fawcetlt, axid Dr. Wxar- ren, of Kalamazoo. Miss Cxrpenter, of Clevelrnxi. Miss P-otter, of New Bedfordh, Mass. Mr. Ackerley, of Cubxa, N. V. Miss Grier and Mr. Spauling of Charlotte. Miss Bourns, of Hudson. Miss Harris, of Wellesley, Mass. New Daily Board. 'The Indepeindent .ssociation nmet in Coons A at cc o'clock, to elect editors for the ensuing year. Sonic time isas spent iii discussing a pro- posetd amncdnment to the constitution providing for the election of editors at the endl of each senmester. The amendnment isas lost. 'Tle election of editors resultedh as follows: Literary-S. NV. Cuirtiss, F. ''D. Green, G. I.. Chiapcman, XIV. 11. D~ellenback, J. C. 'rravis, '92; NV. P. Parker, F. E. Jancnette, C. B. Dy- gert, '93; C. NV. Ricketts, Charles NWeller, '94; D. B. Chieever, 'gx. Law-I-. D. Jewell, '9i: L. I. Abbott, 91; Ralph Stone, '92. Medics-Ruggles, '92; J. Arneill, 92. B]J{S K13B[Lb GOODS, WIIls YEAR _TRY A BETRPOITr- PEOTOGRAPRER, TOMLINSON, __AT- +236 WOODWARD AVENUE,+ LLt.GIVE1 YOU $PE:gIAL RATM$. TRY HIM.