TI-OK (W M AIL t 4 'T it I' 44141 1' .,~TlII ABLE.DEATH IS SURE. I orci}iwt h 44). I't\ , ;1.4.' " 1) 11}1 4 1.4) I 1 tt11l~ f,(4',44 :4.4 OiD K.311 I Ti C 'rI I l alt C.I' i W iton '410 . i0 4144 4 1 4 4 4 )4 4441~, 44 4444 ~~3. F. eL~tRK, Manager .4DeANN 34144041, ft olti Co rt4 14002,1o'i 4 e.4 44 4e )12442 ttt ~ 444 ); INN 44444 4 i' ;,4. NIi l' . 44 44 14 5 14. I '41 4 414. .4 4 94~4.44444) 1' .5,44' 1. a4)44444 11 11 -.4) 1 , 44p 444)hre4)cntl Iui, i~ie n I t1,1 144 5 10~.55441s. ill ~4414444H. ( ~i, rrsnhtcNRAShe , ELITT& HUTsPopoefr C L' 44rG44 I(}ti4't4tilit51 411'e.4 tiled4 at the los'44rate .of 4. 44 Olt 44444 1 44ta,441t t 1 n i e d o P tet.t l rlilc 'R , ,[4444044int ie I~ r ne 111Ml' itd a do d- ",~ rc ce - X 'L. W1 1 1JI - Plix 4 ;E 'i15 41that have4 be1)44 1404'44)..44.1 4') '41 44 7in X442 '4114W' 4 11 4el C'1424 4 54.21 titll The 'Ashlby Special,'"-Ashby,' Oxford,," Harvard.' Est.. 414.44 in44 8-1-.4 Positions filled1, 23050. oSee"1 T:2each, are ambtious 4f04 advancemxent rathe'r than th140se2withou.t, 4oiton "'1 '11 S 44111'.424241 4'] .1.1N SI. O 'V4414A44G. 444'H. 44(11WGDH W L No. 2S. Wshin'tonSt ,ear lain HIGH CLAS$ CORRECT ::STYLES Spring Suitings AND1 Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. Colorings New . IN Trouserings. Novel tics in441444cy)V7. 45444445154424 41414444 N 424' stx'1 ,14 4444 Sea1s4oable a1 49 SOUTH MAIN ST., GREATEST VARIETY cLOWEST PRICES 4 N 4144444. 444IN 14411.4444Y -inch.141earl i] e Pa14414.- -1-444.1 4..4 .4 I, stt 7 1444244 a m144444ti444 China I'lates - - - 404 cts. 4peri'set. in14114Seini-porc4'4elain44, 1444140 1.Plates - .)44cts. per s44 l'ear] White II'41141 Tlas - - '' - -:3('4t. per' set Adaman444tin4e 1144141 'pe(s4 - - - 50 441. 444.4'set L'oote'r 5ens1-por'ela14in 1141Teas - - -7.5 'ts. lper cut 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & co. ANN ARBIOR, MII CI. S. SAT i~A:i '4 45544444444.4444 BLAANK BOO1K$, -4N D---- .A..T OOS Fol4r 4th4' next. thirty 4114s. Harvardx, 44441, U. of4.44a n U'e4 444t COLLEGE + OUTTFIITERL Sporting andI Athletic Goodls, Base Ball] and Tennis4 Goodls a specialty. 40 AND 11 HLARVARID ROW, BIJELEIGIi & JOLLY, AGENT3. THE CAMPUS. '442s. .An44ell141s5in4 1.144441444 14442414 414 444 4442e interests 4)otf2th Ui4 42415. 11I'li 44144414e4l1242ee1444u1444]d1a)bout 14 4411ee2 1hund1red1 diollar 14444se2lIst 44ig44.. 14'144244444244n'.candidates2 xxi llay a4 444144'4 444444'm 14 4to-m ''orr'o m444 '444' on4 4114e(c4444444. ''ti .71 1ia Nti Literar.4y Soc4ietty4 xwiiscs the ' "Ita14 lian414 144 u4444t444444' Satu4rd1ay n44i414. 1P(o4. 1)'()oge4214214 14 paper4y4244 4421da)' 421244444, 1before42t14442iloog-44 14214 Societe4), 444n4mode4.rn Greek.1444244 44u1n44ia4t4414n4 N icke4rson4, 0o41142 New Y7.ork 7\tto- 142114' (144, 44444 4142 144414ju4444])t44t144 IIlarrx Athl.e4tes244wi4n444r 044224144' 04 Satuirday. I Iecl'are42d16 442424 i144421. Davis,4114, it4.'4424of 114he'41Milwaukee4'4 142144442 44444, a formecr student244 at t444 1_ 4iv'42siyWi4 '44'sconsin44, 4spent4 so44442t41444244414 spring44in14coa1444144 4144 c'olle4ge n41444. 14442e attend44an44ce at relie4arsal 144s b442444so)4bad(1 (44ri1g44t1442past few wee4ks t4444t te club last night tdeci- 41424 to withdrawv "Alonce' for 4141s 541seson4041 disbandl. T1442Colum4bia law school0 44104 has securcd gamecs with4 Yale, Princec- ton, Pennsylvania, Cornell, Lafay- ette, Lelhigh, 't'rinity, Wesley'an, N. Y. A. C. and Al. A. C. Tlhe base-ball men will not bc re- quired to remain for practicc during the vacation, but illis suggested tlhat as 444444)'45c4241 conven424ient4ly 4144s5, shoxuld improve that opportunityfor 441144]h144241wor4k. Newberry2424'HIll, 4114424 1444s14424 will ('(444414n44412 44f4412e41442e4st4audien1ce4 rooms41, 144 1442 'c4ty, 14214144444241444(442 14141y, ]proly seven442 hund1re4d.1 per1-421 sons4. 4Opera1444114421 442424)o be2 4u42(. T1442 isoi4144n414442of4l1as4 4s.4.4)44 wit 1444 7.114445414i1n44444 140x, 454s45424 4nigh4 invinc4ible,42 .w514441444444444421 41444 4the ;41 145'44kce4, :M1i444eapolis15 144(1St. Pau44 4214444, 4.44the2'Wes2tern441.eague44. 'Thecoll(4142442fo4442441044h1e42n4144- 4244112441442 oratori2cal leag4ue a1424, t14e 1_'niis'rsitx' 44f'4'iconsii , 4444442114, Nrl-etr and4 the t'24I4444 444 .444 7. '1142 inter4-collegiate con14444444sx'will1142 14e1(11i4l.74444 Arbor, ea44214'n144 . W44abashi Collg sltl y re 41144])44- c'eived2(1e542424241ndowmen4ts442 whi4c11h14are 4(t1o b e sedfor t1442con4strucItion4 of a new24 c1hapel, 4444111442establishmnent of4 two' ne42w chairs, 0one2 it Political' Ec24Ioomy and thc other i44 Hebrewv. '1he Dramiatic Club has disb4anded 1Rev4. 1\1r. Sunderland 4w111 speak next Suiitay morning, at the U~ni- 144211444Chu~rch4, in this city 04n"Thie 'Trial 4444 Conviction of Rev. Htow- 4424 'MacQueary." In the eveining lie will speak at Cleary's Htall, X'psi- lanti, on "'The Bible, All or None." No evening service hcre. Reading 'Roonm open all the aftcrnoon and evening. NOTICE-Gym subscriptioiis can be paid at Steward's office from i to 8 of April. Office hours 9 to 9:30. T. Ht. HINCHNIAN, JR. WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER' M. W . BLAKE, PICTURES, F"RAMES, A D ARTGOODS.___ 7444est4 0410" FERDON LUMBER YARD. Manufacurer f and(sealr in SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMB - (.'or.Fourth4444an Depot St. m J. HALLER 0.O. MIARTIN, 44454I:ALI INl Cloth Caskets, MetaliC AINI) 4 444444N C44444 i' - T-.. A POLHEMUS. ALS4.44) '4.I11.(442AN)I) 441411,414L'-> RINSEY & SEABOLT, 444kers'and4d444e.s4ind'd Groceries, ProvisionsFlour anFe, 61444444)0.444144444444.414._ JOHN WOTZKE, I.AI)II(S' said GI4NTS' 51411 4444444,4414eat44don4.4434444Ma44444- W1illi the 4r4t444244 144thle Base Bal1 Season44, 4444sha1411he 1pr'epraredlto filr" lissi all 414a4t1is0n4'w41441 desirable In U'NIFORIMS 1FO4 Base Ball, ~ 'enis, Cricket, La Crosse, Yctn 'an44 for all Oulting uses. Oar ShaIke: S'weater for qualityaind durability ha5 440 equal. Our line of Base Ball Sup' j4plies, Bats, Btalls, Masks,Bo'P' tectors, Catchers' Mitts, Lawn en Supplies, etc., etc., ais iii forumer sell4) onls wi411 defy compiletitionl, We a justly proiud of 0444 large college tole lowinig, due ais we are awa~re, t the superior qulality of our goodIs.,V esteenm we aim to strengthien fI t seasomi to sealsonin44tile iwlproN'eos of our goods whiere it is possible. Cof' respondence desireld with 01Ii'ge2se all college clubs. Send for our Cattalogue of Summer Sports 4444nd~ forms, A. d, B. free to aniy address' A. G, SPALDING & BROS., CHICAGO: P4JILADEI"I4I.jreet. 408 Madison Street. 44142Chestnuti NEW YORK1: 214 end 434Broadway.