THE U. OF M. DAILY SEE THE NEW D)E JOINVILLE - lIT-Z2:T = AT THE TWO DAMSm As usual we are ahead orf all enipetitors who xiii follow us in the new styles we bring out. =77=1 TTS===2TWT Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. P'rices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the roadl. Violin amud Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, 5 eta. Everything in proportion. L. It. Clement, 3. Main S. ALLMEIINGEE. PIANO & ORGALN Co. TRASDE.A.T BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORNFER MAIN ANDJ JIURON STREETS. LARGEST STlOCK OS TILET Goons AND FINE CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES IN THlE CITY. ~ll ro ~~l1Lll~r. VOORHEIS & DEA, +D"'V BEST WORK IN THE CITY!l STATE ST. TAILORS, 'VPOR$KALLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. -%140E-% fr j31 I'hSPCIAL RiATES To STUD1ENTS. CAL eADS EE ,ic 0dfflce. - 23 South Fourth Ave. TAL/IL-ILL ~J 2SOT TT T 0-O IDOWJ T rwowmL"T FOR FOOTWEAR. Wie carry a lull line af IOTAt LAPIES andJ GENTLEMEN. lIESE 51TREET11 1SHOE,1101SE. LEMMON & BOWDISH'" ivrWAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. eeyStudent will save money by buying University Text-Books and all supplies at Ieadquarters. We allow special discount o11 LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, DENTAL BOOKS, ii, short, every Book usedill the Unerelsity._)000 Blanuk Books at lowset prices. c ~wiin LLE DING BOOK S~TORE IN THEL CITY. ALL THE NIEWEST STYLESI The Cornell Clan Club. IN- The audienlce which assembled a the Olpera House last nighit was large (P T A T H I H CT and aprciative. It was composerd viJIA} II uN 'I OF ALL KINDS AT J. T. JACOBS & CO.'S, 27 ANSD 29 MAIN ST. L. GRUNER. Dealer in, No.58 South Slain Street. Pa~iring done Neatly and armptly. Rotehmond Straight Qtit. Na. 1 CIGARETTES. r Cigarettr 5mokers nha arr willng to say a little more than Ore price et carged forIhe rdirlra- trackCigarettes, ill find Tnis BIANDsrsupriorlto allaothera. The Rtichmorrnd Sraight E N0.1 Cigarettes ira sudsfotrashle bright- ol Otdelleately flavoaredl and Iighrrst rost d Le-af growan in Virginia. This is she Old it Original Brand of Straight Cat Cigarettes, d hbrought rut by as inthr year 1875. thnlreanhbelow is neand b revery pachage. a h TeALLtEN &GINTEERlBranch Ot the American TobnaoCa.. 5liiaeta,.ers, - - Riehmsond, 'r ginia. buni Arbor Savings Bank Ann Arbar Michr. Capitl Stoct, $50,000, Suga 5rrplus, esr00e. 015 ~nstate. nReceives Dpoaits, Says aird V4, echangessoanthe principal eities ot thre ida te tasis. Orafts cashed auponirorper 10ISTIdANMsAKPres., W. D. RuAnssiM.A ,Vice Pres., CHrAS. E. Hiscoca. Cashier. ---+TH E A RG U S.- AT LOW PRICES. Stoves, new sod old, large and 5155511, for coal, wood, oil and gasoline, at J. E. Harkins', 28 E. 111ion street. almrost entirely of students. Wrhile thre concert svas a good one, it seas a disappoinltrent to mrany. We have so long been accustomied to look to Eastern colleges as the in- stitutions svhere everything is done in just the righrt way, that, when we do have a chance to measure our- selves with them and to drasv coni- parisons we are disappointed to find that they, too, arc in mlany svays de- fective. In this sense the concert svas a disappointment. Tire urandolin anrd banjo clubs wvere very fine, tire tose anti shading in most nisurbers beinig beyond criti- cism. Mr. Gill is a mrost excellent artist. Thet guitars svere weak arid the cello seas of little adlvantagei to tire club. Thre glee club programr swas not very svell arranged, onre or twvo selections being poor for a col- lege entertainment. 'lie irrrmrrng of the clrri, to catch the key, seas unpleasant. In "D~avy Jones' tire foil strength of tire club svas -devel- oped and the effect very pleasant. The svork of the club is inferior to our own club. However, college patriotism hras much to do with a concert of thin kind. To an Ann Arbor audience no songs can com- pare with "Romeo and Juliet" and "The Yellow and Blue." Whatever criticisms may be panned upon thel clrris, the general sentiment is tirat it ssas a good corncert. Crome again, next year. The Colorado Alumni Banquet. 'fie Colorado brranch of the alumnri association will hold its annual hanr- qluet in Denver, to-night. The Den- ver Tinres, tire editor of which is WV. E. Birownlee, '85, and tire man- ager of whlicir is Harry Hawley, '84, Iran tire followving inl its issue of March 28: "Invitations are now being senrt out, and it is the inten- tion to reachr every alrurnur and all whro ray at any time have breeni conr- Iected wih any of the d(epartmrents orf tire i iiversity - It will be a hrapriy season orf sorng and laughrter, story andrem rniniscenrce of corllege days at Anni Arbor. 'PTie residleirts of Arri Ariror are a highrly crulturredl class. Threy recognize tire facts rrf existence in a college towni, and if ill terlm tinre they dio somretinres protest againrst raids on fences. and signs, they rio ipenance all vacation, svhen tire boys are asvay. 'Tie CUriversity is tire rost largely attended in the country. 'lie library is tire largest wvest of Nesv York. The faculty include some of the beat known educators in the country. "At thre coming banquet it is ex- pected thrat either President Angell, Parofessor D'Ooge or Dr. Vaughan will be present." The querry arises, "How mluchr will the Colorado alumni subscribe to the Gym fund?" It is time for them to fall in line. LuNG'S MUSIC fOUITS (37 Monroe Peve,,Detro ihatich, 'he Iargest Macreal kIc hanlisa IHause in the State. Agens frIaMarlin. Waslhurn, Blruan ld Renary Gaitars, and Doblson, Stew- art andlBenary IBanjos. B~estSitrigs illthe Werld sentSby mair toany add ressartas1Iicents each eorsViorrn and Gritrlandrl10 ceais~eacli Ior Banjo. HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NEW DERBYS? $.0$2.50 $8.00 DON'T MISS THEM Patent Leather blucher~s. GOODSPEEW* FINIE P1OTOGRAPH8 Millinery and Art Goods. 301FastlHronSt. Wv. B. AwKINS, Prop., Special glees to Sturdenta. Glee us a .call. SHORTHAND OUS IT WUI. PAY YOU. Shorthand Sehool, New Bullalleg, 20 South State Street.