THE U. OF M. DAILY. .r.a the main building, at 8 o'clock. r +el W a' f . 0 J' Mr. Ballenger gives a history of the GRt'd. 1 TAT1IV1Lct\I sAL union of church and state during, WE WILL FOR THE NEXT FOUR WEEKiS FabieedDaly Sudae xcete) urngthe Christian era. The lecture is Offer five tons ofpae of all kinds to he sold hy the pound at regla th olg erb ae HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASOCIATION. delivered here under thte auspices of 1Mill rates. Try our Crown Imperial Linen at 25 cents per the Religious Liberty Society of the pound. Bond Paper, Thesis, and Typewvriter Paper at Suecipio pic liiiltrcra ioaial University. admlission frec. Great Bargains. Envelopes to match all papers in advantce. Singlcoepie3cets. Onslte at 'The fotlossitng is thec Programmne a retyreue=rts Snerhus's and YPeel01icr tewstndeei ery of Alpha Nit to-mnorrosv eveninig: i STT- eveiga tocok usrpinmyb ?N- E ST E 0 S 7j-=_fI at the eftice of the Diiuet, itecra htusee Piano Solo. Miss :Minnie D avis; block, at Shcrhao'e, at Sotlts, ocewithleny iY l>straorlitary' A. F. (enks; an TH E -A-2' T I of the editors. c i 1A.MifteL S ' " T O Commnoicationsesholdell retch tt'e offiecby Estrlovltl. r.IlSees R- AQR tOA t tthey ore to appear the saeahyCisetation, etA lay of -I eggs, Aolmes;s CunitAT-V tdr lr m ate neddfr ulcto oteungitng tditor. Alt busitnrescotinoc sing; Btanjo Solo, Meli Gillespic. Of thle Season will be held e 1aLteVheutdbeYrelol11ce IllrtreMo tt. Reso4led, 'Iat t he lync111-].1'r. la Ann Arbor. Michi. Ijustitiable. Aff. Leslie Wood N eg. 1Hugo Pain. tatijo Solo, Mell EDITORS. IGillep. A. 'W,. TooESSL,.i'9l, Mutnagiteg Editor. eslise C. C. Seett-;, 'tel, Assist. Managitng Editor. RAnLPHttrONF, 'St, Aeste Matnaging Editor. NO TlEr-Afn inmportatnt meeting J1. C. TRAVtS, '92, ButsinessaManaeagr. of the senieor class will ibe held its R.* W.. DOUGHtTY, '2, Anssit.tBosiness tan'gr. Rcom A, Saturday, pi ,a :0 1e~ C. W. IcaEteeS, '54, Assist. Busines-Ntangr. -,X ,a 3 ~ u sre~ O 1 e e lp.etcs,'tm..etoT,'1RI. P. Ls1NON-c. c" E1..teweta'eel.'90 I.. I.AOrT,ye't. YSLNi F. 13. TItAteA 591. . 15. CURTIS, 't2l. BUSINESS LOCALS. Saturdav EvetliterMaceli "8thfro AN. 0.I I )"s _ WS. I'. PAttER,, . .- , G.. I tAPMaN Iee. . IA Maso. So.tee10so'clock. All Frietids of thi F.5E. JaNEs-cE, 't. dNotices inseted in tis columini at the rote' -~ ~ ~~~~~ 10 ~ _______ 'oI cents per lir. Stecil rates leerlonger ('olle'geaecordceially inlvitedl. (loel tn. ,no. ran "I.N.,U,,e.. timejatnd extra lilies furniied by apptlyineicatemuesic1and1 it pleaisanlt timoe alssured. 'Go to E. B. ]fall for coal. 5~ A MdEE'rIl; of the Inldepienent Bathis l~fe at P. 0. B.arber Shop. o a Associationl will lie held onl Saturdlay '"special raete's for Selniors at El ldlill's. _ mtorning, at 10 o'clock, in 13oim ( Cotl aned swoode at Juedsotn's, State St. - for he cr s o elctin th boad 't tlnet little t'. of M. buttonsti0 fo th 1t lOCo eellg te ordIelgllseli's furnishlinlgstore, ,let:S. of eitiers of the U.tF' . ii ' It is Stale street. + to serve for thee tiet sear, leinnin'e - vllv a leader ite styles.""-1)P Se'Footo, Thee Taileir. ,wE immlediately .after the spreng11011- Iertc"elepesca eec'eetei eays. There are a fewvoteservatlions ha execeeed expectaltiones. We ' lave thttd'i eaporaeyrintsoled thee test litie of goeeshsee this O thtmgtb prpitl aect.Nwfrteblneo hswith respect ltitis mleetig.ill thee school year we will give you a beteflit. first place, it shleednbe tundeerstoodh Itlitre is besiteess itt thes. See oeer stock, get eoerlrices. Wse gularateeW that every sulbscribier to theoe cv Yoier10ce. strings equal5 to any ill thee city, a asette oavl ntn lc~nt anty price. 25 So. Fourth Aveteee. O senite t avteinth letinWttSEcv's Mt'ISTORE110. I-L ___ of editors. Eachc depnartmnit elects lendreds of nobby styles in troueser- TE H RSAENRDUO its editors, and the reseelt is repnortedfinlgs, at STrFoeto'S. TERC E SCHE ~iTOL-E to the nmeeting of thee whole. The Stuart Robson, who plays "The' OFFICERS, Literary D~epartnment is entitled to Henrietta"' at the Grand Opera House, April 14th, h~as been selling eleven editors, thee Law Deiiartnnent lls houses all line season for $2.00 a tuxv-%. 3 1WE~ to three, atnd thee:Meedical Depart- seat, andI as a rule, everything Noe 7o00EARORN S.lChicago. ment to tevo. 'fie conlstitultion pro- woculd he soldh in less thlan two days. video thtat tile out-goineg boared nay Thlie nmanagemnt hiere ihave sue- reconeneeenetene selectediup- ceededh in obtaineitig a redhuction and consequtently reserved seat tickets on tileliasis oef conmpetition. Tile will beft 50. 'iheis is the nmost present boeard determninedh to give the notable thteatrical event since 1)00111 conthetitive systene a trial, anidh sill andh Barrett vere heere four years recommieod eleven mnt to tine mt- ago.- 71 Fort St., Wost, - Detroet, Mich. thg. mnet is evidlence thtat it htas A.@1ovmeur Io so sav. i -CHICAGO., tosay e ihope thiat thne leeetinee _ sen Saturdhay ciiirecoignizethetn- 3S1iALQ1TLLR +*P*ITOGRAP H R hiortatice of the business illis calleehND N \O. 12 W. HURON ST. together to transact, and thiat the UUD~ X~I i nesv editors wshiotm it selects wiii be eei(ee ' Clot-grand O)pera boupe men f ehneiene, en n tticc nates will lee fulrnishedehote request for Wedntesdlay, April 8, 1891. wvithc the studeent body andI student Comcmencenment Invitationls, Clasa-Day ____ organizationes, and above al,nnen Progranmmes, Fraternity Statioteery, Mn n otCrsfrBnut O A who are hard workers. and Clutb Dinners, D~anee Programmes, LOYALw+ - n llohrknd fcleg ok Mr. G. F. Ballenger, of Chicago, Our statioteery is always notable for WOI WERC gQmPAnY has eenenggedforto-orrw een-its hlandsome engraving, corract fornc, Conmposeed of hhe best artists of Scot- ha eneggdfrtcroee-and moderate prices, hand in National songs log to deliver a lecture on the sub-J C (± sect of 'Religious Freedom." The A. C. MCCL UG & C Prices, - 35, 50 and 75 Ots. address will be given in Room 24, of CHICAGO. Seat n l ee at Postoliee Newt Stand, Saturday at 9 o'clock A. M. Yout can fitnd a Full Lille of Fine FurnishngS a 1 Adler's Kid Gloves, Perrita's Kid Gloves, Half Hose at a$rri BASE BALL OTTITa AT YOURI ORDER. SHJRLS OF ALL KINPS Made to Order and Satsfadtlon Guaranteed. 32 S.rwrTvcs ST., ANN Aittit- Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Time Table goeng itoet, lonunday. Feb-" Meanistee Expresa and Mace....... a Mit. PlecasantPassenuger .......... 7P GOING SOUoTt. Mt. Peeasant Expres..........]2 ' Mtanistee Mail.............. 9etdP0 W. H. BIENNE~TT, tR. S. GoeeeNWOOP Gen. Pass, Agent. LocalMeat J