vH E U 'i0" M. FDAILY s 7=TI I= , t FE ' rrr W N L ife is U n c e r t a in ! TIME TAB3LE, DEATH IS SURE. I 1 1.0. 1 LI 1'0is '; ern4 set. i zveANN ARItORII, from Cou1rt 91 Ilmi 511 91111cI1at11 1 1 P r slln L. 11 if 5.1. E =CM G C 106 Wabash A VC1. and 2'5 at ~the low rate o 11.001111 j19410011, in tile gi ed o ains-tfrrh CLARK, Leave Y IIANTT 1at 1, 2.1o, 1.51,6.05, 7.15,:91., e, novIe ;,000I,000. Surplusoe 1 W 004011. 1111m (1 B F.M n g r pu All kind.n ,1)1 n 11111114114Iivestmen11t 1p01l- . 1~. F. CL R, Manager 1Lave ANN AIIO~, Ifrom ourtlHouse, anOces written at a Inw rate. Noncompany write -Da n ~QI 410° Richardon 1Wk. 4911 111I1n011oltl 1.1. 111 .15 iandll11,251trai1n n Sunday 1il1 stop pollicisli cied at 1lr1n1r1t 11119, and1Adamns 1ts., 1Inlanl..M. J. CONRAID, Sen oril111.\gl11 'nIlaI11i lll etotc, n i~ noncc 1y9 going ti ytoliResident1 11Agentl 0 S11South1111In 11lls. ELOT&SUTS'rpitr The 1Asby Special," Aslhby," "Oxfor'd," 'Harvyard.' 4- STATE STREET. 6 8(1t"1I1 d,\l\ti ;1, CORRECT:-:STYLES -IN-- Spring Suitings ANI) Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. - ( Colorings New ~IN (Trouserings. Novelties inFalncy Vestiisgs -Every- tiilg New-Stylish and Seasonable at 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHI. BuIRLEIll&JOAy, .:1S SA-S r., 99 5, AnBOl, ICLo, BJLANK B1OO1S GREATEST VARIETY (IN 1C1OCK11E11 7 iich Pearl Whlite laltes - 7 incih Adamaltntinle Chinlla~ite 7 inchl Semi-polrcelainI, Bootes P Pearl Wihite II'nil'd Teas - Adamantine ti'did Tells - iBootes Send-porcelain It id Ti 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. THE CAMPUS. Conlway swants $200 jper 11011111for hils seces1C2 as a coachl. M.Iy. O. sburn, of ()Oso, a former '91- lit, is v isitinlg friends iln the city'. 'T'wenty-eighlt candidates1have senlt in1 tiheir naml~es 1t) Manlager CGlidden, for variouls positionls 011the mledlic teaml. Dr0. Harper, of Pale, wh-1o recenitly lectured hsere, hlas jtust finishedl a course of lectures on tile Psal1ms of Vassar college. IDl- Rogers closed ihis lectures to tile law students yesterday, nmaking a nseat little faresvell speecs inlio11000 of tileoccas~ionl. D~r. Buck, tProfessor of Pisysics and director of tile observatory at Grinnel College Iowa, is visiting ihis sots of the Medical department, for E ;, in7,1l111 1 I124. Positions filled, 2300. Seek . 1 arc1s5ambitious foOr advancemntcrather 0t1an thSoNse l9,L 7.19. G. H. WILD, 1s 11 oii 1111110rg911 11109 of. 11119111109 11111190111139 ket1 Os rIcllltinl3. 1'inel\ests 9111llO 1e,1hadf W L No. 2 E0. Washington St., near Main. G. H.__L BTST STOR.CTRY d LOWEST PRICES WM.ARNLD.OK IN THlE CITY. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER' 3> - pe.set 0')MAIN STREE T. -'s - - - 41) ets, per set anld Jewerantinpidtyeiarn 'les - - 5 ets. per set - 38ts. per set M. W. BLAKE, -- 50 cts. per set P'ICTUMRS, FRtAMES,A 0115 - - - 75 ets. per set ART GOODS. 10 West HuflnSt,5 pEAN & co. FERDON LUMBER YARD. Malnufacturrof and dIealer in A spca program wvill be gicen SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER iy tile Adelphli Literary Society', CIr. Fourth and 0epotsI S Saturday evenling. J" HALLER All those desirilng to take the Ni- 4601)1911 MAINST11. agora trilp should conie to a Iieet1i5 epiigacily- ______________ in Roim ASaturday, April 4 at OE. ARI N, 3.30, or sendl iitiseir namses. A 51f- Cloth Caskets, Net'~5 ficient Inumiber insst he thlere to ANTI COMMO11N CIN1-0 secure thse low rates.J. -A.7POESHEMUS,Y 'g Can wvomen enjoy the sports of T =ALSO J'lUS HACK ANI) IIA(10A00 LiN the field, and Ican they acqluit them- North SMain streetl-. selves creditably in thleml? "An RINSEY & SEABOLT, Banker and dealers inl~ Anmerican Rosalid," in April Out- Groceries, Provision sFlour andrFee ing, comes as a pleasant surprise ansE.WhigoS. withI her affirmative answer. JOHN WOTZKE, Makerof OIn Mr. S. 1M1. Dick, P. G., drew thne I.ADI~S' and GET 11SOO Columbia bicycle given away by Repairing neatlirdone. 431S. MainSt Wagner & Co. to the one making tile nearest guess to the number of Salee basin the globe. Mr. Dicks gss wsa 41,521, the correct num- Withl the return of tile Base B3a11 berbeig 1,54.Sealson, we shall be preprared to 111f her beng 41,24.Wlsh all tihat is new and desirablel The senior medics elected tine fol- UNIF'ORtMS FOR Base BlallI- lowing officers, yesterday afternoon: Tenlnis, Cricket, La Crosse, Yacehti el Presient . L.Kiefr vie-pr sl ad for ali Outing uses. Or Sal Peiet .1.ieetvcprs, Sweater for quality alid dulrability Ila Mliss Emma MeColiuns; secretarynequal. Our line of Base DalilS""~ ples, Bats, Bails, Masks, 13ody li% . 1L. Saylor; treasurer, Abram tectors, Catchers' Mitts, Lawn Ts- L.eenhlouts. Gibson woas elected Supplies, etc., etc., as122il formersre ons will defy compIIetition, We fSI- class photographer. Jusotly proud of ou~r large caJlege th "rThe Athletics of the Ancient lowtig, due as we alre aware, Tis s uperior qullaity of our goods. p jGreece," ill Outing for April, 15siln- esteem we aimn to strenlgthenllep teretin redingto ver conestnt easo toseaon, n te inprve olee- teetn edn oeeycnetn o r tods eeiltilispoeo and enthusiast of the present-day respondence desiredl with mu111ages athletic contests. Tile ssmilarity all college clubs. Send for or Catalogtte of Summer Sports andL and differance between those con- forms, A. & B. free to any address. terts and the ones of our day, as A. G, SPALDING & BROS., brought out in this articie,is full CHICAGO: PHIAPI A: eo~'1et. of information and entertainment 108 Madison Street. 10312 Chestfnt s to th reaer.41 and 243 Broadway- Axv a few days. A The "lBe ansd D.o" circle of the Iings Daughters of the Congrega- r..LL'('1 c () rZ- tiotlal churchs intend to produce the "t1. "eak Sisters" before the vacation. rpor tte nt thirty days. Date will be announced hsereafter. Thsere was a call for a mass mect- T- ks ' _-7 j om ing of the law students in front of Harvard, Yalei, U. iftM. and Universal thse law building iast evening. Many COLLEGEresponded only to discover, whsen C ' OLLE+ OUTFITIERS, too late, that Apsril was withl us as Sporting attd Athletic Goods, usual tisis year. Base Ball anld Tennis A few enterprising girls at Souths Goods a specialty. College have formed a society known tO AND 11 HIAR VARD ROW, as tile "Russian Club." Its ains C.AM 3RIncl., MASS and tihe nature of its work is not BUR1EE10H5& JOLLY, AGlE.srd known outside of the circle.