THE U. OF M. DAILY SEE THlE-NEW D)E JOINVILLE =17 T- AT1S - AT-- THE WO SAME. Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan G;uitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Ossaranteest every inicliofl the road. Vsiolin asid Guitar Strings, 10 ets.; Blanjos andl Manulolini'Strinigs, is. ertig ililiproportion. ' t y I.. 1. ('lenient, ~ L~ iI~Lt _ > . 4Lr L 1.TRAY~i JD~, E l VQI A. lstoil iii irc e sui sill csiii %ilivitlssiii iil ls'is" ilI 13 17e('N'1''S 111)DRUG'1.J(1-ST1O111)RF.Ei , I thell'5s' st (' i 'F'' llli s E tlron street. phlia, sire exlcptiona~llt- fine. Seliressi- ser, o ist rsoit, sellIfurishsitiwieuor- cliestras, one Ifsr lpromsienades andi the other foir the regular danscses. 'Ilsere will list breia fermaisl iintroduc- tiounsofitguests lii the chapi~eronsue in the recionli.roosasiherCetofoire. 'lise grandslimaricIhisill lbegins prompt-l Iy a55 1)70o. 'l'he "clii slitcr'e nlles Isis he d sills's iilliiithe51lc in h s i is bieaiitifl sia.lsoin 55its sitiuatiinsn iss- misa afill isto Ieliess on5 the Wisirth, of Ils liettis ins the esast, .sitthe I' ''eass Seas assdthse isis ain of Pe sis Ciii sonsthe sisitis asilosittle olive grove's alnd Thu (iIliCstlli w'licili r thi s atur r 'iss. Ic (1 i lik t ) )II hisa s 'iiss .5"as toi 1 ' s f Is 5 1 1't ' 1 l{ i 1 ))' }1 t ~ lii t ss!'ihii Th I !~JG AH osi s ap ' a.'' .si s i ,l si orI 1 '. 's e . l~ sisisi0 ' t ii i t c n sde (')rniiac'co u t s'of 'sthe iua Ois ie O a- isiiti ur~ { ~ssc s. 'issslt ' dons or has andcoats the el iiie- 'n s led sitoilsiC cliisster asssishind Sina°tudiescant Atens. k si~tltsi Ctssion leC ol sisssinti h tes. Thelsommit te l sret s ss -.O rs asinhs tl rt besle of te lXimedaistSeliossi oiii tssstllC eihatsOr. ' ()eite ep esses cariaes tuheat cAtiseiss. es.theii midofte Mtiali Saturday t- (heel I is isess Iireeitoakf iiegseheo irt ielion toihitsqeistion siene etirisg te sis rer. 'th rer 8i8sttus atsi t he Iri 55 t erada benrsseof. theriisiotPricen sil i. 1 155 55iii. siC"5' and AretUGoodsn. I'e itaE s ss'urosSi. !,I" r.. l7,70c0. w r " s~s is "H.IIAWXND 't'~.,II SHORTHANO ('tI'SE. IT WILLPAY'YO1. iShTIsiTdSCI 0,t'(!s B ldin,2