TVIE L.'W M. DAILY ll IS=!NE E.,t .B A -11 "1. Life is Uncertain! TIME TABIF DEATH IS onetllth10 kO:a-I()N, NEWtaY'a att Loat t 1'[A',t1t :11-_), a ,mt _1'll; LatS :1:(;ltltl ;- f,:iat S. at I tt VS r<". ANNh attiatalt aromt ot irl a a t s It -a {)t tct taai'. aad25at the lowrate of r1Hi tat a-a-H Ha(, titheA 'a~ itthadyfr rtett K frihd I B .F L R ,Laveta' t StLAN' tIat 1, at1, 4)), .05~, :Lf , 020Acta, t is'taovaer t$a,,(0),000. Suta-tatt ovr f(Ritata. ttmantatge ttt . I.FCLRManager i1 n 1hnso nomn n netetaol- Ii i satva'ANN AtRBatR, afroma tataour ttaus, at -tiesawr-tten at a lwtatea. Nocatnait e Boar- a-acRoos Q ' to sidd e a1 at TA (((A a t a a ,a T'aatrANta, tattit: ;:.1)a1a, 55 at s, at.10,a.4.5(t, ap.t. t be t ta ttotact. An ta minaaaattianaa taf aur ~ a onrtroyandtatAdaataaastas, Ypiattaaa -H. J. CO-NRAD, L T H T S Por~OS ,St'altt attta ltatt. ~ .jYt allave mono at y tat aaaaitt is aaay ta e dfr. .'nN a ua. Dtot eetttatt Agett, aS SotahtIngtea. E LI TT &_HU T ,,ro ,.,o -Oyu X7 AT IE2Fr~- lalu act -s atat lavae peen at thorouglltaria- iA l l t rloa nd tt a a ca t tafct taaatist acti tattt The "Ashby Special," "Ashby," "Oxford," 'Harvard,' anf -lv AsSrO :l I-,l aamtiousa for adva ncemna't rathera t tanttor wthou stio n -- a 11lt l of'lls(il >a t I a ol.G. H. W ILD, 1.C. 2 v5oc r . - Is atataat ftagha t' t t'ckta-ofatF-tll hDress Satll tg ttatae' tatat Itt- lDt'alaea taill oo s tat io-'t t tc.,all theat taes miat lltatt otaaeltieslTa a o' us(a,'tag taa -It ST1' S'XII , l I;-h '. a Stal'Il AL~ I i-'' vrotn in etcnh m f No. 2 E. Washington St, near Matn. G. H. WL I. ILL N ITV I u07urDr, * 13- USIINESSODIPTEWTO11I - J.i.Jf1OD I D AT OT LU A -cTV iDOcT D iE ----------------t HIGH CLAASS COFRECT ::STYLES Spring Susitings ' ANDat Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. ( Colorings New . IN { Trouserings. Novaeltiea itt lFacy Vaatiaa ls-raaery-- llttag ;Newa-Stylialianaat Seasaonaableat 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHL. MIERLE I GI&JOLLY 261 t-3.taScE TA:V Aaaaaa, Mia., BLAANI(BOO1KS, S2TATIQ -TE-Y a J-51 the nepxt thirty days. Haard, Yalta, iN taof M.ana L;Unavaeaal fMf COLLEGE + O-JIFITTER Sporting anti Athaletic Goodis, Base Bail aand Tennis Gootis a specialty. 10 'AND it1lHAR VARD ItoWYJ BitRbEiG IT & -JOLLY, AGZNPVS UflLAI C31 VANIT d LUWET~I 1rNWLu it", Ii tttia INa tHE ClLI T. 7 inctht Pearli White laites-a a- 3cis. ter set 7 tanitadaanaatineC hinPatt es'itt's40 ets.iper set 7 jiahSemni-porce'laaiia, Bootes Plates - - a-)8ets. per set P'earl White itid 'leas - - - - - 18 cts. per set aaiuanatinae I1dld Titans - - 50) cts. per set ilotte's Senai-iaorcelalint itilti Teats 75 cts. per set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEANV & Co. THE CAMPUS. trot I icattil wall havec ala article oat "Eaglisha tronauntciatioaa,"''inthel tUaaia-rsity Reco ardl Prof.(aGeoi.IHitil atill rcaad a its- pter beiforethe Lenit l uahntat 1i oat da~y- ca-catta- ttil" Gaettitng Sett~ldiit .Berlin. Airs. .I'laait Nat tea Sat. :laita street, gasvas a social to the youang pteopale of the taresbyterisan chutrcha text Fridaty ev-eninag. Mr. Harry J. Kenntaeay, oaf Anni Arbor, spetat Sutaday at Jackson, the guest of Atlas Jennie 'rice.- Jackson aa troit. Prof. IS (Sge trill read a ptalter on 'Te Claimts tofAModiern Greek tPro- nncistiota" at the Phllological So- ciety to-nmorrow evening. Next Sunaday evening Dr. Geta. F-. liuntitag, presicdetto(f Ala Col- lege, aill lecture at the tPresbyteriana chiurcia, on aaPilgrin'sa Progress.'' 'rTe next nauniber of the Claicagat Graiphic, wvhichi sill appear April 4, will. contain a full page wvood en- graving (af Pres. Angell, anal a four page sauppleentt dev-otedto a a de- scriptiota of the U. of Al. Prof. Jenaks, swhio graduated acre i'fan tokhsAM.dgeinte foliowinag year, has beens callead to a psrofessorshipa at Cornell. D~ur- log te ipast tavo years AMr. Jenaks last been professor of Political Econ- omy at the University of Insdiana. At the preliminary oratorical contett at Northwestern U., held Fri- day sight, there waere four contest- ants for tehonaor of reptreseantinag thaut college at tue Inter-Collegiate contest. 'T'iree tof the subljects treatedt were "Charles Sumaner," "aLatther anad the Refaritatioti''anad "WVebster's Defenase of thae 'otastitti- tiots."a 'Te latter suabject was chiosent by taco contestanits. Trhe dlecisiona of the juatdges hsas not, as yet, tbeenantnounaced. At the last maeeting of the Geo- logical Society', the presideint ap- p~ointetd a conanittee to take into consideration the question of pair- chasing a life-sized ptortrait of Dr. Waincliell, and to niake a purchase if thtey thsink it; advisable. Atiss tPatterson thteis read a paper on a "Trrip to Florida.'' At the conclu- sion of her papaer, AMiss Patterson readi an interesting ipoenm, of a geo- logical nature, from the ipens of A. R. Fulton, aindldetdicatetd to Dr. Wainch'ell.- Ptrofessor Dlewey is followiing, this seatester, aneantirely sew plan las his, aInttrotductioto saPhilosoishy.'' No lectures are givean, thte subject being tevelopted eantirely by discussion anmong msenmbers of thte class, stimu- lated occasionally by questions from the tProfessor. 'The general senti- msent seenms to be that the work is decidedly profitable and pleasant; especially so for tihe last few days, when Professor Dewey has held the discussion down to definite lines. WM. ARNOLD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER' $t3 MAINSaRaE'T, watches S ai attentaaionaaapaid toreptairig M. W. BLAKE, F"ICTURES, FRAMES, A N ART GOODS. 160twest Huro n t FERDON LUMBER YARD, M1antf actatrer otansaltier tn,, SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM SE ItCoScatliturthatd etciaSta J. HALLER 46 SOTHma Ata. Reii g It-t Sp'a cialtya. 0. M. MARTIN, DEcAla 'iiIN Cloth Caskets, Metallic AAD COMMON 0C'OI'INsat J. A,.POLHEMUS, ALSO itI3l ACKn ANtSBAGGAGE,5.t. _ Notrth aintaStreeti RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bakersantaldealein a Groceries, ProvisionsFlour andrFeea, Batnatt8l6 E._taashingtoanSt. JOHN WOTZKE, Maker at Stae LADIES'' and GENTr4'S' H~ Repintrtnaatlrytdone. 43tS.M an S' Witht the retuirn of the Blase .Ball Seaasona, ve sshl be preprared to for' niih all thtat is new and adesirable tia UNtiIF0tIMS FOR Base BalI,Lt 'Tenais, ('rieket, La Crosse, Y aelitie sad for all Outing usesOu(Stir e Swseater for quality atad tdurability its5 tao equal.- Our hine of liase Bail SLIP" plies, Bats, Balls, Masks, Body 1 r9 teetors, Catehers' Mitts, Lawin Tenolia Suapplies, etc., ete., as in former sas ois still tdefy competition, We atl juastly proutd of our large college fol lowinag, date as ste are awrare, t h5j sutperior qatality of aaur goods.aTfis esteemtaWe aimto strenagthentfont season to season, itntte iwlarovi, e of our goods whlere it is possible. Coif responldene tesired wsitli ma5Ilgers 0 all college clubs. Send for our Nti' Catalogue of Summer Sports and Z'11' forms, A, & B. free to any addretss A. G, SPALDING & BROS., CCAO: lIOttADELt?11Aiett. 108 MadisonsStreet, Si3lSCbett Str ti4l and .43 Broadlway.