THE U. OF M. DAILY. th ntrerhatotheamonsttresut ~ AT O 2 ~ pl ~ ~ atyerioe thamnt n the betrslsG C T T l nC $ may lie attained, and the stude~nts, DIVE WILL FOR THE Publshed Iails (Sundays ecepted) 5115115 especially thtose who have goiie Sio Offer five tons of paper of all kindts tie(Ciii's' year, b the extent of iteclaring that they will ( ilMill rates. Try ioir (rows Is 5HF U. of M. INDEPENDENT AsSOCIATION. sot give the teamt any fiascial slip- pound.I. toiii Paper, 'Thes ijpot it ce'tain i'aliillts are I (realtiargaiiis. :nvel .CStt: it'Is sistt.rtIIisiii iltoe Sx iEditor.~ ii ItA ,11 S'r m: , ,1; , A sis .:1 ltn lin Ed tor sfh t a m i 0 i r i lullS 5ose t . Iors Ir e U. I.loI, 1re uerstIi.ili :.i.' t1lt.~5. lie h Itdis lisi ' ii itiitstdo t"II tI ii Ilo itti tSlt P . C l itr it~t it vini g S s' r ,1 c~ S. W. crues it tat i hisE. tte Seasoatwilatbetall's I o lo siN)c V 11 llthtt.sil Ii N: sitiIl 515 i 5 i ive e t eol riy est115 't di sdg 'litil 25, f;s L Isi M l. i .L.cpilMASONili' S ii S 93i. A lT IT, iie if l F.E' IA LTE ' d. at s asor t I satll 1e iii thelss. ler THE A1' GUE,11 PUBL5ISHING MOUillSS.ii lA oa iii' ofS t. l i r cg ounty.ii lii gii ofl i liii' ipcirline i'ji'lcc i llts foImi ger i S t(7)I of1111 ltin 11IlielC tih d sSxt ia i hri Iwst by alyi ng lit ciitclesl ohereis11111 nt ereiiilsst 11 5 iGi toI: S"1,11 fortcoal the team be lit lBahs roiat lioarbsrrI A Iii til S ii hlilithisiieitlShop.iiit C11111c IIira ee r beihh oirs , beiai s e o th 'Iei K ites oriSllrtlt i nl o EPCHER ltTRS y .1 ghiil ii C.)Si. li i i' lii lle sv mp ratin5lo l fancy ii N i 90.St , r the11 east 111 htIec m i io shun osl t iiii ii ase tet 4 r.1 io S.S Oi S t o 5Eo'cl o. SA11 C1hicas o. bos onhete am11 i i i t'' c rls oingirlil s till tali t leth '. oei tii StollIeu olg r odilv ilie . G o 1htg Is. ' iiios flrit I i gstlote, \i2se ll' l n )ldal rne.slrd .11lvis cil l ')1ily Iloaa c ll 1 111111ead r lhieesis (tIlidae l-lll tile f S ilii 111that 111111h li ()1'trd l muiit meI h dlii 111111an 1 r ln iii. s l s1))le il h in s ie o o d n t i Il1111pee 11 ileC Mc l1:rg( (Alis ill O 11 iillll\1 st11ock yetNozLprIce.DTe© AP1TUIltE iii. -a~l word111 s lit iii lhllofcltal o l0utln; (11to yill ( iN t.y.W tIt&N ' .a Sil CI.i.i ,litisii.'Ii51e.uls'111 Fourth ~iA cile. NEXT FOUR WEEKS ua to lie soldt ly the poundc at regua ientsria en tic at 725 hel er sis, andTIyp'leirriter Palier at lpes So niatchiall papers eucedt rates. I- IT & 0O- ____ ATITI I=- STATE S T. OU TFIT TE Yoiin indiaSiu] tIll Line of f in e Fhtr~ihuinf Ail8TD FiATS- Adler's Kid Gloves, Perriat's im Gloves, 311HalLosetATS11 SHIWITS iF LL KJNB Made to Order ad Satsf66hlfl Guaranteed. "I" JI. L.FEIP 1GUSOJ2 )2 r s5TAiii A il'(t)Ji- Toledo, Ann Arbor and Nos'h Michigan Railway. O'leuit ass ng eri . ...... ieu.l it4t ilJ /1 ll14 l-c L I I.. L l 1. l c1 L 4 nil La..LI II l' ~ 1 1 1, 4 ..........: .. -4 k+mfluiII 1 ) ell, ] elI I ell} L cl-licil . 1115iI agreatl relliulihui' rest Speciatltoriginlldetsigtns i'ithi esti- Gr td "pera iguo is ndnEn0 rc-mae illefrnse nrqet frlGCn o p 11111 ielltt~ilfitii5 r ioammes. Fr'aternity' Slttnery,___ lie is a levelIheaiteit hatIll iaer ttndt Meriniiantlit(guest Carts for ]ll~iijets er oneratie n is d net.anditlubth Dinnlers, iDaiee Prograniits, CORNELL 'UNIVERSITY ~y )osraie nIi udn andt lall outelr kinsotf college work. 'Ihiere is probably nit othler pilay er Our stationery is alway~s notabile foir GLEE, A1TJO ; A=rLD .11 Sadoeegaig cratfr,) he Uiversity5w10 cotuld dis- -and modlerate prices. CJ=S slharv ethe dtistiiof captain iwithtas APrices, "&CO. musch fairness and imnpartiahity. A.PCMiLUes&,CO5- , 50 and 75 Ots. It is of the greatest importance CHICAGO. Seals tin cale at Pesiaffive News Oiand, Fri-