Q IC= 175-= , 7 Sellt f i'l.A 7r'Il INt ti IF'iit lt t ,,). Life is 'Uncertain!' IMEN ABLE, DEATH IS SURE. inInc~it i ANN1511 1).tit.15111 1111oil ,you "1 II l ls wo(11 he ag1s1of1211 Mav 1511 IIANTI 1at 1, 4:15, .05, 557.4;5, 5 .i O." 0 5,51' ve 5 iQt}4,Ot)1. Surlus er l 11 4li1,t(1. 11111111501111. M n g r 1). Iii, ail kin'ds ct' endowment1., andI11111 B.5. ONRinE LIOTs&menTt poll-e017 5 'Le ZomsAN I 111 ro1159 ut Ho use1111 t11 ies 1 Wr ite atsIa'lw1 a.001N1o otS 111511 ieI a. n TA P>1 11' 17 c din Positionsfillesd, 2,311. 'io 's k i ons. IS 1,1v11 197 Ilklll 711he 17111), 1115t11c' 91111'lit :\]m SrI 11of1 tl( 1 ar . usfoI' .1.1.r,- 1nI55ent ratheor t t~l tss.- voti,1l 711 llOt pricd Tye-witer1v1rSoM1 100s)l~ t G. H. W,7'ILD, HARVARD AND YALE~ ..r+.. ATiV 41 Kflw 1115 5.5(1311"1'' LIIIN t'IN jlj\ is 11he Il I. Wesellit. «555 sell th tI I LIsN'01'N lAIN PEN for .-1. an1tiwarrantl17it. (a 44111 . 1Mate S Is s1 (Ill-12thI 'res2151 t111k1of11F1111 )D1ess l1il7i ll 111in 1the Imarket If. No. 2 B. Washingtnn St , near Main. G. H. WVIU' TA"I [4)1} [Nr& CORRECT:-:STYLES Spring ,Suitings ~Sl etns Overcoatings. New Colorings (Trouserings. I 1'ovelliesoill 'fancIy \eslin11O 15557 thing New-Stylistt and~ Seasonable at 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHI. BIIRLEII OL 75.)S. gnST io, ., AN.';lARBl,MNICII., BLANI( BOOI($, AND--- I"For tile next thirty clalys. Harvardll, ValeI, 1 117U . .and 1'UIniesal COLLEGE + OUTFITTERI, Sporting 110d Athletic Goods, Base 1B111 and Tennis Gloods a specialty. IO'AND 11 HIARVARID ROW, SIURLEIGH & JOLLY,'AGEN{TS.' T OAR T TOO , GREATEST VARIETY c LOWEST PRICES 7 inIIPlealr White Plates - - - - 3:1ct.1per set 7 inich AdatII~antitle China Plaltes - - - 401 ets. iper set 7 incht Semi-poreelain, Boote's Plates - - 5 ets. per sot Pearl Wilite 1111111 TeasO - - - '38 ets. per set Adamntinell'd13111l1'e115 - - - 5)ets. per set iloote's Beni-porcelain I1111111 11111s - - - i5 cts. per set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. DEAN & co. THE CAMPUS. Thulrsdlay. Profs. Ttonmas 0011Hills- dalc arc the editors for tte literary' decpartmentt. collcgc.At lkelPatnv lliversity 9lMonday Thyl~ninerin Soiet wil bil-is tthc regular weekly holid11ay, In' sielIMly1tI 5. stcadl of Satulrday'. Thle chlanlge is G . 1.. 55110011is tgainlte11115 i lvinsgIuniversalsatisfactionl. atted casss1 r. . IIt. Richtardson wiltl readl a P~rof. I linsdlale will b toe of11)1ow1111paper on "ILife on lBoardt a10 1risht for thte rest of thse week. Mfan-of-War "' before thtc Enginseer- A. Ii. Adler, 111. 193, is coindIlting Society' nest Friday evening. to his rooon account0011o0 illness. 'The class in Talue's Modcrn Re- Thle Clornell Glee Clull travel iln a ginmc was quite startlcd yesterday special Wagner poalace car, .1 Missis- mlorninlg 01n hearing P~rof. Hudson sippi. announcee that thc subject of htis M1r. ilhomlas, lit. '93, gave a talk would bc, Recrsdeputations- sprcad to a nttumber of his friends hauptschluss. latt evening. Mrs. L. ItI Stone, of Kalamnazoo, Trhe candidates for the Obcrlin has just received from Mrs. tBroonm- ninle have been 10 gymlnasiunm trailn-field M1oore, of Calfornia, a suh ing all winter. scription of $iooo for the endow- Prof. Pattengill was able to ta~ke I nment of a lprofessorslhip for ladies chlarge of his classes, yesterdlay', for in the University. the first tinle. Thec New York alumni of lHar- Gleo. M4. Fisk1 lit. 190,lprinscipl vard and Pale have offered a cup to of Cassoptdis high sclhool, is visiting compete for by those colleges iu friends in tlhe city. in track athletics. A dual leaguc Prof. Buck, of Grinnell College, wrill toe formsed hut the colleges trill Iowa, is visiting his 501n, a student conmpete in te Mott H aven games, ill tlh eleical department. as usual. It is estimated thlat thle total loom- Apropos of thte suggestionl to open boer of gradttates in all depoartments thle library building Suntday's, many of the U. of M., is about 10,000. will he glad of thle infornmation thlat Prof. McLaulghlin will not he able among otlher reading rooms nosw to mseet his classes for two or th~ree open here on the Sabhath, the Uni- days, owing to thle death of his tarian church has a library well father. stocked with periodicals and open Th'le first number of thle Univer"' to alfrm9:30 a. 0m. to Io0pin., sity' Record will he on sale next exclusive of the hours of service. ZUSIITESSPIECTOR V WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER,' a lAIdsIIEPTelaese M. W. BLAKE, P~ICTURES, FRAMES,A ART GOODS. 10 WIest HunSt' FERDON LUMBER YARD, SAGINAWGANG SAWED LUMER Co.Fut n eo t.JHALLER III'TI'A 111S11T.51000. ___ 0. M. MfARTIN, DE1ALER511IN Cloth Caskets, MfetalIC ANII 1 I)NIMtOlN l'1)Fl"N5 - - J. A. POLHEMUS. ALSO0 'IlUS HACK. AND) BAGGAGE I' Nosrth Main Strseet RINSEY &SEABOLT, Bakern anddelernsill Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, 6 and 8 E.55Washington S. JOHN WOTZKE, Mater of fiIP LADIES' and GENT19S'DRpiignal dn.4 .Mi t With tile retu~rn of tile Base Ball Season, we shlall be preprared to ful" nlishI all thlat is new anld des'i'able ill UNXIFOROMS FORt Base Ball, La'S Tennlis, (ricket, La (rosse, YjaclltIBn, alnd for all Outing uses. Our Shakes 'Swveater for qualityan~d durability llan 110 equal. Our line of Base Ball S"' plies, Bats, Balls, Masks, Body p tectors, Catchlers' Mitts, Lawn Tenllis Stupplies, etc., etc., ats ill former Seas' ona will defy comupetitionl,eWe aref justly proud~ of ou~r lalrge college ti' lowting, tdue Is twel are 1aware, t 111s sulperior qulality of our goods- esteelin te a1111 to strenlgthlen fru1y seasonl to seasonl, inl thle lalro% e for of our goods whlere it is possible'.(of respond~ene desiredt Iwith l lagerSew all college clubs. Send for our Ie. Catalogue of Slummer Sports and feE forms, A. & B. free to laly address. A. G, SPALDING & BROS., 108 Madison Street. 101132 Chestnatlty 21.1 and 21.3 BroadwaIP-