THE U. OF M. DAILY Of Old U. of M. should have a SEE THE NEW DE JOINVILLE ~ - A I ~ ~University of Michigan Guitar . "L } - IT 2. S Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of tile road. Violin atud Guitar Striugs, 10) cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, 5 ets. Everything in proportion. AT it. ALHNIGEL ?PIANTO & OLGAIT CO. THE TWO SAM As usual we are ahead of all conmpetitors0 who will follow noin t the~ new stviles we brimg out. An~l Arblor NamlI LWlllty, VOORHEIS &DITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY, STATE ST. TAILORS, 71ORK CALLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. M'or IAL.HATE2S'OST'oDENTS. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. DtLA D S E LE TRADIE A~T .BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORtNERtMAtN AND hURON STREElTS. CIGARElTTES IN THELCITY. :DQI-V ZT0GO D0W2T ZTOWvT+ FOR FOOTWEAR. Wte carry a full line of GS14OE5 for 130T14 LADIES ani kGENTLEMEN. 20 SOUTH STATE ST. L7EMMON & BOWDISH WVuAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. l-'vry Student wxill saxve monley by tbuyin~g University Text-Books and all su~pplies at Hteadquoarters. We atlowt sp5eial iscoiuint 0o1LAW BOOKS,AII lIICAL BOOKS, JENTAL hBOOKS. it' i.every Book lsel il thie torix 11 i}. 30o111lank Books at lowest prices. L.EAI-lNGOO0K STORIE IN TIlE CI'TY. ALLT~l ITELS ~ The Cornell Concert Thursday LL ll; 1 J1 -Eve.. April 2. N ext llhursdaly e%-en'lng, the night CLOTH IN G of the (Cornell (lee 1101 11)1110 Cluhs,I wtil e hem1 stA n y arbo leforv0011 wxi t e te li 11A lot11f1r212some1 OF ALL KINDS AT tie J. T. JACOBS & CO.'S, 27 AND" 29 MAD ST. L. GRUNER. Dettler Ill No 0 South Main Steet1. ileloiring doneNeatly0111d1Protlly'. I~hm0 l Straight Qut. No. 1 CIGARETTES. Cigarette Smok1 ees1who) St)Illoretehan1th11p11 ce c" hared fo te 111111) 111' 11011'ic igaetts, wtill 111n1 )' The llielttloflllSterght Cle tIU 1 ICiosleet t" c te 1made111frotmthe srillt- 110t111t1d111 tel1thwred nd ielle t 11ost G'dLtf ra nin x le'ltlil. 1211bis1is1theOld &0od 10111 broulghtout111b1y20ust inte year '45 Inemt.11III 1111011)11ail111eveyl oake- the11) trTle Ai. \tx. 0INER Branc 'Otlatetaeeeo - -RlichmondllI.Virglinia2. 411U Arbor Savings Bank At111 Arbr ic OnhICapita~l Sleek, 60,000,l1 Supslli$01,010. Oregatnizedtlundlerthle enlera1llBankingleLaws Of111h1s state. lleee-iresep Ioits, bulys antd sell e05t11t11e on t lInceinclelities 101 f thIe united States.Di l tistocashed upon1proere idetifietion fies ClllllSIA'1N 01, 'S eco.. W' 0. lb 111011. Vite Prles., C IIAs. 1. [H10'1t121, 1Ca1hi11r. --THE AROUS,- AT LOW PRICES. Stoves, ne0w and old, large and small, for coal, xwood, oil and gasoline, at J. E. Ha~rkins', 28 E. 1{uron street. Thleiboys arecfitted 0o11 in glod trinm 10 make all enjoyable oestern tour. 'Ilie club, twcnty-eighit in number, travels in tile elegant Wag- ncr P'alacecear, ''Mississippi,'' to xvhichl they hiaoe addoed anlothter name, ill large red letters, Cornell Glee andi Banjo Club. It is consid- eredin l the cast that thte Banjo Clib excels the Glee Cl1u11, owingIto (the p~rofcienicy (If tile foermer, and11 1111 'Ilix'have ie n t0121e111211101satisfac- tionilat ceveolin~it 01hlre t1hey2 11101 stopped111. X1111)1 their extc et per- fortiersoredl. ).1.1ol, 00110is o)ne of1 til.he lest1wilters 1coliege 1111ysleaveever1 eard, 1nd 'r.EI-i win A. l 11 0111 lo 111s111de a long 1111 peseveringl s01t111y (f tihe Mla01111 1111, an11t1 1 ay 5115te least, is a 1110- 1cr of thle inIstrumllent . Aiioiig the (glee ('lob's filler voices are 111(101 of Messrs. h:. C. Btailexy, F. A. Blissell a111 F. A. Ptarkhurst. Mir. Ptark- 111100 has receed esplecial mlenltiont 01100 his baritonxe voice. 11112 clubs as a whlole have cc- ceivedl the greatest praise whlere- ever thley have been and are not tt be eclipsed by any of thxese men of especial merit. '1 ite h. of 'M1. boys should give them the most hiearty recepitioin that thley have yet re- ceelved. THE CAMPUS, cllee 1. Bacon,) 1),olilStoll , 0110the gc11201 1f Ptrof. Kelsev vesterday. At the 111211 meetinig(If the Emgi- nleerinig Society, 1P. 11. Richardson wvill read a paperon111"L Iife on BIoard (If 0)nIrishl Matn-of-War.'' Every mlember of Ptrof. Adams' class in "Unilsettled IQiestions'' 110 bleenl presentedl xith Ito very vallua- blle boo~lks. 01112i1 the Report of the Iter-state Comnmere (omimissionl for I igo. 011d the otlier is, Statistics of Railwxays in tile I' IlltdSMtes. Thex' 012012senit thrielgol thi ',-111 ]less oftile 1 01111 1001)111212f1 abor, I arr .l I.X11 111. \Oi I I i(:--l1importa0111111 blnessj meetin of ti; 12ior 'lass swill ibe 4. a~t :00 1-).I I . P. t.5511r . N I :I 1:riy C o lsr 111u.' 1'0 editors shllbe lieeced oiice each semiester, .at 0 11ime2set by the mn.l- agling edlitoir at or nlear the close ot ]each semiester. NI ITI('S-ilThtregullar annulal Oec- tioni of the editors of tie U. of' M. Im ii.v oill be held Satlurday at io 0. in. , in 101)m A. All members of thle Independenlt Association arc re- quested121 to be prcesent. Edlitors of C.(of IAl. D~C N oTrco-Gym subscriptions can ebe paid at Steward's office from . to 8Sof April. (Officc hours 9 to 9:30. TI. I-I. ['iICHO4lAN, JR. 67 Monroe 1\nn , Detroit, 1121. 'Ihe LaerestMil ercNehanseoe i thel'Suite.' Aentsl1 or10Maer .tin.W shburn,211 11ru11 1111.1 c 1 ary1100) (l s a nDo bsoSew HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NEW DERBYS? $2.00 42.50 $3.0 DON'T MISS THEM ?atent Leather f3]uchers. GOODSPED ltlinery and Art Gtoods. :30 1101(1Huo t S. Specitt iveleb o 1Studeons.Gie us a eall. FINE JOB PRINTING. It it our 0101101110000. Saisfoto it Otoottocod REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE.