TUT ' T7C1-'1T - A TT NJ IraELI U. yr 'J.of 1'T(. X u . 1I'ishedbitt tho (S1ndays ectedo) during r:' .)r I I. NDEPLENNT A, -OCATIO\. 4tteela Ws an Po t O lie lit-i 't,~-tilt tvlt- c'r nill tt t oclck "-tlsc iltill I1,1 h Soktt 1('1111satl ill iii l ~rIt it-h 't ittectHEn. o tjAIY .Adres ll late iltcdAttnf rbor. tic k. t t discuission." I Tequetiotn owas tot selclt ted liy the . ltffei soitans. It wasie suggestedl by the iWeblste.rs andi ttsr /lt p let liyethe tffersontats. Aft-r t11 'htr 1ad texpresse) thir I Ii King AiS itl-hi Spaty.lt ltt i t l I1111. . i t -it ii t tiltiN ll WAit - l rri-satlto '1REAT $TATIQfICIRY WE WILL FOR 111E TEXTFOUR WEEKS ua Offtr fiv ittos of papetr iof all k-itds to ibe.sold lbytlt.thebuntdat e :till rtes-. Tr-yittr (row m peitirial Lineni at 25 cetous 1ir pound. tBondlatper, Thesis, attdlTy-Iewr iter taller iat (Great IBargains. -nlopeitts tot itatchItall palters atttrcatlx- redutedl rattes. EDITORS. NOrl is ofAMtti)Ntilt I(It I -- r:.i. tair .0,it tistt.. Situlin i o a e d atce sv n (V I o ta R. -.1)oucr-. 'l.seme-ttister, lit a titme set lbi the iman-t I. NV. Itcic - Itr,N A-se.sist 31i1it* It---Mitgr i-lt--etditoir at or ite-r the close iof '- 33 1155011i.-,1. II. 5. \'. Ii t~l 1:. i o t.t)I,,A15 IC it. I einete adet.- little Inii l niaat- 1. 11,1 tisi-it - II . I ural addtress at the N irtlcesterit TH6ARUS UBISHNG- HUS. nte rsiti - lit tted nearlythtiree l_. __ tpaes tto rollineItt-tt.asternt colle-ges, i i I i I I I I I i i i M f 1 jfI I t yf I i Weisternl intercticlte it-'rse Asti- c lliti tll I lllec . li l,, V n l liItt 115l"laePrs 5AssleittI lIl it a ca15re tittt SOCnspeCtiweerlinale toi sei ta Ci It~t te a letn if tte (..-.iof M . BUSINESS LOCALS. - iN 1111 C it.ttIoitgtniziaiton,11andii lit it ii 1 i lttt-.Ii I ~llllti tt ttt ,it ns11111111.i Ithin ltolumn t it t a-e it Ilt. can1ts wine. I--111111 -t~t -trtfrll~e c<>llc c clittI-h. it.}1ittllllu t-ut 1a. tit~~~~~~~~tiI)' ttir 1a it tat I t-ti ttel it-iillieta lit. Si-ittuis ab" t i .;tttt 3 ,raet c ofc thee tltr-i-ilItsto ic i l llt S l ttilt Ilk It 1'. O. 1i Irsititill htilr-o ante -it ,alleruthat-it~res ultttt c te lil ratiii fitriiSatin. Ltiths Ialite. fr rm the tisocation.icli It-th ti- ol t t t i w o tJ do '. ae Ilen o om .esen sscato -e f lt ic t I tionl t itt its ti-s. liiieiv rtte ei r nlet of t ell p 1- 1 lii -teilt-ad in stttfts pett ctiat-ttlitere - rter Itoel illt.- endIIrettre t ativstotr Ii.N helTwoI ms.Ltt uis Blof ti. Io itscareo,-cthe Cmeetiga w sihetihild lGet tctiletoes M.iilute Sit it in ll organt izallill fft. d.Sitestee. ii ittt. - l lli iralleadeitintst11111 ltte ''. tile littIrIi)lit.h It'ltaAlor. I et oraticatt cote t o ath u rd i u i a e c a d s clayevetrnitgt lls ollIe. otf te l t h selt iielecaiol. Weh v teie rsiityli.s rap it l it tr"l colt stittit. ill(iITGvllaVbeneit THE LA-ST R'EOEPTlf ON IOf the Sea~sont itill blleldt.i Bj r cr Ooll&I e tIltse ttl I titltt u et Y So I -t 1. 0 N70tttidtRN.+.Chcao 71 Fr SIes Ot to Mn 1~{O-TORAP .h 1 Nt). 2 it hitl(IN S-I- STATE ST. SOU TFI TTER You cztu fid i Fu11 Jite Of Fine Fupis1hiflg ALNVE tI7 S Adler's Kid Gloves, P'erriis's 1Ki(1Gloves, E lldflHose tat Ia1argult AI T U LHER SHI iXS ti1 ALL KJ110 jMade to Order aund SaI:sffliol Gularaniteed. ')2 S.- STArTE'ST., AS NAttll Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. - Timo ratble oxog into eoliuotatadh t(I out Itu. Itf13ul01 Mti. Pleasanttt tIxires - --........I t . Wt. It. BIENNErr, t. i. GN W0iit t" coli-s wecS ia re sturt.v Ia uuttli tug ot frottverxy last. Webster vs. Jeffersonian. 'Tieinotiucitf the cooling cotntest betiwen the tiwo axe societies, ill- ptearing in the Ilsiumof Marci 24th, iwas erroneoius, in that it stated that ,,the Jeffersonians hailthirt choice if qfuestion and side for the first I Cornlil, I Sell, fell, Sell, tCornell SjwIa C igittttl designusit s tItl- - I matstilt Itefuriiisholtr eq I tueist ftor Graind (.perc j' ol..1~ ltieciet niain, hs-a rgraltnes. Fraternitty Statioery, I Thturslday, April 2, 1891. Menutaidiustit C ardls fiii Banqiuets- andi (lubh Dinnters, Danceiro ugrammes' 'ELL t. andit till oftliftkindtisof college work. CORNLLUIY"EISITY Our stationery is ailwsit notable for E OI its liuasdsolne etgrttving, cortrt form LE, ANO LT and mtoderate prices. A. C. MCCLURG & CO., Prices, - 35, 50 and 75 Cts. CHICAGO. Seatsnon nate an Pcenlfiwc News Stand, Fri-