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March 30, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-30

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Ijce U. of
tn. WDailb
\Oc. 1.-No. his.
Senior Law Oratorical Contest.
paoints by the isidges, and w.as there-
ccreari atuiirass' cntsstin siwholereflects credit osn the senioir
Utnredlat atrdawi ssclass, and onl the swhole I nicer- I
nsiiVersity Hall. Shosrtly after esigit
cktheIproramn be-ass with i si i : llsi
nic eonwas fhne.
bySi: icthe Plies usaioe'ois Orclies-
tin, alsirwl"-i. li pr esidesit N,,A.
Ph The Gline Club Concert in Detroit.
ili~,stated that according -to_
prteedenit the lwoao oscas Tecnert b itheIce leIubat
daY ias selecie ne stli and ll-t heiii mliiinIDetroist. -iatnsla~r
traduncedl the firsit 'speakeLiofithengt a rery snicsstil. Th
g, 1'hi . -J.;1I lallIc, sif I iclti - andience isas la rge andiiLryenesisi-
ni whlose sjeci si-as, - [lie _1si- astic._A tier the ciiiii rt theliels-j
it55 of thie N eis-OrdLer." ' se tiiii(Chli)essiertaisseilthe soys at
speaker in all easy osansier deliv-eredi the IDetrosit Clhiiouise. II ese is
iwcll-comsposedl oratioss, 5inslichliwhatithe Free Press say~s:
hPortrayed the conditiosn of Isi- The concert gisens at the LYcesins
iaity at the tisie that christiansity last ight iby tte CU- if M. Gilee assd
was introduceil andlthne clsaises that Banjo ('isswias sa truly sdelighitfsul
-g aflai-. Tine usealists lookedi learnsed
itwrugt ansi dignifiied ini their cap5soild gowns,
oghtihe the menibers sof the Banojo Clots
Tine second speaker wvas '. C. apspeairedinisitisecustomnary fusll slress
filbert, of Mlichigain, whno spoke suit. The asudiensee wsas a large ansd
en ''A-Tosurnanmesnt." i -ortinfashioissble oeessd tlsey programme
NtsOasnicery balansced andid sseisup sfpleais-
Ilnowed thoughlt asnd studly, lust hsin lg selectins. The numbners given bsy
dels r. Walter ansdiclib, Mr. Alexandiier
veyvasrathser ungraceful, al- aisd clssb anid Mr. Peters ansd clots iere
thonghlsise gresw easier as Ise ail- enicoredl, as were siessrly all thumso-
ic ergy is to lie cos-is-elies- s serogrisss iiis e Tesat addrill
meinded. cosscert i a ss woble lit thesauiene iLni
Th nxtortin asdeivre b ishitter fr-asie iiofssmind hsiisiassy a
Theiset oatossis-s dli-erd b irofsissiinal compsiaisyif sisgers hs.
' I .McMaster, Ioswa, onilTe The'ris Ge C i s ~e -isis BansjoClsibs,
dbt of Liberty taken togetiher, is iiiiiigainizatin
Ie yto LairaindiLair- wisichs gires excellentt satsi sctioni.
mS''is sulbjcct ivan one of ill- -- -"" --
1 rest, although Isis positiosn osn thne The Gym Fund Grows,
sge Seas rathser nmilitary. t A fesv subscripstiosss are combiin
itt l of sin" a h su- daily to the Gynmfsund. Iliii grad-
Of . l.'ark, of P'ennsylvanaia. ssa l' nearing thse $20,000 smark.
p tracd the dievelopment of our Yseda bvnieJise anuae
gnversnment aind the insliuence it han ivan ng fromn Detroit lie entered
hadi on other nations in spreading re- is coin-m sto vii etea
t~bian ideas. The speaker's de- on tine train regarding line Gyms fund.
livery ivanscquite monotosnous, nsot When informed how nnucin was
enouigh variety, needed to raise tine $20,000, inc
4 L S. Bldwisn, of Indiana, spnoke promptly iwrote out a nubscripition of
"The King's English." tIn a yoo. The gentlennan wan Geo. H.
ntrthat is nalural to himself heHamndir.if erot
tlivred fin oraion.To-morrow evesning tine Chicago
"Will Our Governnent Stand ?" alumni isold their bainquet, aisd it is
hsthe subject chosein by J. A. expected that tinnyiwill make a good
argent, of Illinois. 'Pie speaker cstiuis otn ud -ontn
cotnidered the governmnents of thecGnrnduRaidsndtotKafnsasrCityhum
pat that hare fallein, anti, of GadRpd n assCt lm
tnu ni some chneering newrs will no doubt
r ,cniuebiatorgvei-le neard withnin tine next tivoiveeks.
rent would stand. _ ._ ,,.___
Tihe lant speaker of the eening Amherst Glee Club.
asnP R. -Spsots, of Missouri, ivhose
suibject wan, ''lieuHomne of tine (In Martin 20th, tine Amhierst Glee
- iitontented. Although tine sub- anti Bainjo Clubs gave a concert is
lt in an old one, and tine audience Boston, Mass. Tine Boston Globe,
'5 tired, tine speaker held tine at- in its connment osn tine concert, says:
tltion of isis audience till tine last. "The bent glee club tinat Anmherst
After music, president Phillips, has sent out of recent years (and
aSOiounced that Mr. Baldwin had that is saying a good deal) sang col-
tectived the highest numnber of lege songs to the delight of a large
audlienscein Hosrticultural iiHnlllast
erenssst. ITisere are goousi ocensin
the clusiLSia lls amsosng the tesnors,
andi tihey isaisebeesn casrefulli trainedi
so thsat they sini tog ether ini goods
hasmossi nd inis perficitLet ison.ss
Tlie sisseeew.iLosr tre
the program Ilie Ibasio lu(lb alsos
gav o L- ec f crefl triingsisi
kll its selectiosnhiere blii--tly- ccii
111[lbisitunisdsesrithe auspiices iof
ur isis-sC.- indlB. csubs will appea r
in 1 iii rsime IH1ll, Aril ittn
b VINCGthie expseriessce of College
Mlesn wio kino nissasppreciate
tihe caefuc sl isstissr sof College Stu-
slensts.issais -laime corpis of skillest
Dsessisners anidiJeswelers nsecially
trainsed forcadis-nil d islother jewselledl
iioi mpartsisnas iwse dsisi.sctly
frmn Paris, Londo ndisii mssi itesudsan
isis iamoisins- ndisothersssprecios
s'tons, NveariniaI 1positin tospro-
duce the filLstplansitsisnd jeswelledI
Soietiy1-i'acgssofiall kinssllsichs are
mnufssiacstursedsins ths cnsstry.
Wright, Kay &Go.
tIi'f1hlh'iEiS, -"I"LXliEIIS
MAN I -A' UItitNtt 1 WELEtiS.
Et>I~xsl OFJ1.I)AiN. Li D troit. Muoh'an.
your issues sit -March 20 and 2zi,I ''t&
notice that tine subject of keeping CJhap. ' peIler &' "
tine Library opessoin Sundays in nog- University Outfitters,
gestedI. I think this is a practical
qluestion, aind ouneswhich nnas- ieli h0 Scusan SNr:il-INa.
dlemndi our carefuli attenitiosn. It is
a qstinissforipopular siisctnssiosn E N G L I S H
that arisensiin cosnnections with all C I TO H S
puics irre ft-aadi any such cases public senstimsent ____
favors tine opninsg of thlL soors on
Sunday, for a part si thtie lay at leant. TCPI?21$ "lU GOOD$,
If tine Library ivere opened f rosmntivo____
to six Sunnday afterssoons, as ben ci
suggested, it wouldi not interfereivith ENGLISH SERGE
chnurcin attendanice, and I tinink oR
would offer niso slatiosn to tine sasnc- CQA ISAIND ILOUSERS
tity ofthtie day. tnasmnucln :as moot
students read in tineir roons osn Sun-a5TAIiV .
day, thnere is no reason winy, if a i Q
demand is felt for the use of the 3J[SK Boll[ii aODS7
Library oin Sunday, that it shouid be ~
closed against them. Objections on tIIL1 E
the ground that tine Library' might be
used for study, have no solid foun-
dation, as no such iines of distinc-
lion can be drawn between general
reading and the stsudy of our text-
books. Any instructise reading is
study, in the sanne nense asnprepara-
tion for recitations. Access to the
Library on Sunday would open a new
avesnue for profitable Sunday read-
ing, aind fill a iong, felt want for
somethning to do Sunday afternoons.
'Tiinproiposal is isn perfect harmony
ivitin the broad and liberal principles
upnosniviichn our great Uiversity in
founded, and ihere are mnany who
irould like to see such a change isn-
augurated. A STUDENT.
The Drannatic Club of the Univer-
sity :of Wisconsin, will produce
"O0thello," in the near future.
CUffl$ BAT$ AflD BALL$
Agenst for Ann Arbor Steam Laundry,
quick delisvtry and best work.
Cdr A. $P6LL(:R & ~q.

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