z== s ei-zI ii'----- Life is Uncertain! t ~ 1 ' 1 I TIME TABLE. 73 DEATH IS SURE. ilclil it t tth i't ttIi. \ , l, OtK 1s T I ME II T AEL,.> ,1t lI, A r1I Ii t ttti ti t-i~~i i -i B. F. C I~s 1*0ftK ,ranager csitvict\siLN IO , ~.ti- 1 >5 t iitt, it F -iaiii*si-tttia i -ti-Biiii t-tt t t-i,.;Xi-i . m10. -1). tit i dai '5tit.. B.ow aetf J CONRA It , ,~ ilP w o ains Iclrr~ cl Ma.C ,caI~ltl St tao ELLITT & SHUTTS Proprietor ite tt l it - 1"Iti-i'-i1i-A '1ii - ai- ttity :..10 1.'.a, i-ut-, i t i i ciii -t i--itu t t AL i -- intt, Ii- it it 1 l a -. t e ,a -.00-00,10- ha e us tke tw e h} fr li' al ii-it- rl l.- tear attituiiL a c,-n e e trth thu a srne vi-tiu t " _ HR VAt yp-rte vrD sANd I Y o1IatEG. H. WILD, Ill tii 'I. it et Eit t iuitlt. (tittie il atl ii--l ii-til. Is -istiitie ,the ItitigI tStock- of 1-tll lDre-s -ttlhiims-i- lilii iOtli-ti The _1CItiE T F ) ''T~N I'IN s th 11"ST. sel it. We ell he ll, t iitet ilhdes an1-jut- It-i-Is titlirut r i- l ly I 1'Y 7L.LLC 7t. INO. G !r. wati ulg LOfl Z L-. llf-.dr IYt CLIf7. CORRECT:-:STYLES Spring Suitings) A I Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. 4 Colorings New - IN STrouserings. Novt-ilet~iit lancyVestitigi --ery- ltint New-Stylish attd Seasonable at 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHL. BITLE I(G &JOLLY, STAi i-TFt:ST., A YA-aai-, MICI., BJLANK BOO1K$ iFor te text thirty days. Hat-vardit-Yai-e, U. itf-M. adluaiva--t- COLLEGE + OUTFITTER, Sporting antd Athletic Goos,i BIase Bail and Tennis] - - Goads a specialty., lQ'ANI) 11 IHARVARID ROW, BURLFIGII & JOLLY, AGENTS. GREATEST VARIETY d~ LOWEST PRICES 7 i-c eliaiirl Whtite liitea - -i-t33ets. iter set 7 tei-chAdlamtantinte Cl-ina-li-tes - - - 401 cts. per set 7 inhi-l-Setni-p-rceliin, hBoote's lilates - -i-4 cts. per set Pieairl Whtite I-'dlil Teas------ --- -------I ets. per set Adai-i-miantinie IlddltI Teas - - - - 50 cts. per set Basote's Semi-portelaint Ittdltd Teas - - - 7,5 ets. per set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. PEAN & Co. THE CAMPUS. Ile seii lasliad atn examni-ta- titu oti- hills anti Notes this rmorninig. 7\1. Ednaii- Goble, AL tD1., class tif '87, is itt tots-ii-visitii-g bher mti-hser. Ailr. Thiurt-onti-, if Nilies, is visitingi 92. The i--c-c presitdent i-f Fort Wiorth tivaersity, F 11'. .7lariiutis twent-y- aetan years oldl. RegettChias. KR- Whiiti-an-titill read a paper at the litiity (Clbtiext Monday evcetinig. Mir. IHiramt- W-alker, of lDetroit, htaa juttsent in a subsacrilptioni of $250 for lte Gyni funid. Oni- accounit of too severe criticis of Stanley itt Texas, liia nager, J. B. Pond, lias caticelled all dates itt tIhat slate. At a nmeeting of lte Lecture Asso- ciation board ti-is mtorninig,- $400 was voted to help te compsletion of Newberry HFll. To replace lte Joliet Opsera I-ouse, whiichbuhrned last week, tl-c Glee Clutb nmanagemnta is-secured a liall whtich scala abott ,00. Trte Joliet date, Aplril 1311- will be re- tained. Tuhe forty-eighsthi boat race be- tweeni Oxford and Canmbridge ws won by Oxford by a quarter of a length. The distance was four and one quarter nilea; tinte was twenty- two mnutes. A delcgation of about ten niem- sers of the Alphsa Nit society went to Ypsilati yesterday eveninig, antt took lpart i-n a joitnt progranm with tie Atlie-etseu-sostciety- of thie Normtal Schi-osl. The t-iedits liate let-iedi -i-si--all tax pier capsiti-aaini-iretosptlt ui-i formenein-e ini the Hel. Conidter- intg the fact list Ite professionaal dlepartmni-tls usually take bsut sntall interest i-a Athtletics, thie nietlics i-eserve great credlit. Thle newa North-western league wiid-uas organizied at Jackan yesterday will opens its season Mlay 9-. The unfortutnate thsing about 3IISITESSPILEOTO WATCHMAKER AND JEWELS'EESpcaateto piIorpiin at M. W . BLAKE,. IICTU'RFS, IRAYfiES,+' ART GOODS. i-a utst 05ti S FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manuf-treai of andtdealettr i~ SAGINAW GANG SAWED LME J- HALLER iReipati iga peciat . 0. N. MARTIN, DSEALER I\ - Cloth Caskets, M2etallic ANti- t NI-MOtN i-OFFINS___- J. A. POLHEMUS, NathMi-iti-i eeiti--- RINSEY & SEABOLT, Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and' ti-nud 8 iE. Waisi-natn t- JOHN WOTZKE, this is thtat Detroit is intshI- league Miatof t-e I.ADIES' aucs GENT$'SO and in all probability this nieatts Repair-aingtatly danes. 4i-s. Satn St anothterganme i-a Detroit while Corntiell ____-- _____ -_ is playing us. rouI1111 't'-crc will be a special Easter S ;Or t v Sen-ice at tl-cUnitianChiuircht With the reti-rnt of tihc Base pall next Sunday nmornitng, uwithu extra Seaisoni, we shtall lie preprat-ed to fr to~be usic, flowers, readings, anid al-oct tiishi all ti-si is ntew and desIMabWn I UNIFORIMS FOR Base Ball, sertmon. No evening sen-ice. Mr. i-etntis, Ciricket, La Gross~e, Xh Stunderlanid begittsits the evening a atidlfar all Outing useas. ottr Shi110 -Sweaiter for quality atnd durablty ap- series of six sermon, in Yipsilantiti-a equa-l. Ouli--nue of Base Ball ti during uwlichim-lne thte evening ser- plies, Bats, Balls, Masks, Bady Jxti3 tectars, Citchers' Mitts, LaunG T eas, v-ice in Ann Arbor will l-e omitted. Supplies, etc.-, etc., as ill farmer e- Oberlin lias an attendance of 0709 atta uill defy completitiaot, NY e fo- tldas year. These figures i-i-dude tihc justly proaiud-Iof au-c large ealleg0 the Y lauwting, d-e iaiwe are au-are,t hi attenidanice in thte conaervatory of superiar qu-ality of i-ii--cgaaods- fui niusic and preparatoty departnents. estemtoweaaito trienthenrata Northnwestern University has si- at- of our goads uwtere it is passi-blerOf dane o 194, ut eretoo respiondetice desireud uith mni-iti- tendace o t~t, bu her, to, all college clubs. SetndtIfar oar thte nsical and preparatory depart- Catalagi-e of Si-iiner Spartsa ait met r nldd h .o .frs .&would have an attendance of 3100 A. G, SPALDING & BROS.9 upon this basis, for the High School 10C o tree: t. riADLPHi41 tei is virtually a preparation depart -SMdonite. sthsii- ment. NYYORK:t 41and t'43 Theadwst--