THE U. OF M. DAILY iTiii 7WO $AM$ Messrs. YOIJMAN'S, KNOX' y and SIL VERMAAI S ness THE - [Z-COAT See it at M il7rlo= 1 111 = 0 lllltqrY VOORHEIS & DI T S To( BEST WORK IN THE CITY' STATE Sr1t. TAILORS, VRKCALE FBUaid DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. 'office. 3 Souti Fourti- Ave. ZALL AND D3EE JE3, Of Old U. of M. should have a University of 'Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Qduality highest. Guaranteed every iiich of the road. Violin auid Guitar Strings, 10 ets.; Blanjo and Mandolin Strings, 5 ets. Everythinug ini proportioni. L. IT. Cement, ALLMLNITPIGR I"AITO & OLGAIT 00. TRAJJE T BROWN'S DRUG STORE COlt -EI MAIN AND HURJION STREETS. L slio~saT 501CK oi' ToILET GiOOD55A-\ NIE ia- k (its, ToI',ACCOs AxD lit tiii i', SNTill CiiY. FERGUSON & SLATING, Gents" Fhishers ad afers ('rty a full lhne of II XI-CA(St\I:CXAWEit1.1RItOSILERY, (LOX I '4 t NDEI1111"1E.11, Etc. The 1litest styles and an eintire new stock tot select i oiii "W RS OO TOEDONTOWN. Byvery Studenit will save nioney hy huying University Text-Books and all supplies at Ileadquarters. We allow spiecial dliseoiunt 011 LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, DENTAL BIOOKS, in short, every Book used in the University. 5,000 Blank Booke at lowest prices. LEADING BOOK STORE IN TILE CITY. AL THlE NEWIEST STYLES FACULTY ANNOUNCEMENTS. LAW IDEPARTMENT.-Lectuires in IN- law department for week begin- ning Oct. 13 will bo as follows: CLO ~ifr'{Monday, Prof. Tihompson; Tues- day, Prof. Wells; Wednesday, Po.Wells; Thursday, Prof. OF ALL KINDSIAT Thomnpson; Friday, Prof. Knowl- ton. Judge Brown will lecture to J. T. J A.COBrS & co.'S, seniors and graduates on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3:25 27 AND 29 MAIM ST. p . -SCIENCE ANiD ARTvorTiEACHINGe. L. GRUNER. -Prof. H announcesn Deaier in iIisdale that -,OW s A2TzD = 7- on Tuesday, Oct. 14, 5 p.Ii. Rlepairin DS5eahMi sre. loomn 21, le will begin his course don Naty ndPrmpty.roprm~ly ,of lectures 011 Oriental Education. Everybody is iiivited to go to The principle subjects conisidered skatng nk o-nihtto it-will be, "TMio General Facts Con- the Sttii riil oiilt owt ditioning Oriental Education," uess the exhibition iii liehnn "The Educational Ideas, Institu- painting. Books sold at autin. tiolls of the Hebrews,"iiandl "The Educational Ideas and Iiistituitioiss of the Chinese.'a Save Time and Money MISCELLANEOUS. day evening at 7:30. lIportant business. Students having had experience in Orchestral playing aiid desirinig to continute tine sanie, call onl F. MlcOiuber, P. 0. stamsp window. S. L. A. COURSE. The board of the Lecture Asso- ciatiou have about comllpeted ar- rangemnents for the entire course, which will, in all probability, be as follows: Nov. 8, Leland T. Powers; Nov. 21, Frederic Vil- hiers; Dec. 13, ilild-Park Concert Company; Jan. 6, ileory M. Stan- ley; Jan. 21, F. W. Gunsaulus; Feb. 21, R. IH. Conwell. The course is a strong 0110, and the board deserve cretdit for their eniterprise. INTERCOLLEGIATE FOOT-BALL LEACUE. Schedule of gamnes-Nov. 1, Yale vs. W esleyan, at New Hlaven:; Nov'. 15, Yale a's. U. of Penn., at New Hlaveni; Nov. 15, Priiiceton vs. Weslyan, at Broolklyn; Nov. 18, Princeton vs U.. of Penn., at Phailadelphsia; Nov. 26, Wesleyan vs UT. of Penn., at Brooklyn; Nov. 26, Yale vs Princeton, at New York. Twenty-five men have begun training at Amherst for ,the eleven. 67 Mjonu-oe /2\ve, DetroitMich. The Lasrgest Musical Merchandise Beuse in the Stat. Agents for Martin. Washburn, areas and IBenaryGuitars, and tDebson, Stew- srt and Benary Banjos. Best Strings in the Wo'rld sent by mall to any address at 15 cents each for XVioiin and Guitar and 10 cents each for Bannje. Hats. I7 OT FINEPH OKAH. Millinery and Art Uooda. S30East Heron St. i~ t YORE aSOX (a~ illnufacturers-o0 B and lnd- liett B' and lnd Ochestra muicN U. of M. DAILY, SI I E Cents a Copy, $2.50 aYear. OF US WHILE WE :ARE HERE. Callaghan -11,13&onroe St., 50OS. State St., Chicago. Aun Arbor. u~li':~iI~a-Aineetiiig of the I'. of AI. sslseclmien wvill be held iii the Laws biuldhig -onsiay eN-e- ifing, Oct. 13, tt-.T: 0. All bi- cyclists ale urged to be piesclit. WV. C.'.I 1icil,-Nuuu. Foot-ball practice taules place on the camnpus every afternoon at 4-20. Let every player come out and try for tbe teani. W. C. Mialley, Captain. All University, girls,. irrespeht: tive of class or department, are in- vited to meet in Room A, Satur-