THE U. OF M. DAILY FRI DAY A SATURDAY ONLY, intent tuffs NW rti 2.5c per pait- at 1,5c-, 2 lor 25c. I'~fine Dol TurntIDowtt Collars, Sutchlat aet o ld' fortp2(1( 100, each(or or Cl-25c-. Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices towest, Quality lhightest.OGuar-anteed every imelt of tltt 1road. 5-ets. Es I-PSttiing in proporttiont. (.,1.S Mincteut', LKNIG~ . -O 0TT (P00 T' RA.D:E AT BROWN'S DRUG STORE ~BY S 0 71lIdE -IREY ARE BARGAINS 7L-fE'' 117AAfn GAAKC, I fl H I I jt 1J AI VL \ 51,0eto.uctNsAM5) 11E III) A;'l I j-, , J ;J1,5(LGEST ' t ( (I IIt IlEt (GOOD1S A ND FINE (to AR11, 'TottIACCO1(AND Aill Ardor 1II lltf. VOORHEIS & DIETAS, +J.:DOJN'T (3-0 :DO-\ArI\T 2T07 T+ BEST WORK IN THE CITY'. STATE ST, TAILORS, FOR FOOTWEAR. WOWCALEFORt~I7ELTERD, FIRST CLASS WORK. 51140E5 for J30T14 LAPIES agclk GENTLEMEN. Of c,- 23 South Fourth Ave. r LLu L]S E3JI, 22 SOUTH STATE ST. LiEMMON & BOWDISH. BOKSTRDOWN TO N. th :': Nc~l 10: Slcit inti )1tX tIK .: 711A t~~~.1 K T .i~IS t tcc( ts1 (11 ilTO 'i , I al g tM(l f I ical M t t hand. Ifousein,(11 } ~ suen il av 11leyb byn U ieriy et-~ok mlal lpli ;i ~c;dq rtr. ealo tesat.AIe -fr ati.__ahnn I I i JIlTO 1)1 STOV i IN i' CITY. I HAVE r CLOTIHIiNG, OF ALL KtNDS AT ~T. JACOBS & CO.'S, 27 AND4029 MAIN sr L. CRUNER. Deler lsitt 1tAirindtlle Neatly anttrmpt ~s~mond Straight Qut- ilo. I CIGARETTES. ,r Nilli g t o 11 it1111 l r, al thes lit TheItchnonlStrigh 6q , i gar( e 1(1t1(tise lae from- the 1bright- lq,]j i IN,(I'.1 1 -os I ih'tc - t,1 Att o' s l lt, ttj"alIvryI; t 3 i stt l (lgt, Pnufasltuttre ttr tcs, t,- eRtich od iti t tt I~tves new aDeod, larg iand 1 i~a ngefr cowo dh picilciisoiland CHASin, t . E. Ilar0kinsh28er. - rn t'dEe ARt. S31- Cocnell at Albany. TI-IC SAM PUS. -.h co crcfte onl _ i c- l vutl yto Glete 01tnd Ilno l ub 01s at Ite I M iist1er ialyHandcs i liri Ba111 last 5(111 wasita most duc lithe Chapel stlrt5 tu 11 0-cur s~ttg IS I r i'auil ~Prt oill ssl tcitc ntti l lultr~, players1on theibinjo1ndcmatdolit.1(11111 Mst o f has vcIls u mberl s o11 n lte 11T1 111CticagoItrc lstNews l v d11gittes and1were's --Suglwth xpes f5 -b111al(1a1ary e Ier Ic n by11ilc M r. o lE A-11( rkh111 t,11 r(11111 1.11111 (Ichurc sa g 1e I its" een d , si-ti i,] 1, on iii lin - IsiI (1ca l cIi ls tled h u inc wslit het lmolstl ectur (111 (of th 1 1 1 jYOU SEEN "lia HS NEW "lit >c' DERBYS ? 01Y00 2.50 X3.00 IthU.IDON'T MISS THEM of tite Potent in lie- ay eve-Leather hurclh of fBluchers. rellilll th- - -- li' Ic T-it ~ i -IM ln A ff co ,I 111 l's lllrdill 1his c115.- 111(1and 111 (1 151 ((22(werebperfct ad1tiler(1 Ps a5 marked absence o21(22 (f Ilihe tnlss whal~in1; wshichItistttlyI characi- zcs this stleI of 31111151(2 The mt(- itl- itnents W(2epltIlayedlinillIcfect 1t11e atsi switht 1adm1irable shiad 111(01ansiex- itrcssiolt. As strinlg pitkers titese younrg men lare ruarses,-Aibauv j ourttal. A telegram from Chticago to Antn Arbor last night announced the death of "Mrs. George 1'. Nilliams, wvho was one of the first professors in the University. The funeral will be held in Ann Arbor Sunday. l IlletlIP t op 1 fttIhcllee15 1141 li nde4r ths whetrls oIthIllscar .and1sus- 0110 leg swas batdly lacerateti.Whtile thle intjury is probably 1101 seriotus, it wlli keep -Mr. Green contfinedl to his roont for several sweeks. MISCELLANEOUS- NOTIE.-All persons having ac- counts witht the Students' Lecture As- sociation are requested to call and settle before April ist, 1891. D). B. CHEEVER, Treas. 17lti(001 andl Act 0o00s. W. H. HAWKINS, Ps-op., Special given to Stweats, Give us a call, FINE JOB PRINTING. Ile our aim to please. Satlolsclion (tsasant etl REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COO- HOUSE.