'Ij ~tof Al. Wlii. Vt I.-No.16 Newberry Hal Meeting Ia.t evnng the Chlapel was pretty well fillel, in theiteretists ot New- SIey hal. Ihe netig- op~eed I h rater iiiilsong, and then resltiingc , howasinhis1 11100(1modgaetcgnialetl ek ou th ttesubaecit fthe eeing.l 'Next1 br inr1din1n spoke fthetltS(. A. fianes, and PriofesorIY itgte fol iWed with aspttnid taii lk on the iistr and puposs ot Newbt erry- Presidient _oigi then calited for tudge(rant ,ot the l inli'an S- itene Cort. Tlet judecspoke de-I idedly caouet Anin Aror's open sa- h~s lie sadle lebelieveed we otgit t haw '"that there is a Coci in I- rael aaei a law in tie land.' bewerry Haltsou e a ery eari fu Paetawould "entice" yotng fitoicein. At lateMrlBrearley, of lie iDe- it Journal, spoke, adotie hPlan for getting tie $2,000 e- tltary to conmpee the huilding. le ided te whole tumonito six loin og $2,000 each. (f tee lie agreeeI ti teture the ist lot, acid assigted t tecoindto iiir. Jennings. 'ihe thard, -Ir. Irearley lihoght, coutid ae btainedthlrotigha the liep of fify netwsapers that lie could fiel i~h lalaneelto get front the Yoncg e e societies of liacr cries of the State, in thitsway: Tie Boarci of arseet are to arrange a uno- rar0 giving a history of lihe S. C. A. an Newerry i-al, andl otier iner- ingicformaion. This program istoabe given sinutianeously by lie eg People's Socieies, and atihe ndof i collections are tn be taken. te ffth lio Mr. Brearley anigiedi 1tl the ladiesofAn rbtoe lo lewberr y H-ali itself, according tos1ite future arrangements. 'Thie eas lt it to be raised by sending ,Innlars to or friends away front rbor. anheall exiect aNwberry Hal tos c ith estdesntyiceucniecieffors U. ofoM The Indoor Meeting. fTelbowing umena iave entered orth arios events in tie indoor eetcg wihich is to be held a lie Wil to-night. Tite iist of eents 5Pen promptiy at 8 o'clock. U\N1VEIISI1YOF 2IICIIIG:XN, I~iII)AY. MIARCHt27, 15th. \Iir.icrilc, lice D etrocit Athletic (11ii)Iraicer, xciii e here lt ct as1 sitarter . it.'Tihbbals cciii act asj I nniuoutcericnsteadiof F. A. I mn.y Whco 1 isichle ito lee iresenht. 'lie o(tilcetrs of tilt meetinig and conctest- ancclx11lcprhcuhre ibac-es a111111- iccs frontcciA- Ai. Ilarcevait the 1-ick.I ciciars clash--:1. J. Sweet, 1. ll. ('a . acc n'aicc cccogcn, jr.i . Ducffic J.lR-'ArnillT.1 'lc ixtccl Bucr-gess, .W Q11eW ' IParker andciHit11i (octeti igchI twecglittsrestlici"-..A. Its ccc 1: A. Giocican andciJ .R.Arincill. Standcig hight ionp-J. 'anacaIcc stageci, ir., aid (I.(C.iPcsch. S8noayarcis rtun-S.lHutcinson. Midlcdie weigitt wrestlicng-1E. AI. INTERtMISSIOiN. 440 yards rucn--V. It. Ayers, S. A. S. Meliceny anTic. E'. Iltrgess. Odne mtlie runi--S. Iuitchcinsocnticd C. Wiiakefield. Runnnga"iihd jumpa~-A..1 . Sweet, '.sVancIlnvagenc, jr. , acid(1. (C. Punch. Hlorizocntal bar-W. C. Tuircier, 1:. A. Crocican and P. GC. Howaer. Relay race (16 iaps)-Las' leant, 'I. J. McKeon, C. W~. Maunger, H. H-. Cowen aned J. 1E. Doffy. Meal- cal teani,1E. IB. Wingard, J. R. Arneill, T1. 12.iBorgess and V. 13. Ayers. Literary team, S. Ifutci- son, Wa. P. Parker, J. R. Mc~iirreca and E. Nicholson. Princeton Base Bail. Many tinck Harvard cat "done it" with a vengeance it arraiiging Iswo ganmes witih Priciceton for May z and 9. Pricnceton has ocie of the strongest nines it has had for years, and sweeping sictories over lHar- vard acid Yale are said tn be alniost a foregone conclusin. Pitcher Keefe sipeaks ihighly of iiciher Y'ong aned Catciher Blrokawv. Yale lacks a pitcicer. Harvarcd has strengith intshie ipitcher's position, acid thcat is about ali. Agaicn, Prince- ton can begin octdoor traicniccg fully tsvo weeksternier titan H-arv-ard, yet lice twn clubs will play togeticer May z and g. It is very hcard Co see whiere Harvard will conce in unuder soda circunastances. The gances be- tween Y'ale and Harvard ougiht to be intereting-Ex. How a '90 Law Becam-ie Famous. Altile ephisode awhcih ccurirretd at jcaco I larbccirs't cinn.,ticis aweek, hats cusedcitiheccaccanactccliin xisella, law, ')0yo, ic to a beom cqitie aicici a crculated thiroughoucact the ncorhliwcest. Kxinslist cai le ~cforcpillcage presdenc o IT1 lcihrbccrs, this s1)i. il vs eecateci. 'After elcticnliccci e tatfracudi1had1 (Ceciilluseidito defcatl iicland ccclsecercil articlets wcle icublishint ccthe icaplers b}ic liii itr elfns caerecaroiisedi acid iatr oka re uncfortunatdce turnfor ineliIccle, ccciSiuniday cccrnigac obdrssedinicccalite cac in01capsbust lpe acslcecircoomcande took hiat oucCdcocrs, where licewsta beatecnacid sereral shots fired, ocne liassicl thcrauighclanhiachani, acid aanther icnjuring;lain thumcbc. A coal ocf tar wras ticena applied, btlice escalped befaore the feathers coucld etc addled a a*i. Kicnsella has canted lice arrest of liceiierpcetratnrs of lice outrage, andalisntewliatving hla incc- icng.'' IWhat Others Thought of Dr. Win- chell. The Clcalctaccdlaafoar Aicril coin taicas a Ina"ecditorial aina lie life anac wrorks nf Dr. tWinciceli. It is nonly ocienaore fact Co prnre lice esteemi andalrespect in swhich Dr. W~inchel st-as held by ecducateci penple thcrougcouct lice worild.'Te writer of thee article says that fewv Americaa scholars inave reached so mcany hnousehinlds with their books and thnougitts as did Dr. 'incliell. Very seldonm are tine scientific investigator and lice popu- lar expounder to svell united in one person as tiney' were in im. Mhany Curts the scholar absorbed in hit; specialty itas a feeling of contemp- for lice popularizer, but not so with Dr. Winchell. He Conk pride in tine office of a teachner of lice penonle at large, and loved to speak to,4)opular audiencesupnincithe rast conceptins annong wlhichnhhaltnnindcad cnnte to be at hocce. Tlhe article closes writh thte follnsv- log : "BIy those swho kcnewv hini front his inrintedi works alocce, ice will be rencemicered as line chtamipinn of cer- tainideas. 5 5* iBut thosewho knew him well, will rencencher hint also for te gentleness, tihe modesty. the simplicity, tial underlay hit wealth of learning, lilt idealism of character, and his stately forms of expression." iciIcbe, '1'cucn+:CO NTns. -.'ING tlte nxicdriece fCol('cleget b~ i N-ci stnow cansctd appclcicate lice cirefual srcrci ('fCcllege Stu- dacts,. iiiiig ac lcrge e-ncs of skilledh 1)-inicers acid hettaciers speecilly trciaIiadrforcicge ahdcthear jesselled sscrk, iciipccc-iccg, as s-awec , adiretiy fromcari 'iis, Lcdncicaccud Amcasteramo (ccci I tiaicciichs atd othcci Iciccac Storien.sc-a-e arla' li cc ositiointIc prnc- (u halt-a. tha eash li t ci ljascellted * Sicia-yir ;esli5oflall kindcs st-ichc-li iiicaicciactu diii hicc 1 c m i tiY. Wright, Kay' & Ca. MIAN t-'A("T-ITING .1EWI2LI IS. Detroit, Michigan. Chas. Speller & ( . Uiiversity Outfitter,. 0l' SOti STATSac. EN GLI;TH MACKINTOS}{E& TCIMh$ GOOD. ENGLISH SERGE COLS AND TOIJOER.S B ISE BFLhb GOODS, SEARS' SPECIAL. CHASE & PETTIT'S cCInfI$ BATS AflD BALLV LARGdE dINE IN STCtK; Finestattnd Largoi L~sIE ins GEN~TLEMEN'S FURNISHING GtiOOS IN THiE dITY. Ageink for Ann Arbor Steam Launidry, quaick delisvery andl best -wtork. qlAA. $pE-LLR & qO. UNIVERSITY OUTF'ITTERS. ANNS ARBOR, - - MiII F.