'AUV. of ~~Xi~ Potltitthri iholy (Su lays vrscited) during lte('sileoac trt, by THE U. OFr U.IDEPENDENT A4SOCINTION. ssriptiotn pricer ~ per yie, i nvariably n advane..Aniglreopi:3 vents. On sale at. Sheehan's andttPosit O'lier news tnatevery eening at 0 o'clock. Subscription may tie t4Kt at. the olicersf the 1ti,sierra lisase blocek, at Sheehant's, at etoltlt't's, or willh any of the editors. (tn utica tiooSshsiotli reacit the office by 10'. .s.. if tapy are to appear the Sallietday. Adidtrssall mattercitendett rs o ulicailtints theNMaanai lita'. All ltttsitess rotnaitit i'~iltts Asoltsa 1Wt e cci;t t te Buinetss Man- the lily C.ircuilatttr, NV. tt. tt'Nci~l. THE U. of X5. DAILY, THE U. OF SUBJECTS FOR ESSAYS. ENULi811, '4[tUZsE 1. l98. Are we Ready for Fre Tradel 99l. D)ickenls as a Master of liathoq.I 1001. Dickrens, an Educatioiial Re- ftormieir. 10)1. lHsos Pl~tic OptinlioniMlles ill the U-.S. 1112. Iialrrtoeet of (lie Suffrage. 100". LyniehiLawe anidLass' Reformi. 104. Separate Muincipal Elections. 105. AliAmnerican Apptrentice System. 106. Advantages of Foreign Studly. 10)7. Best Roulte fttr a Shit Cainil froni the Atlantic to the Pacific. 1081. The University andi the litle. l10l. Trusts. 111.. fTse NewiTalkinlg Macitntes. t{sstttittat.-ltiMotisayt 'M. DAILY. STUDENTS' BOOKS. JI Y 7YOUR t.COLLEGE' 17E Boo os.L w INDmo MLIOL Booi3 STUDENTS'11O0T STOKE, STATE STREE'T. 'eeonid-hianotitoks at low prices. We are aigenits of Pl Etl . Wirt, Scott andl 1htHllandlfotuntain penls. IBargainis in stlitionlery. S=T =AN 6L00_1,----- T~ ST IiH ICGA N TRAL' _' y"the Niagaran Falls Route." ________________ CETRAL STANDARD TIME. AS 1)) 'tilE InLI i~st'iiqs Ut u ____ _ BUSINESS LOCALS. :- ___ EDITORS. l iH.3 ean.-. B. SHOEMAKEn, nnn INstice'.siu.etI Ct i itisl tititi.t th iee TtE pE STs A. H.COE nR 1. 'a r. . nMnsAnn,..nEDIsOR. (t[I lteiit.ee (rlitie', inge iii ,is ~erisi. (Piselil *I l M. B. H MMNnnnn '91,. BUtNQS$n MAnait.. itttvs i()' tti('I'tittle andetailint', ti ld' Sn. O~~nia - ann's. nun. Mnnnnn...llttl ltit lti (~ttiett (r 1h1't'tti iltsi S tlttaii ilitilise tia R. W. DOUGa Y.e., n sr. Bu.s. SiNAQRn. try Toleslo Steaut EIatiusry. all X 1t.iI.( i.. I. i. 'i('tit 'tti. Feh arsl ifltyle' rse t P. R. CLEARY, President. ' L. I. ii. ItsitsI.X, 'tel. ( I: . .;tl: 'n , 't. t ri l to - siide__ ___________________________ tas w t . 14.. 0iiri~lO LSPAINS Otstn io'iitle Rioscuer, \Xagiir t URLEIG11l & JOLLYIl """ or n _______ ;2( iously 1f' all inust up)hold the 42.00.. angNi"Qeunnn nit nli liotuoi'of their class. Ai ititer-class adnesiefle te.trf atsli S. _______________ ___ daiestile tost of strings 25 per , Wednesday, Oct. 8 6 7g" as Pn.Pw. Ps foot-ball league will he fortmed as cenit., I guatrantee to sell thie best and PaAlIRJIQpass.'T trass. rPa stronagest Stritigs at old prices, vi',., p -- - -'I. -..... - .Lv] [ .A.m. . K a substitute. 10c for violitn and guitar, 8c; for banjo, a x 5 a0 s .....73..Anua rbonr.. 11 30:...9 2 - . .. - plain wire 10c, and guarantee them T7- 3 1 -FlHuaingDrnd.,........ee 4 l-47 5 Wolcott is.in h 86medical deequal to any sold in this city at anyA MINIGHTll LL as oS.Es~~aw.74 ..55 Wolot i inth mdicl e-price.. A freshs stock to-day. See the~UIWUC elegant Bay State guttar. Find lllt PRICES-~35. 50 AND 75 CENTS. H. W.ASUEY5 A. I. PAISLEY, p+rmertplace, 2.5 So. 4th Ave. A. Wilsey. Seats en Sale at P.O. News Seem, E0®. HAZLEWOOD. Loesls.Agent.