TNF UL(WFMAILY1 TIME TABGLF j4LE F vftITh 11001515), Nl-W YORK. ea . 51,so ,l-iI .1, '11 I I , :.+, .:5 , a. I.. W i ,''eno t II .. t,1Clinton 0t. 1: ,1 .U ,5 1 0, .'w1 , . . 01( : p. . heavNeES SO5 0rng 1 LIiIANN AIRBORIfrom Cmiit Jot ,ait MY ENTlIESTOCK O OS A GEL S, ' u S lrrii Sree. 5 !).!5,11.55, a. li., and 1.11, -5:71 CTIIC. GO, 1111 Waaash Ave. E 0 9 -50, ) l 1 I1.. jWE RYp.LYRiALn.lL O 1~ .CLARK,Manger eave Y PSILAN'rI at 1, 2.40, 4:s~t, 6.0.5), 'Mut sti cosedi out. Sale every afternoona andt eening LeaveANN ABO,4rm1 ou111se a C L T A\ nt 11 I 11 ILAND), 0111. IS, .111,54.55. , 3i-,i., 9.50, p. inI. 40' 1llehltrldsooI 11. 1455Wasingtonashl Inldg. Thi)1.45 4and 11.5 ttIi s onSunday still ;;top , L4 1 ' ~i I 7 7 at eornero11 ICros n d 1111Adams sts., Ypsil ati. 30 Se11(1 1151Agetncy Manuli. Xti 111an ls 1 11o1ey3by dg is11w1ay or tl 1)11 lli Il i 51 1 ' 4I ® ' FTA--P>tiIsIotrE;7I Lotal~liished in 18854. Positions filled, 2300. Seeks T'each lie 11a001)tlst takenrltile a-ency f'or thele 10 i in Anntrillr illtihe aresamsbitioaa for advancement rather than those without 150e N}':1.00 i'I: )it li:'s it1ill t'lZi i'li 11he lest 1ow pr ih llxrtr eeold i iioo-sltii I" ' HARVARD AND YALE, G. H. WILD,_ Ill the iast seven iiiniiil. I slir121 andilseet 110111111s11 Oil t L rget Sitck sofIFtiiDres Sutilio-s i i sn 11then a ( )jiKL it)1 U NTIAI N it iNfour 5' 50 oOndwarranit it. Overeisltiigs. Finie tests 01ieal be iadci 0 Ma11111ti. 44 'Statel StG.H No. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. G -.V .11 S.-TTLsIwo E UINIESS DIPRECT( JM.TAOL, GREATEST VARIETY a LOWEST PRICES WM. ARNOLD. H H C A S N(IiRCKEIIY- IN PR1E CITY. WATCHMAKER AND JEW HIGH'L3A6 MAIN STRIEET, inch01 Pearl White PlaItes - - - - 3 1,3Its. per set 5 01111al tention paid to repairing 7 in1ch Adamntinle Cihina Plates - - - 40 ets. per set asd Jewselry. }7 i11c1 Semfi-posrcelalinl, loteas Plates - - 5t3 vhs. per set IT(.l'Pearl White II'dl'd Teas - -- - - 38cts. per set M.w. BLAKE, ___Adamnltinle htlil'I Telas - - - - 504 eta, per set PICTURES, FRAMES, I3ote's Semi-psorcelainl Ildi'd Teas - - 7-5 ets. per set ART GOODS. 10 weat I CORRECT:-: TYLES 44t MOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN4 & Co. FEROON LUMBER YAR Manufacurrsof nd dealer i -IN- THE CAMPUS.,IHarvard sipends bsetween $5o,oo0 SAGINAW GANG SAWED LU Srn SutnsN-iefrioaaclsatIiilanald $6o,ooo a year in her libirary. Cor. Fourth 11111 Depot 5ts. A',\I) Silk Vestings, Coileac Iheld an~ oratorical coiatest, Several freshlmen were seen yester-J.HLE Overcoatings, last week. day practicin1g base-isall over in 46i sosUTH MAIN ST. t Colorings Practice illthle riiik has bseena Dutch town, whlere thsey were cona- Rpairing aspec.ialty. Ne ? N aadls~ ls A~ cealed from sighat sy a large hlill. It 0. N. MARTIN, NeIabnoedadhreafter tate camt- DEALERS IN Trouserings. psus swill be useti. is said a number of promiising mten Cloth Caskets, Met PrnislC.I.hiss ieIeare being developed. ANDI COMMON CSOFINS- Novelhiesia Fancy Vesings- very - troit schlools. ania ls corps of teacit- That tihe Dut ylass a widely ex- TT T tilig Ne-Stlishand ers were inaspecting tihe Uivest tended influence is shsown from tile AS IU. ACJ N BGA asones etla3' fact thtat George Mt. Walker, lit 'c0, North Main Street. 19MUHMI T -There hlave already been apptlica- now in D~allas, 'T'exas, saw in the RINSEY &MSEABOLT, lionsUTf MAIissueof March 1,I ntieof the Bakersnand dealersnin ANNARORns MfHor tihe privilege of accompany- su 'antc Groceries, ProvisionsFlour an A NA BR, --MIH ing thae teaml on its eastern trip, pro- attempt to comlplete Newberry Halt, 6 and 8SE. Washington St. vided tile private car is securesh. and promptly sent isis subascription JOHN WOTZKE, BU LI &JO L ,ggof ten dollars. Maker of fine Thlere isben circulated among LADIES' and GEN TSt' 26:S. STATC ST., Asa=Annall, MclI., thle freshlmen a petition to Mir. Wink- President Angell will respon~d to Rpiignal oe : .M ler to shlortenl the lessons in fresh- the toast, "Patriotism witihout sec--N maN17n Gernsan, to a reasonable lengtih. tionalism or partisanship," at the SOt 113 K B O h o hi o tAde' is nua aqe fteMcia churchci will render a fu111 Easter Society of tile Sons of tile Ameni- With the return of the B3 ITArr0 'T- evc t n Ir .I' can Revolution, wlhicih will be held Season eve shall be preprared~ sers-iceot o Thrsir.eenignish all that is new and deali AND ThopsoinwlletroitheonrdTisiurday eeig, UNIFORMS FOhR Base Bali, RisenD." A.pril 2. lHoni. Don St. Dickinson Tennis, Crieket, La Crease, Y -Risen wl b otase. and for all Outing uses. Our 'Two of tile candidates for secondiwl etosnatr Sweater for quality and durabi ( i l base on the U. of M. teans, Kelly 1ion. Carroll D. Wright is getting no equal. Our line of Base B tr=taitisinrgad tota plies, Bats, Balls, Masks, B aitd McGurrinl, have been unable to thesaitc nrgr otectora, Catchers' Mitts, Lawnl IFor tileinext thirty days. pratieuorsoe tmepat mongney paitd eacii year in Supplies, ete., ete., as in form amount of ometie nioowigens will defy competition, to sickniess. the isublic schaools of thae United justly proudt of our large Coll T ~ . Sr. Br7rley,_f tileIetroi States for school books. Ann Ar- lowing, due ias we are an-art Mr.Brerle, o th Deroi superior qulality of our goods Harvsard, Yatle, V. sof M. aadjlaiseral journal, will talk in tile interest of bor has been taken as a maodel city esteenm we aim to strengtill Newberry Htall, to-isorrow maorning of soooo inhabitants, and Sir. season to season, in tile ilirI -fit g of our goods where it is poasil COLLEGE + OUT-Fit.ITTER, in Chapel. Pres. Angell anti otlaers Wright has asked Mr. Denney of respondence desired withma Spotin Id AhleicGoos, will also speak. the University to allowsela classes all college clubs. Send foro Base Ball aiad Tennis A special progranm, consisting of in paragraph writing to get the sta-CfotmsA.gtie.of nre t oityds Goods a specialty. humorous talks and anecdotes, will tistics for this city. Sir. Denney frmA. & B ftee toR d 10AN 1 HRVRDRO, be rendered at the Adelphi Literary lass kindly consented to do so and A ,B " ~society, next Friday evening, the the members of the two sections in CHItCAO: PIIILADBCLP1 CA lGE, M . 2 7th. All are cordially invited to paragraph writing will report this 168 Madisan street. 1032elbesn' BURLEIGHI & JOLLY, AGM- ITS. be present, evening. 241 NEW24B,-oadwaY. ;Mon.- StG. i talliC nd Feeds irahie i"' Shag~~ >ility h 8 ,all Stip' ;dy pr TenssS ner ses We are Ileg-°e se ttThis ;en flue Hage v and L ni0 ress 10S.,} BII j.