L rK WM FAL SjALE OF WATCHES JEWELL, SLYE WAE biP zoa Mus't he closed out. Sale every afternoon and even dg L. T. LAMPERT, 11-ai-stere i Flocki - - - - Ann Arbor, Mli. Life is Uncertain! N .EX HB'-RY".Iil DEATH IS SURE. Iii, TIME TABLE. ea s i;i L :'' at .:(,:,1.0,a 11.,a Leave ANN A~IM ORIfrom Court Wau4>5) *ci-aiiici n younig mnn ietw nit ii ,iscofn:.'0 an 25i at the lowi ratei ofi$11 ci9 n-i- r i$DiiH), in thei ci T1NF. Mieiciliani MctnaiilLife Insurcance-r itany. Leane Y'I'LANTt1, 2.40,ii4..'5 i, t0: 7'4 A ts overcc 3,uiiui,u551t. ,surplusicoverN100,00. p, miat All k~ins if endowmtic Iand intmntiii pollu- ILena-cANN ARBORtfromSCour nt loane, a cies writteniiitiiilowcrate. No compaiiti.'ny-wite t1u30,:i.0 . 5, F> ii ciii0,49i0. i.11- Ia ibetterc oni-iract. An exaiai oniiiiiii fiournc i,94 ndI., risonS na ilso iH. J.c cicid CON) RAD, K Yo1u udiIcansvem n ygonthswa ticResient Anent, IS SoutIngami. Dtrtoit. _, Tecerii prtveA l 'jut takin tie etc p forltheiialdvlitbAn \rlir() 4 Establishe~d in 1 84" Ponitions fiiiecd, 2300. Seeks TonGa cc 1\' Y ace ambitious for an'vancement rather than ticovs' withot !Ir l\\"ll ~l0151531 Thelietl owt toc piced 'i 'ls pie'cviiterIevr 'old ic1o00sold at "HARVARD AND YALE, In the bist seveniinithis. tCotte in aiiisee them.- 'The SAC 1ICIll' FOUNTAtINliEN is the BEElSt1'. We cell it. We sel I)Ut EN 1r ],O T NEAlN ITEN fir fi.50 and cwarraitit.i (6 Main St. 14 0ti +G. H. WILD, 11 thei Allteliftest shiadisanid ioveiesinItrotisietigs ind Oc inrcatig'. -ite 'teats v-an tie hail of tii St. No. 2 E. Wasthington St_ near Main. G -1 W L9 1.. MSTAIFFOLE, HIGH CLA$$ CORRECT:-:STYLES -IN- Spring Suitings } Sl etns Overcoatings. S Colorings New - IN STrouserings. Novelties'in Fancy Yetin s-Eevery- thing New-Stylish atsi Seasonable at 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, ---MICHI. BlIILELIIH & JOLLY, ais. aSTATE:ST., ANN:Ananut, MIC A., BJ AN1K BOO1$, S 'T=O1 TERYa AND- IFor the next thirty edtys. Harvared, Yaie, L'. iof M' nd]Univesnt COLLEGE + OUTFITTER, Sporting and Athletic Goods, Bane Mall and Tennis (Goods a specialty. 10AND 11 IHARVARDI) 1OW, BCRLEIGHI & JOLLY, AeR TS. GREATEST VAR IETY dLOWEST PRICES tON CROCKsERY I TT'tt- nIT i. 7 inch Pearl White Plates -' - '- - 13 cts. pter set 7 itich Adamntiine Clihin Platen - 40 ctsi. per set 7 inch Semi-porcelain, Boote's Platen ' 3 8 ctc. per net P'earl White HIdl'd Teas - - 715 38ctn. per set AdamantineItIl'd 'less -' -''' -5 0 cts. per set Boote's Semi-porcelaiti IIdl'd 'eas -_ - ' 75 ets. per net 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & CO. BUSINESS PILEOTOgJ, THE CAMPUS. A fine phcotograpsl of Mt. Stephen antI kicking-IMorse Pans, in the Leoin Richardson, 'coo lit, csnii Rocky 'Mountainis, canslieen lire- thne city yesterday. sented to the t'niversity biy the Prof. Walter has been osut of tocwi Canadiain Pacific Railroad. It is at for the last fewv inays. piresent in Secy Wadle's office. The Cross coiiitry runs will psrobably picture in 5oxho iti. in cize, atnilnells comnmetcce otne sweek fromi Saturday. at the price of $i go. The Caiiadiatt The candidates for the nine lprac- liacific has a number of flne nmoun- ticedt out of doors, yesterday, for lain vices equal to this one whsich it the first titte. has been selliing, ses-eral having beeni Minses izzie Sectiell ant Clarissa purchased here in Ants Arbor. Bigelow, '89 lits, are guests at ltce Yaeclge tuitnada lDelta Gansma house.A Taecleesuntmda aldrscuss'onoe sHemei to tinshv- remnark to a crowed of factory girls that displeased them. Whereupon atiocin,"of thme"omriclas-inone stout girl held the chap while tion'' y nembrs f Iis las inthe rest kissed bins until lhe yelled Greek literature, souse timie this for help and had to be rescued by senmester. Mr. T1uft's paper on "Isaiah's his fellows. It would he interesting to know in what manner the other Concepttion of God,' read before boys helped their unfortunate (?) thne Bible Institute, is to he putsfllw If they were like msost col- lilent in "T'le Old TIestament Sin-felw lege boys, and the girls were reason- dtdent,r"-of wlliich Dr. Ilarper is the ably pretty, it is clear enough.-Ex. 'The oratorical constest of the Gilpin, Langdon & Co., of Balti- Northwestern University, to select a msore, have offered to the senior repsresentative for thne Inter-Collegi- presenting the best paper ots "Ma- ate contest to be Iseld htere in May', terma Medica," and the juntior mnak- will occur Friday ev-ening,March 27. -gth bs set of phsarmnaceutical The dria Prss tus xpresespreparations, a prize consisting of a itTe AdriantiPressthu ts rbosr large selection of fine drugs and it:'rle lnslati oa toAn Arorpharmaceutical utensils, valued at in doing quite a traffic its passensgers. fnsffyt oeIunrddlas Sundays all Ann Arbor goes down t h nie r to be awarded by Ypsi., and gets a good square mseal, Thereeiudeswh are innt aycu nt te htelsfora fuartr. nlynected with the School of Pharmacy. about two-thirds as mtany can ride honse in a car as filledI it cominig A very keen competitions is ex-. dowln. jpeeled. WATCHMAKER AND JEWEE ' n 36Jirr SIIE, watches M. W.- BLAKE, PICTURES, FRAMYES,A ART GOODS. 10i went FirR5St. FERDON LUMBER YARD, Malnnufaeiurer nf anildeatler in E SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMSE CoFut n eo t.JHALLER Repniriig c speciaity.--' 0. M. MARTIN, DEALER tN Cloth Caskets, Mfetalli0 AND OiMMON COFISNS....-- J. A. POLHEMUS. ALSO 'iLS HACK AND IIAGiOAOELi' Norih Main Sireet. -' RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bakernaned deaens in Groceries, Provisions,Flour and reed 6i tid 8SE. 'ashington Si.- JOHN WOTZKE, Maker of fin LADIES' and GENTS' 900 Repnirin eaty done. 435. MainastL With the returnt of thte Mane r Season we shall he preprared to fis lish all that is new and desirale il UN IFOIS FORl ManeBal a Tenntis, Cricket, La Crease,'ctn ande for all Outing uses. OurSC ge Sweater for quality and durability Y - no equal. Our lilne of Bane Mall "'P plies, .Bats, Balls, Masks,Bo i tectors, Cathters' Mitts, Lawn T ee{s Supplies, etc., etc., ansill former s are ons will defy competition, We fol- justly proudn of our large collegeftce loweing, due as we are awvare, tThu4s superior tqtality of oue goods. flin esteem we slut to strentgthencleliI neason to seasnl, inlthte ilslros for01- of our goods whtere it is possibler of responidene desiretd withnage all college clubs. Send for our Li Catahogile of Sommser Sports anid forms, A. & B. free to anly address. A. G, SPALDING & BROS., CHICAGO: PlllLADLLcSI"':eit 109 Madiwn 5 tSreet. I5571 Cbstnats 241 and 1!3 Bred-way'