THEIFUT_ OFPM n~ATTV 1 1 L I I 1.1 . N-/ L Publshed Daity (tuodaostexeptd) urng the Cellt e ea, by THE 0. o M. INEPENIENT ASOCIATION. Susrpto rice f.2, 'M e year, m ittsttoly 'etat e I offof It IttDILY to to±' Mode, at Scebuttet.. 5 etoitt r"0 i' of the e tct.. itl. t.ift aetoe lilb(- tae d ' Addriess'ail t u t to ittItccld r let ic ttii Itoitt tlht S aagtog lEdtitor. All buinescmnl THE U. of M~. DAILY, Ann Arbor. tMich. EDITORS. A.W, ,Mttttttgn it o r tt. C. C. s0 tO.ctti,'tt, Asistt.MattagtgEdtotr. Ii. pt It I O 3,:sit Sa aiig dt It iii' curt o ,',, is tatiniucte ft rt ra ise1 fotanT ls a 1t 1. It'li iletts, tile (1a1. s~ et i ll. sit . titDAtttotlx tittts IretitilurstoC us tha jtt isthateffre hmare byiteiUcl the acomt teetioi rase catidstiu og 'the tite lt, tile stoed are 'ere artsetitouorloorstu-ht dentilther is uttlve ittlbenlcant- isactioteen rossethinrtgars itigate fromacheng lctearti esth thte haedidedltotctheir heittettnriltintoe theetiaititesei tommitte t ti isar tueetutitentttinalotveilit.l t .ise -li lt- ilit. it . te-e hi'le treiit so it tdist ifactionepese eardin'the11' atioioth i's' etisryliboarl nohu stac'rporatitget dem sfiristhegnisr theyonstintil emforialertititi askentsrlitstilethsett whoia ave ttl feeln interiewtIser ttontrhleesubjfec t isrihe1blie th itht coulibeionittte undtirithey ita eertats le. re geteretigculiaftiestaeupnn tse (usli. of fnanceas aad.out sil he t strifeottysrealroa(rev aselatio.inheeorawehehee acctistoneteelook to Hlarvarti as thte great seat of classical leartnittg. Hlarvaird (tat in hter literary dietart- nten ttn attetntatnce of abotutt .uoe: tile 1'-. ofi Ml. hits ittattendlancte if abotitit ,100. Iii the tottal tittither it stti 'ntlStud\ MgLtatint«-eic eedt T tirsiril bitatscotrn. lTisitof ltself ts rathitCer ttoiisttit ', butiwhtenitie' cosit e is w l mi k i ltits hre atit Lu s . ire;re liiitot tells's ;t l~ttilt' iiivm xciutsstrdl. 'lThere aie abottiI WE WILL FOR THlE NEXT FOUR WEEKS ua fler fire tonts of patper of all kittts to lte soltd hy ttte pountd at reglo :H ill rates. Try totr ('rowtn Imttperial Lintetn at 25 cenlts hter itou ld. ition ttPaper, Thtesis, attd Typtewriter Ptaper at Girettlargaints. Litvelopes tot ntatclt all hpaplers at greaitly retltceth rates. TIIIZ =1 STATE ST. titi cii tsit-rk iere is at Ilits trild.. O - l (J I I The result of lt ith i o t i fr i V 111hasI' R[S IS (ii VL ' ott catt fitttlza1'1u11Litif of teeni sit 'trlrisirttg that tile I lt E AR11 I U OJIHiEIJ i11 wci i ittire try to titbliusila - - y = Mz Fine fupnishingO tutu T Fiecmarativuesttemtett regttrtlutg the ___ s wrk iii sitter ibranichesiereeanatit itD TS Ilart atd. " T H E B E S T '- _ Aler's Kidl Gloves, ier. \'ttt ulls still delisver ttee oom 2.25 pe tuweek. (11111 tt. 1upon01 iIi. Perrini's Kid Gloves' ecitres tin ttartcIt26, 27 atndl28,ctinI Hlif Hose at Ia j35rg0i beftore tile ltst-(iradttates Muetdical P.R. CLEARY, President. __ Schotol of Chiicagot. Ie1. I Itell 's tdemontstratiotn oiiiSat- g.! T- U T.L il f e n o y s m c n t~ - 3 L . E R J A ,I e li e d ti c s , h u t pt ell dc i t o o res uatr t o slftl e l s t-A l o I t ( l l~ l BUIESLOCALS. lfr -' i5\H QUID n A 1 j INJ1IB Nlathcs itee d t t hi0. (aria llItt rteI .x of sts llhttr lttioSpeil rte' g ol. 11,e'0 ttse ri ~ rlne ''lr~~ ic ) I at i a t ilu it ttgttt i ld0 Bat ith iehtiP.I'. Batberithop it~~tlI 'fI R~~EIIl~~ ea cl atltnds woodlilttg u sn te 2S. Ifl..f Saew st lrt tolilfnc etn s IttcrleerltsoatOtu I°.(1t- - Spciltrgt'tliltit tf peilssitert O ~ O~. %~~1 gtalvoti.e Twoul rils ~Luiliy tz. l . 0 EOBRNsr-Cid~. thltgha i ttuekitle U.of . bu stton t' T RC E ARtillDUE !Sttet'Street. 21 tuS. 1Davit'ill. l AV.itt.t llt It h duin tntshisiteek ittthit is. stior e 7 otStW sonerit mi Iluttits i lule iirin sts.ititls it S'u sI II 0111e1''ar hu:' Ice ledexcuttions.hi ltfeul nhatveGR PI i,'Q sold theflllest i'XeV'.gottslII)thiSt. rttti ittire tuf or th tt'blln e of i s a-tcll gtriur estes 10e55u5rante an 15ou- ou N t ig lll illlOA ill thercai.Aprly,.191 SLLture. 1lly 27S . o rhkefttt ie stofnwllreceitof omlutStteitltrosr T1s.aet lrut trt.Stres oom (ONEL NIERIT loatsetheititout tfereCouyte Goldy hNorti(tAnleical.,ir90 sood ar ave.GLEE,12BA.TJO MNDOLI. tnmetat~tersanttlit.eturutA Profakee:"roPof1.Steesro, C1"TELUI RIY Mtinetts taken in thte eventingiby Prices, - 35, 50 and 75 Ots. electricity, $100 o a dozen, at Ret- Seatsocto stile t' 10 stof e erews51tIdFri- ley's, No. 6 Herron street. day t!)tto'clocke. ,%t' Made to Order and Safi sfat°fl Guaranteed. i-; j . SL AT T. ANN A1JS OJ2' Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. ut. Tite Tabtle going oonto et, 51onaie'lful ItOINGNOTHllsI. , 0 1 H. W. ASHLEY, A. 1.IPAITSE A~ 0111 o1'ttodout. (tenl, fool. 11.0S. GtEENWOOD, Local Atget