LIj U . of ltn. Wailti 7~. .N.11 12"atHrvr ndte- nve1t 'UIVERSiITY OGE MIUIIIIIA N, TUlESDAY. MXIIUII 21, 1, (I. PRICE, THREE CENTS. of Michigan. Tihe statistics of attendance at the larer tiversities, inlilisled re- cently ill the I) ii vbaave attracted so tMucl atteintion, that it has b)eein tiisiigltt Jest to fol lose them ho a ttlptii sims- of thle attenidanice tttt Work il sever al repiresenitatise tepartniieits. We present to-day atrei figiures bearlng;up ootheprs ntcondtion of Lat in stuidies at Iat%'ail ail tie L ixersits if CII cli- ta 'tihe statistics of attendaiice oni the Ha rvardl courses are in part untofficialbitt we bielieve that they lrlt acurt, (Jr s-ery nearly so. NY are fur tlte current half-year. the figures for thteIU. of 'M. retire- tent thte status of the Latin depart- menit thte preseott week. H]AR VARDi. Courses A, 13, C, DI: , F are for fst Year students. Courses I, a, ~rank with our second year wcork. Ilrest are advanceol cotirses. Course 1 ', 6 stuooeints; 11, So; C, 12 S; CIIS; F, 14. Total ino frst Year Latin work, 254. Course I, 28 students; a, 36; 3, 17' Total inJ second year owork, Si. 01lrse62 J otenal and Mtartial.. .. 3 7 , Latino writing....13 S ", Lueretius aood Catullus. 231 22, Latin Grammar......a 26, Ov idsFasti............ 6 27, Rfonman Arelocolgy.... 3 Total int advanced work......53 Entire registration in the latin UNIVEgSITY (0 OF IHIGAN. Course 2 is for first year students, course 4 for second year students. I Corse 2: Section I., 37 students: 27; III., 31; IV'., 32; Zr., 2,. sotlt,152. Course 4; Section I., 33; II., 27; 29; IV., IS. Total 107. Core lLatin Grammar....2 6 ,S Quintilian, e.... 55 lla, Latin writing....29 12 , Latita Inseriptiotns..7 14 , Rlomant Archaiology.... 49 16 , Teachers' Semintary.... 13 1S , Seminary for graduates. 5 Ttat itn advtancedceunrses.1...IS tntire registrationo in the Latino departmsent (exclusive of graduate loade'Its on absentia), t52 + I07+ ek have thoe statenoent of a Har- vadgraduate whso has examined thse ler work of both institutions, and owto says that the averagetowork of the ftrot tw~Jo ers ito I atooo ii ni-i tiii as 00ell asintduaityOisaouit lt.e tailie ini the too 0ntvercitie.I oviOO oil this lact, it is inite restoig too Jote ohat, if thiosttatistis o h iioooei iir f otoil cosideria- Linte it rsits o iii itiat the peettnehso- - %-Iea man outsiiuits enirolledin iadvilanIJedO L atitnotiries as I tariarl. TIke total oniimiber cif hisiors iseoitio I xiii in i- siricio iiicsicech at II ariarilis .1;at lie l'iiicrsiii of i ohan Webster vs. Jeffersoniano. The Indoor Meeting. lerothioocononoecteot ositho the i- dtoor oieetioo' is ooio-galo'g;ice- li Te rioolis open att all houairs oif thi dy, exceept fromo a to _t iotook, 00 whenithe canidia tes f1or the texaare prac00iiig.TheA. i. hs orodereid a fine nseis oi/metaiii aylhichlosill hehre ii toy-i 01000 All etis is lsetWedneisdlay civeiitiitz t six o ciock. I's is I ncoessaro ini ordler tiiat the namies ofi the coitestasits inu Joappear uonsi the po-iraili. The priogramis are ini the form ofisioeniirs',ooaod are the f in est thiinoo f the hinid0-ct imatie b 'VNf7 the exeieooiof olleg Metowto s tknoood poreciatte ttoe ecooefltsetrutoiny-of Coltege'too- doots.Icaviti'goItrg~e corps of skilleod Desigoiers antoo elers specially ttaoned for tbadge atoothertu ojewselled «orkimpoitfingli'as 000(to, lir ectly fomPork1 o nd on anidoitotAooster daut soot Ditoxoosiian01dliithe oreciotis ,Siuows. 'ole iiiila poition oto pro- oduce the isniest plins andi 3ojelled -Soiletaies iiofll kindis sohioto 00e manuiifiact-dil its ciiiultr. Wright, Kay & Co. I1 POIT'AC'UAStt.1 WiLLII" floe Iebster andI j etersooian o too the relay race cetries owill hoe Eetro it, M ! CUh tan literary socoieties have arranigedt for a receio-edt fromnoeithoer class or detpart.- seie o tre dbaisg ttntetsto 11e12temso furmn acevery' Chap. spel11er & ~ society of thoelaov detpartmencit. 'Thte Stoecia trovisions has been tiaide University Outfitters, Jeffersoniaoos had thoeir choice of for toe acconitoodationo of lashes anot 2)1So rtSo s question aood side for thoe first dis- their escorts. It is !lopedt thoat a____ cussion, andthtey chose thte folowo- good atudietoce oill hbe present, lot in; quoestion anoo ook thte aftirrua ordter thiat this, thte first indooor E N GIL ( S H tise siote: Resolvced."'T'htat Cap~ital mieetutog ever gicent at thoe Univoersitym~~T Punnishmoeoot Shtouled he Abolishnedtoaoy he atononuspiciosus evenot. Y .LUI N T tiSH Eti 'T'Irougltout thteCUiteod States." The Advisory Board's Memorial to '1Tteir debaters are S. Dluvall, t. T:. the Regents. T~ n ? G O tort andol(). Mo. Jontes. 'Tle tega- It a ior"otrtoftt Ahtti tive side oill hoc supptorted by thoe Associaotiono has decideod oot to ask Ifolowoioaggeotlenoen froooothoctehe- the Riegeoths, owteotthey otiet ho- EN LS SRG ster society: tL. Z. Caukito, J. A. noorroow, for a stoecific sut otofr fixiong -o Park aondtL.. 1PuIter. Ihec first tup thoe Atthetic Field. Ionsteai thtey r deb~ate wilt be htehld Friday eventing, will ask thtat thoe Regents otake an COA.TS .LNJJ OUS? 'April oottt. As thoe societies are apptropriation for drainiog toe tesoST RRIVED. abotot eveontynatctted too inter- groundts, fencing, huildinegtthe grand estitog anti tothy contested series of stand and laying ttte tracks. '1Tois mrrr Ti 'ssm discsossiotns may be expectedt. wilt cover allthtte itemts asked for ex- BJ1I D1U GOOD )J~ -- ' " *'cept tennis, bleacthing boards and Students Have a Jollification. base-ball diamond. Souse of thoe FT_7Z-. T,27 ' A bill loas just passed thse Oio Resents are knowtn to be in favor of stat leisltureproidig fo a evya liberal appropriation but wloat thse stt eiltr rvdn o eyresult wilt be is stilt uncertain. . of otetwentieth of a nill for thoe SEARS' SPECIAL. suppoort of toe university. 'I'his Fifty-One Scholarships. CHASE & PETTIT'S is thoe samoe levy wlichtt Michigra Thfle Northowestern U niversity an- ' maeskes. ollolo garfoletola-vinges articlent ereruae- nootoocesU Btinano iensudenr'tanliicdeonoartore hat51 fllfewLsholrshis LRGEDINEALL TOC fromthtle Colunmbus Dispatch: will be created, correspondiong withs ' Thte stoodents of State Uilversity thec senatorial districts in Illinois, Unt n ~~o tetoFanreastolindatott101t tigh hel a rea joliicaionlas nihtandel tcstate seonator fromtswvhich over thte passage of thoe Ityse11 bill, 1,o IN oV >serenadisg the Faeulty, Speaker Ilysell district will bane thse rigbot of nonsi- atsd others. 'Tle eatonon was also fired tatiotn to thue schsorlarshoipo. Tte in- CTE1TLEMEN'S FURNIS1ING o the Uitoversity groundss. teontions tot otnly is ho tuake the G000OD0S z;THtEtCITY. Speaker Itysell visited thue ttiversity Uitiversity represent thewoloe state, to-day atud receivedi att ovationi, cc- but thoe scholarships are also to be Aet o tt ro taeLudy L ponditog itt atteat speeecu. 'Tle choapel AetfrAnAbrSemLudy was deeorated for thue occasion and the an acknowledgement of the tdebt due quiek delivery and best work. Faculty made speeches. Cotgratula- the people in return for thoe exenop- tions were reeeived from P'residentt tion from taxation of thse oniversity _Angell, of Mietigan University, on the property. Thoe plan is in line witlo 5A$. $PCLLCR & U1. passage of the Itysell bill. Thtetuo- other popular steps taken under thte "' dents adopted resolutions thankintg the new administration of President LStViltSITtY (OU T1TW.. 1legislature, and the press of Ohio. H-enry Wade Rogers. ANN AM0Ot, .-- Jo.