THE U. OF M. DAILY oB n u =; S UnOfvOldi. of Mishldn Guitar p-s """R 7 77 72 '"'='") Pice rs i f M c i a ut r 3 : 3 5Y lowest, Quality highest. Guaraneedevery inch of the road. VA I -- - h-- K- Vislin anid Guitar Strings, 10 eta.; Bainjo and( MandIolin Str"ings. Li 5.... i\ t 5. h. u ts. Esvern-thing in proportion. L.It. (lenient, - LM i IT ~25O ~ITA aoo E-S. Min Ei. ET~l~OLGAIIG0 TIR.AA D E A~T THE TWO SAS L_ BI3T~Z. hal Arbor 8toRM ll uglmthT, VOORHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST, TAILORS, WORK OALLEDPOR andlIDELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. M-'CirelATSuJ ThUFouThS. Z LL / ,.L1UBEE LiE5 ©ffice, 3SuhFut v.7- BROWN'"S DRUG STORE COlIN ItMAIN AND)IllUION STRtEETS. LARin 1- 1 svo~ii(w I Piii'001(,ooS A ND F1NE'. (cs.S us, oBAM (55AND -,-TDOILN-Z 0-GO DOWIT 'WOWI T+ FOR FOOTWEAR. We cacry it l'11l line ot SHOES for 130Th4 LADIES ailck GENTLEMEN. 111E 51All I. S1 IllbETSIO110USET~. 22 SOUTH STATE ST. LEMMON & BOWDISHI. 't:uTyAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. PeyStuident wiill save money by buying U'niversity Teat-IBooks and all suppalies at Hteadquarters. We allow special discount onI LXW IlBOOKS, iMEDICtAL BIOOKS, DEICTAL BOOKS, in shoirt. every Itooksedi in the tunivrcityst5,000 lank Books it lowtt ptices. LEI tIG BOO1K STORE, )IN III B CITY. ALL TIlTL U TSTYTLESI CLOTHm- ING OF ALL KINDS AT ST. JACOBS & CO.'S, 27 AND 29 MAIM ST. L. CRUNER. Dliui AN7-D S=(Zo=S minone ,1~Neatly anldlPcrneplyr. Iehmond Straight Qut. No. 1 CIGARETTES. r - a. iwilils lngt a i ttl elii-ge fri the oriicsllilt 5y trlad ICigarettsc wlliny tilsotiecs. C v lJil ischsmssndStcaighit 1iL'f llVicg ilia.Tn his isth Ol hIt5 isibroghtoutbyasi the Yair gr e~reor mita ion. , nd hic sc -, i ii i-h teALIt.LuN 11 Ilc Banch 0Onacus, - -iiiiiiil5chmnd irina ~1UArbor Savings Banki AlliArbor lisl ii iiiiiiA 1isk, 1501,( ge hl ttc liisetcirU cs t ic t's iys iaid ltxcuai glon thesl ricilitides oftheii inndStr9l~ia. DII csed icluion rope lRISi S* 1N 1 il, Pis., N'.5. IHARRnINs.sVice Pres.. AT LOW PRICES. Stoves, new and old, large and s tlall for coal, wood, oil and 9488oine, at J. E. ilarkins', 28 E. Itronstreet. I r Philosophical Society. Other Cinudor Tracts. At lihe meleting ofiiitheliilosolslii- 'lbSw5~artihore track s ibuilt cil Soilete last eveninsg. r'. _ p ontie top isf a hill, ni Brownss, of Ja ckasion, read an initerest- Ti') ire(IlcsnsidiierauileIgrn ig anii inig paperconsi"I erisartiass Peda- filiiig. It cost ilablut Si ,soo. gogy . 'Ilse papl~ eras a clear ex- itshetel l insile.;ash ihiis llsecl forT plositioni of the systssmi. I Icrbart',: psedagsogy is based iss his psychology aind ethics. 'Tic soul , a mnasd, is in risitiiiual struggle wsithi other iionails for self p~resesrv'atioii. The princitale of self'-preservations differ- entiaites feeling, thiinkiiig, represent- lug. Butt ini the cossidict niany cell, resentationis ire supprlessedt, ansIex- ist as feelings. When thecn breaki theirtions thetyssIbeiosiieidesires. Dir elcbecossii will 1as sooni as joiiieit t01 tiope of success. Ethicsi has lii ill esntircelyisith the the trill. The Icit}= in teas slug is to ait csr- tai' rellresesststtillss ini their strusggle foot-ball asndtbusse-Isal 1 was -giadeds at ais extieseaofiSi lto.Our fildi swill no co11lst that mssuchs, as it is coin psaratisely lesel. the Swvarthmiore trasck rims norstheast Iby southiwest, assi the grandl-stanld is situated at the southern rust, at the finishiof theli hisudred yacrds. 'the trcsk of the Uiversity of Pennsslvaias is sine of the fi nest clister paithss ini the coiun- try. It is a quarsiter silelsall. andi ciis isnorthwte'st 1styasuthseast. 'lucre is suffiscilnt chilsmIin sits' tiletrailt for loot-lbll his1 las-i i. T'Iie grandl-stan sloc 1)atedlt itiheh north-I scsi esis, at the tuscsidlst l sc ithlie LING'SIHOUS! 61 Moncoe l\ve.,Det o" Vl Ir icgciut Isicissl tiecctsiis os e sii'ill lthe Staie. Agtgsi ors Mrtinil.Wsibisurns, Buoadllenarsutrsia.sld iDsosbso, Scii- airtiinsdliss lie a ss Issc. IHist Stinselin the Worldsisentsils issailissosanyisslsicsis iat 15 ceits ealciif i ols'lsis ssin a G i nd I itlens resachs HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NEW DERBYS ? $2.00 X2.530 $3.00 DON'T MISS THEM Patent Leather 1Juchers. GOODSPEED* Li1TP1 GR1 1PHS) Muilinory and Act Goods. 3al ast -1uros Si. 4 LINEN~s '- Q -lJANA-: 4' 4ARETHEBEST I --FORSALE-- EVERYWHERE. Wv. H. HAWKINS, Prels, 'WTSAT=5LU, MsTCTT. Specialivenm In Studentsl. Oive usiacall. CoSHORTHAND w g~. IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthanud School, New Blulldlng. 10 SoulhStSate Street. -iln otheir twordts, itehesctusatllto- finsh." Iassish the iatppercelptive' Irisess, - ---- allytos Ierelotschtiacter. ''iorousghs ISlCELLANEOUS. appercleptionlirclidises splontauillss NOi rs I 911 1canidallites for c'92's5 ister hi 11o1 this part If the pusil La-lse halt tesassi-willtsaniudiisnthe-ir 'osass ire this, care iiisattbc takenss asissia at mins' to one if the ais to cshoice of the miaterial sf iss- diretors U.I'. I IriNx strction, -its arrangeenit aiid treat- W. A. -JOH1NS'rON isent. All lines of insstriuctision s) J. \'ANINtl 550N, center in natural science aiid istory, F. I.. Wool). the obijecis of expecrienice. 'Phe ar- NlTIcc.-Thie annual election of rangenient nmust conformn to the officers of thue Choral Union will he order of human progress, in which held niext Tuesday evening. eight steps are distinguished. With tP. R. de Pont, Pres. tnc main historical study, all o11hcr NOTICE-The funeral services of branclues must he connected by a H. M. Frost will he held at the M. ' distinct process of association. E. churchu to-morrow afternoon at 3 .Mr. J. R. Angell read a paper, o'3lock instead of at the house as also, on "Number-forms." announced.