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March 21, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-21

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li Tewoko reptaring for the hofla~T Cf~lX ~ ur
",3C. of..J - as been under the direction of the
JaiiutOiytiina~ xetd)dnefollowing conittees: WE WILL FOR THE NEXT FOUR WEEK{S
he eCfitetie year, by General chairman, Geo. C;. Iren- Offer fire tons of paper of all kinds to he sold lby the p)oundl at regla
THE U, te M. IN DEPEN IENTAsSOCIATIO . ;tes, 'Leta Psi. Mill rates. Try our Crowno Imperial Linen at 2~ cents per
Cotmni ttee on Invitation---litair- I ipouindl. Ion(i Paper, Thesis, andTi ypewcriter Papier at
vimnotW.itM.Iohnstotneli Ph iiappaGreat IBargains. Envelopes to match all Ipapers
THE ROerPUBlieIG HOSE.at greatly reduncedlrates.
snugges ted tleieailof itt Re ittinhe ~ST~T -~-
general library ()ieniioni ii inayI LiiaSim
afteriiooins. liis is iaIiuestiiiti TS A 'TJf, S TE
worthyiof tttenti n i chevi r ay lt
t u: I.F. C n lr '/ea Is: H t' itlast lie decidled. tthii'ci l-' .
aret Or.I e si lci,,SigmaitPhi: W. 3. aa
lee teiscigthile t tr nd are,,JL9UTITTiJ
soi fth maec eil tIri r .. lbee ta 'Ps i teia; I. . n h-y',n~n
ries fttr a part if the Ia}' Nitotitultibei ,I telta iKaptI'ps tionl. ( M c-C E R 1E11 C U GYou cantitinitia Full Lilticof
mnty tigs can lie sail botu fur',
CRi ititttec oiiiRcpto-Car-ie1 i1 ( J
and agait in iaking the i liatige. I mn VnInReeiin Pitaly-
ortler that the opitionitt ofii(ifferentt ii t i tcget rPi pi _
itersontsmtay lbe hadl, oar ctiumntits linti 1). S1ritorran, lphia IDelta t IA.T
tiini Iitti tttiir iPi; C. C. Warrett, Phli Kappia Itsi; FH E B EST.__--
be on t a imied umbe ofAtiav9 5 Kiel!5
articles tupiin the subjet.I
The Ifacuilty se lidiotiietties tny
tiing thlii is generalthy desireid by the
sidleratiiin, it sieetolible lie coti -
itonifee ling Ohait the libetaryaltotulil
Probabilly the ''reatest itljet tiiiiitoit i
if theey had tccess ton Ilhelirarvtt
study tmorie ion Siiiilay hut it is
tnt to lie silIluuiieiltbit those uII'.uig
the llitary oeta t l itilil wo l dosit
fir the purpouuseiof st utile.but rathter
for getiertil reaili tg, tat for tick if'
itoioks they cotul titit doiiinithiri
rootts. Howisevier, if the lirtiry setcre
iiient at tll, i titlil le iipoi sile
to regulatte whatt studienits shtioild
reaid, itor awitildlitlie idesi rtleIcto
ilo so.
Preparations forthe Junior Hop.
ieniAlht DeIta Pthtassistedl by
Mtrs. Jamtes I. Stt'ell, Mrs.IHeniry
tilcS err iii IPortIHurnts'Mtrs. i i.
I.1 1PrenitisI tetritt-trs.ILawsrencee
Viii limia-en, Chlicao Ms na
'itiee i-Mr s. Je romte Isinowltoni,
'tils. JohntiRLoufe 'SMrs.IIHitrisitt
Soitle iandl;1t1is. Jamtes ItitSWtie,
Suit Aeltit.
Ni-- i- at bsfaSIIIthi oun it thteil
of ti- ttieliigine peialts folonglcest
time an xt a li ne'intuStished. hYa pin Illit.
Ah DIt fice.hbto] hitui' iitti
.SttiostrL. 1.hl o ol
Iatis c; atiP.0.lie r -,'hnioaip.
Iio iyiou .he rTotSimstoLotis Blitiz.a
Stient i -i-tei aces. Botard ithiFu-'rnsed'ti
totu $ .' >per wirk. Circiulars uponappii
P. R. CLEARY, President.
Few' L5ctrta
Perrin's Kid Gloves,
HlalfiHose at a rao
AT' YOR 0IIit EltI
Made lo Order and Sa/isf ac/lof
o S. STAcT E S., A NN Al"tit1t
Toledo, Ann Arbor and NOI4h
Michigan Railway. i
Tine Tablt going lnto effect.,sMondayr'ett"'g
. c VU___ pi ad um 13 ve
Preparatiltsifor ttitusJoniorII loll, Indian.(-ubs
the great soilets' eventtof the 'a tue ir-lst NaitionaiIt tub, tutu is Prepaied
thte tUnivsersity, litie luetigoingion toutchtight a'dtheavyictiy 'ifthiiutf
coi-. (tursetein''s 1ti'suttit, Mtch't10I
(tie several nweeks~.'lThe' iiivitationts, 7:3tit,. it.I ii ts $30itnadvtactetiu, fotie
salt~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~t iiI -eclretiei i RIitFi.' 5i I I ti rii it io, Au . Libty-'St.
Rn., oh N en Sork, atnul tre'the tneat-t liiieLiiitted il" ar~turivsnext ot~
est ititataebeen issutedlfur somtie "t itt it it 8 iiictiek,. Il. n.Of itthe Ic FotS., esc. - Detenite, Mich.
thuiii 'it IPost s-isa:''An uduutincethatt -- ___
ti e a ni e atitly atll beieni liiiwit d- ililiii thei-I'tuil' tte 1 tetut ti' ittsseul'
ci. 'Iluec ink still lie- usedlas luete- liiiI t tiutitd Iaiii tistittat tuN ift -
totee. i'tc cotrlasc to e uicor-atitg- p tup itt i lu ii it i t s itsirthe eu-i' I110, Iii'untin c
hit it ut-ti7tuh1i tutttiiui
ti-itirtmttvitill iprobabtVlyiothe wst 'tel i net:eeed:, ii saiols. 1uiueihatuis ') GP..111I:e-
-'~st e.joit usill doiheituerin 1an sli tht t t iinof goods tosits Not,1toIV. i IION SO'.
S-hireutisee,iof IIetit, siliiliiirtush city.Nuts'IforIt-he blainceu'oflthis
at tututl yFeiat-estill gui-eyou a tenit. T
the t1utits'. It ibsoni'sarlt luirlors ''T-ie itbuiss ini this. Si-i- tuuG ad O earue
will be used, as list ye-ti, fete reed) stockult ut teptries. Wi- guitratie
Sito'urliii'. striigsequaitl toatty finthticcity,
lion roomts. 'Tle soutth eiii it thu it ainy' pricei. 205Sit. Fourth Act-title Monday Eve., March 23.
Rut sslI e oetluiul y- he Gentuine Martin, BayivSlt' teBunto, Spueciai leturn Etigageuet if
freshmcent booths, and lrouotis fur Wtashbiurtie atid ithler Guitars. (ietni-
th hprn.Tehpocr nieSeat a~aeBno.GnieT E LM T D M Ithe third of April, the price for tick- cllbre a tt n te al olities. No shoddy, lii "steiteil"L ~ ii viuu
ets being fit-c dollars. The itidica- goods. Bewtiare of "steihled" genus. cith all is
You hiave no manufacturers guarantee
tions are that the nuniber of foreign on such. The very best strings, 8 and SPECIAL. SCENERY.
guests will be largely in excess of 10 eta. WILSEY'S MUSIC fSTORE,
Alvin Wilsey, Sole Prop. Seatsen sae at Pitifliee News stand Wed-
former years. 25 South 4th Aye, Ann Arbor. needay morning at 9o'elock.
Mttiiuuice Exss and Mt ail. ....*'
AI-i. i'iniatniIPilascager ..........
Tit.utileicc t: Epi ss.i- - .........
-16 0
Sagriaaw Dmvihil5
uiueig~itti encici. onttSon"
- 07 7S0nlihAbo.
Alttpaseigierteali n unitaly ceii1 cAo1
Teansteruin an thuenaut Lyoun BSeittioo
Arboat ci:i0la.n. Iettand'iuu t .3uiaff ii
6:40iianit arrineatSnout Lyont7,0i"nln'st e
Souuth Lyonat 7:15 a. ia, N55'nct i.ji'
Conanections at Tole ithiir airnadsidz le
At Dltutan cJuntuionithult stlici , Sp.Kl
lieet. It. A.Al Atrit tintiliithill'bU.Ju no
L.S.ER'yiandF. &nP.M.tR.tt. At Moil , i
tiote baA S. .r Al. .Ry tiDunee iW t . I"
M bSt. ai M.i&.i11y.it cl .n-with R ed
1E a yAttun 'ucttutiele icttat.St. . n
South Lyonwithlitrit, Lin ait an1g11 5
it. Stand G.T. By. At 11ambang 'We,,0 d
LineDvso rn etroit, banning & Trnketbeta ty8 ertot
nibh(Chieaga & Gcand Trunk t'y 5dtoevr'jf.
Grand hovns&SMiwaukee tR'J y.
Jneioea-withtrit.ui~nand en t08t
casket h'yad Michigan Central Ry~p$
Lasts with Dcerit, Lansing &Nrtern sgri
Saginaw Valley & St. LouisB'y. dtj.P
Detreit Lansing & Northern Sy.
at with Fit Pere Marqeti te Ry
Superintendent. Ci
St. S. GREENWOOD. toal A 0gt.

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