~Jjc U.of V01 '-N 121 U NIX EIRITY OF MICIGAN,\j , n. Wia~Ip. tSATtURDAY, MARChI 21, 1891. PRtICE, THREiE, CENTS. THE ORATORICAL CONTEST. ~C ormiley, Senior Law, the Vic- Cr; w" S. Kelly, Senior Lit, Second. A nesw er'a has dawned on the T'fiversity 1. ihe interest in oratory, Whtihas hitherto tain dormant, thasI benawakenent into activity, as the rgeanit enthusiastic andietnce as- teched in Ltoisersity halt, ls ilgit to witness thse lirst annnal c on- test of the 1'. of Nl. O ratoricalt\s tS'eratlfine solos were rendered YMiss Alice Macy llarrali, ofD- toit, which addted muclh t thcn Ioynt nt of tite occasion. After to. tedring of ''pierrot,'' and '"Lose's Phiosophty," in an effective manner by Miss tHarrah, Pres. Hfaner an- £one the first oration, "Enmitio 'Cstetar, " by IV.1B. Ketly, lit, '91. Althonghi dcoupying tthe usuatty tie- esrahte position of first ptace utp- oni the program, Ice began in a eoin- Posed manner, and became more earest as lie proceeded, and ttte Interest of the andience becante ince 4li1ifest. Tthe Spanish patriot was favorahtly comniared witti Gladstone, tinrkadGambetta in a nmaster-, 'V . 'itantess, tasv, '91, theisnis- Bussed "Prison Refornm." Ttie snb- Itt lead esvidencty been givens care- flConsideration. The lanuage tsed was cthaste, and some sentences effectiveo, cnierbeofIs effet forc vas destroyed by a tack of oce in the delivery of sonmc of his ri5st forcitble arguments. QuolWarranlo,"was tie subject ebyA. C. Gormlley, law, 'q i, tedec, probably, sufficiently int- dltating the departiment. to an easy. tear and forcible manner, tie dis- tuthed the right of the people to tde- 45ad "by what authority," certains evils were continued. 'Thse corrupt-I lgiufluence money bad come to etert was portrayed,and tepol' QI f{uo Warranto prescribed tireit cure. It was a masterly effort, many of his sentimenuis were greeted wits applause. A- IE. Ewing, law, '92, withs a grateful bearing and an easy delisv. eyIn patriotic language totd the ry of the voyage of "Our Ship of Mae," from the tinue it was em- iarkd in the troubled seas of the evtluttion. He has a popular bear- lr u oeof Ihis arguments were moesentimental than forcible. Quotation from Longfellow's LIauciniig of tie Sthip,"' ssas tbeauc- tifulty teltiveredt, antI greetedt witth trcootgeit aptlatuse. 'A Lessoin fromc Itotires,'' sas tie stubject of ltce oration its'NV. 11. \'ichots, lt, 'cai. Withc a natcrat tetivcery cecilia'rlti himself, sicht cawakenis a'g reat icnterest icnciiss'cortts, cc tolcth ie stttrvif ttcelicv's of Jothc t. Goucgth atnctJctntiI. tFinchi. Il crgcteitchs were soccewhslat ccitdcwticth ijtredrthte effect of htis coraticoc. A hsitter Fieldt seeti; w sithc bleac succcci A. A. Directors' Meeting. 5 AYING the expceriece of College spcecial mceetinegsras tietl i MAiinurhiknots'tiid capctreciaete a Nu hcatl at ino a. in.cto Inc- the casrefiil scrutiniy of College Stes- pclacs for fitting ut the Athletic deints, hcavimng ca large cortps of skilled D~escginers ciidclJeireters stpecially I Estcima~tes cserceIresecntectas trained fccr hbicge aco tther jewselled W5 'ncm, Son: lecelincg, tttck, impiortinig, its ste dttietcetly ng, etc.,Soo;' fiincg cciibase- fiocis Paris, EccLccidoniaict-Amcsterdacm ctc ond ccco 00i;so gracndtstacictccuc' 1ianciccccs accitthcer Iprecicous iressincg' crocm iencacic $c -o0; Stocces, 'Weiase icc ac pcsitionistio pro- dce the'ficiest pclaincs cincijeswelled hers, $ho; tcetitis caccd tther Scociety had ccis of'tilt kic(ics wsicici tre risSoo ''tatl.55~500. It ccc citucctccditiscc c c ouneccctry chthe lice icsorc' hoard for tlie, W right Kay' & Co. iccl It wais dccidtedt to take ' ;ores to :cincorpcorate ltce A. A. ttMPORTER'Sl, 1JEWELEIIS mniniccatcon wssreact froiiithe ASN I ieiverect ccwetl wocritedtoraticcoiiO "Purpocse aced lPower.'' Ace affected articcutationc destroy-ed the effect of A coc est in his subject increased acedIis delivery became nmore forcible as lie proceeded. A. J. ILadd, lit, 'q;, chose "Louis Kossccll,'' as his subjectl, ant at- tough occupyincg an uncforunate position senicthce acidiecice wouldt Ice expected 10 be growvincg tired, liee held ttceir close attecntion. Th'le anniounceenit tiat tthe conu- lest was wvoin ty A. C. Gormcley' was greeted witthctheers accithtt '91 law y'elt. Thle asvardlincg of seconcd tplace to W. 1t. Kelly was receivccl sitti no tess enthcusiascc. IcTIr. Gorimley receives a testimoc- ial of seveicty-five dollars, aicd will repcresent tlue U. of Ms. at ltce Inter- collegiate contest to tte held here about May ist. Mr. Kelly receives a testimconial of fifty dollars, and will be alternate for that contest. Thle folloswing table shuows the de- cisionc of ltce judges, complete, on delis'ery, antI thought and composi- tion: secretary of the Intercollegiate Atthtetic Association asking for a statencent of any athiletic records hceldt by the U. of M. 'Messrs. San- derson, Ilinclenan anid Dygert were apcpoiited In look upth le salidity of our records aind anssver thee coicn- municationc.\'oted to eimptoster tlce track conmmittee to arrange for at- lowvi' ng meiitered for the iindoor icceeticcg to pIractice icc the rnk ther- itng theecomngescek. Engineers' Trio. P'rof. Cooley was interviewed thcis afternooic n i regard to licecisuial tript which a part of the engineerincg stu- deissmake during the spring recess. 'theouhi the route is not as yet de- cided upcon, the following facts weere obtaiined. Theere are twvo trips uiuder consideration. First, thee usual trip to Cleveland and Pittsburg. This is a very valuable trip, even to thiose who have been there once. The ex- penses are comparatively small. Leaving Ann Arbor the Friday morn- ing before thee spring recess and re- turning a week frons thee following Sunday, the expenses, including some extras, are about $35. The otheer trip is neore extended, and takes in a new list of places, Toledo, Colunebus, H'anmiltoni, Cincinnati, theen to Fort Wayne and Southe Bend, Indiana, from thiese places to Joliet, Chicago, M~ilwaukee, Grand lHaven and Grand Rapids. The expenses of the tatter trip swould probably be front $40 to $50i. In some respects it would be more pleasant, and on account of the variety of things to be seen, perhaps, more profitable. Those who are fortunate enought to be able to go on the trip, will be assured of plenty to see and hear, whichever route is taken. Chas. speller ,& . Unsiversity Outfitters, 7>t SOtUTH STATE Si'. ENGLISH MACIITOSIIESI T~nfl$ +GOOD$@ ENGLISH SERGE 00ATA13ND3T? IOUSE3 Jd'ST .AmRiIViEo. BF-I B lMffGOODS, SEARS' SPECtAL. CHASE & PETTIV'S CU M$lI BAT$ AflD BALL$ LARGE LINtEIN STOCKE Finaust andi Largesut L.INE OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOiODS I\ iHE CITYs. Agemit for Am Arbor Steam Laundry, quick delivery and best work. qiiXs. $PE:LL(CR & qO. UNIVERSITY OUTTFITTERS. ANN ARBOR, - - ]MICH. wN- = Greeson. Dffield. 32 3 NmNmSg yiCocker. w' ; ggEE 9Total outcof o - ' Possible 8001. b, Average en M tDelivery. Oo cc Average oesCemp. o cii Iand Theught. G e - rand Average.