rTt-EL; ()W M. FDA ILYs £xTT 0 1,1 ~70-I1C S AL~E OF WATCHES MtYEiKNT hitl-; STOCK OFI j EYIELLY1, SIDEIW L L L zci MisHt 1)e. clioed out. Salte every afternooa nd 111(1 l . L. T, LIMPERT, lIangstet'e l ockiiN - - - Ann ,4xt1)r, Mich. Life iS Uncertain! a1.10 lo I 0 DET SSURE. TIME TABLE. Il DEATH IS4.i 5 40,V-li .20, 9,10.30p.It). Leave ANN AIOltlll, fr1 ou0111 se, lii55, 1i1:-'S, 10,55,)a.1Lit., iandi1.1U, "M.50,i4'30. For the nest three 11 11110111onh ili01te n i 1,x6, ',1.61 MichillallMutuli e1110 nsuran11c1a lany. Leae 3'I LAN PI at 1, .40,15, 6-, Q ' A o vt r $a,000,00.o.Snurillus tor f~tii .1hid tendowmt iand Inves-tmlenl 1,01- iLeavenANN ARBORII, floanCourt Hous1e, at cies written at atiowtrate. No coipanys rite010 1 .30, 3.10 41.55, 6>5, .1, .60a, 1. In. it bter onractilt. Allexainahtiont of ourc 11.11.45 atd 11.25 casoin Sundy'till stop policies soticited, at corner ofit 100001an1 Adlams'st00Ypiltn iB. J.C ONMAD, 'you can savetone y 00(11gointis wayt ResietiAget, 18iSouthtIiiiilis. Detroit. _ ,,r 4Teachers Co-Operative ASsKaIF 1 W ihi atjust t Ie tie a iwyrti 1 A1 it ni t m ft he 1Esttablished in 18 . Ps tin filled, 2300. Seesaea btosfo dicc m ate hntoowthou ti.1,1~ are ambitious for a ancoment ather>thanothuaa.' .,,tli°i i Nt t-t flt a 5 11TTtatit Ia Itar ta.71i H11ARVARD AND YALE, In th.e1pat 1.1t iiiiniioths. ICoirse i a eet, The SAt K.1 ii T FIt.NTAIN IPEANis ttit.11ttST . ittllitt .easll t.e tittIEE.N'ttUNTANi1fo St.ioa rrntit. 6 taill t.4 St ate -t. Io shoingt,.the I..trgoat Stock atfIFiill IDress- litaIiti ntielMarkt.~ Ovcriioatitgs. lFiine CAsts 011care hutmioft No. 2 E. Washington St.. near Main. G. HI W]I J. I. SIALTOLLD HIGH CI1AA$ CORRECT:-:STYLES 1IN-. Spring Suitings) A'N I -Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. Colorings New . IN ( Trouserings. Novelties in Fanacy Vestings-Every- thing New-Stylish atial Seasotiable at 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR,- - - MICHI. 6,3;. STATEnST., AsalAnnait, Mica. BLANK BOOKS, For the ntext thirry (lays. Htarvard, Yuale, U. it Me. aail.taiversal COLLEGE + OUFITTER, Sporting and Athletic Goods, Base Bait and Tennis Goodis a specialty. 10'AND) t1 HARVARD ROW, BURLEIGI & JOLLY, AGENTS. GREATEST VARIETY d LOWEST PR ICES taN('Itl~illY IN PIIE CITY. 7intcht Iearl Wite Pltates - - H- 3 ets. tier set 7r ihAdanmantine China Plates - - -411 ets. per set , 7 mc Semi-porcelaina, Boote's lates - s5 ets. per set tPearl White II'ld Teas---- - ---- tst. per net Adamanatine tild 'Teas - --510 ets. per set Itoote's Semai-ptorcelaini IIldi 'leas - - - 75 cts. per set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. } pDEAN & CO- THE CAMPUS. Room E, to decide upon00a0 hourfor the regular meetings, and to outlinet The seciolawas totwihve ctass the avork. Jott-, C. Ro~rcx. p11s. Rev. AMr. Sunderland will tareacih Miiss (Woters , ts tieenienter- next Sunday lmornaing 1upo01" What taitintg tier aunlt, frotmCiiicagio, iar Educated Yoitng Men andti Woniell thte tast week. Can Dio to Upalift tite Word.'' P~res. atiii:qtrs. Eliot, of Haorvard, Evening sttbject, Williana Lloydi hase retulrneditfrom ii ouextendtedi Garrisota. western trita.The secretary of tile .Athletc R. It. Cortoeti lectureit at 1"psi- Ass'n iii be at the Alphia Nu Hall anti, lost nighit, unlder tile auspaices from 9:30 10 to a. to., Saturday, of the Y. M. C. A. Marcia at, for thte purpose of sign- The students of the Uiniversity of ing tickets atad receiving clues frotm Southa Dakota have detmataded thte new nmembers. resignation cit Pres. Grose. A book of great interest to Amieni- The Faculty Club thtink of buy- can students of History weas recently ing the lWinchell residence and it- found at Haddington Abbey, Eng- hog t ot fura clb hose. latnd, in a library that had not beeti Pro. Dnai Maico ba a ettrused for centuries. It is no less its this morning's Detroit Tribune in than Wiiliam Penns's famous tpatper regard to taedical legislation. on "The IPeople's Ancient and Just Messrs. Ptarker, Sherman and ibetehc ssi ohv K~etanedy tolt constitute a stanintg been written in 1670, cotmmittee 011 printinag for tile athl- Tae following senior laws are to letic associatiota. contest for class orator, to-mlorrow A stpecial meetitig of tile boartd of afternoons: Broxwn, Johnsotn, Parks, directors of the A. A. wiii be hled Wisler, Btaidwin, Largent, Landis, Saturday, Marcia on, at to a. na. 'Mttaster, McNally, Spaotts, 0'- Inutortant business is to be con- Neill, iHalley, Giubert, McGeagia, sidlereid. Thsomtpson, P'ethserbridge and Mies. Manager Abibott weert to i'oledo At the Adelphi to-morrow es-en tast night its restionse to a telegrama ing the foiiowing program wililibe stating that hais sister, whona lie had given : Flute solo, Mr. Parsons; not seen for nearly two years, weas accompanist, Mir. Moseley; essay, there awaiting his arrival. F. V. Moseley; declamation, WV. H. I wiil meet thse ciass for extra Dlellenback; debate, Resolved, reading in Terence Saturday morn- That political suffrage should be in ing, Marcia2 1, at 9 o'clock, in no way restricted on account of sex. BUTSIIESSEIL.EOTOR Y WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER,' Specallattention)taid toE repairinig tct and Jewoelry. M. W . BLAKE. PICTURES, FRAMES, A I4 ART GOOD'S. 10 went HUT-12S t FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manafacturer of and dealer in,1 BAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMSEP ____Cor. Fioueth aad tDepot Sis. J- HALLER 46 SOUT.01H AiS T. Riepairing a specialty. 0. M. MARTIN, DEALER IN Cloth Caskets, Metal10 A ND II iDlitON COFFINS- J. A. POLHEMUS, ALSO 'BUS HACK AND BIAGGAGE tL0t _ Narth Main Street -' RINSEY & SEABOLT, Biakers and dealera in Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and reed, 11 and 8 E. Washintoln St JOHN WOTZKE, Maker of fine CADIES, anad GENTS' s510 Repainlg nealardon. 43 S.Main d With thae retura of the Bhase fur.1 St stan we shall tie preprared to fiX, nit h All that is tiew and desira lo L N11 ORMS FORliase BallLw Ti nn s, Cricket, La Crosse, YaebtiSt9 at1 dtfir all Outing uses. Oatr Sil Sax Oa-er for quality atad durabityY no equal. Our tine of Base Ball lo. plies, Btats, Balls, Masks, Body 1is tectors, Cateciers' Mitts, Lawn Tex,"' Supplies, ete., etc., as itn former s al:e ens wilt defy cotipetition, W'e fol- justly prouid of our large college the towitig, due as we tire aware, tohis superior qoality of our goods. ig esteem ave aimuto strenigthe~n fret season to season, in thae iniproN7Car'~ Of our goods whtere it is possible.e0 0, respondeace desired with ma5iage5 all college clubs. Send for Our . Catalogue Of Summer Sports and v forms, A. & B. free to any address- A. G, SPALDING & BROS" CIIICAGO: PILDLH~r~ 1i8 Madison Street. lO10t claenat St NEW YORKs: 241 and :.143 roadway.