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March 20, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-20

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'o, I.-No.120. UNIN ElIaSTiX 01 IGIII-A
FlUDXAY, \IR(II 2, I191. PtizciTHloot's C ',
The Base Bell Outlook.
in viesw of this fact, there is a "row-I
ing demuand~ that menmbershlip tickets
to the A. A. admit to the gamses.
tig or a str ii~er teaml this col-xihh probby effect a1 compro1011ise.
l~g season0 ttian ' c, vr hefore inithe jTie followring is the schednle as it
isoyof tetic i irsity. Mnc 11(1ot standll nlin(ath~n
nvlitateriati of arery oatane \1)111 7 .o Idai. ths
stallit11 'iay 2, herl in, at home.
ii 5 lrcd rttiMaiyii.Ot sCornell, at tDetroit.
'ttlAbb\hott has heed cot ics
6 di, tt 't lsn, 'otiykiG , Norttusccsterii loccyrsitr.
tta, Pc .ClilnCay ais titl ;itilli
tol z (tanlilt, lIittayIatI otNer.
antill nll11prohability secureth l 2;Halonat'waN.V
Seret oif (ie of telttwte to Nias -2 t'.of Verinlonl. t, tlu
he lcrsjrtent ot ii ton.
thlayr.~~ enwl rcieiiv'idl tillth 'ahe ay 26, 'Vale, at New Havtent.
ciiitit snetitr f'at at, Coivothia, at Nes t'York.
ta it te ttse of te camtputs, tthetn 'flay 28,, lrowvn, at Proidietnce,
mt t wiiilite played daily. If II
"till tet11trnathdot' May 92, NWeseyant, at Middtlet-
bring v acationt, twien ganses wlEtoiii Conn.
arranged hetweetn teamos to beton
eetied fronthtie candidates atntt May 30, 'Trittity, at Hartford.
Stch professionla team as can be June 2, Harvard, at Canthritige.
Seue.Hwvr fot r en Jutne 6, eitther U. of Wisctotsin, or
tile to secure suitable dates foera .oMinstngrudhe-
~t trip dulrintg tistinte, atid after to tbe selected.
If ths egotiatiotbs are tttccessfttl, Jine 13,(Oheelint, at (Oherlin. I
rf ourse tite progratm till be IJu(te 2n, D. A. A., at thnie.
tgr oca s.tthay' Otte more gatte tio le arrangetd
gefoetCoitattexteetetsn tnyek.
(vn'daily practice trill he re- frCmecmn ek
iced. 'o enahble the nmen to get
tr acuaintedt with eacit other, LbayNts
daitte samtinte put temsetlves I Librarian D~avis has kitndly' coti'
slt hebestitossihle condition, tliey retnted to furnisht the tAot cv a series
Will of articlcs ontthie niost imoportat
go to tite traininis tahie as toots
asthe t1eamiflyeece. nest htoks in te library.'Tite first
If theEReets ae naprpra of thte series is pttblished to-day.
tinfrtepurpose of fitting up the i.NIFR.
n thbletic grounds, ail sciteduled Flowting is a tist of hooks bougltt
daetnd a portion of the practice sittcete opening of te cotlege year,
batets wilt be play'ed tihere, oter- for te use of students who are
wileth ecaimitus and fair groitnds studying te recent political itory
illiusdas last year. of te United States. Outside of
othte eastern trip, tile tanager te puhliec docutments this history
iyspecial car, fitrnishted to ordier lies largely in thse hiographsies of
ltl the ntodern inmprovements,; puhlic iten, te text hooks and htis-
Silt secred. Titis car trill( tories of pltclpris n ai
°mmntodace ntore titan te tirteen psiec litterature.
al ho trill constitute te hate Andretws, Sidncey-'Flte Soutth after
°tcotingntand te rentainder te War. Boston, z1886.
troonm will he at te disposal Cooprj,'. 'r.-Anterican Pitlitics.
otidersrtwho ntay wisht to joinPilta., eS2.
exrcy, of coutrse, at their own Ctcer, Julia P. -Life and 'l'inmes
p° s. T'welve mtetn witl he taken of Eplriant Cutter. Citscitnttci,
ntisi trip, as upon all othters. 890q.
bt Th ntteunifortts stilt beheiere Forney, J. W\.-Anecdiotes of
eo any schteduled gantes are Public MNen; a vols. N. Y.
tYad ci, th iac t iti not he neces- Greeg, Percy- History of thte
p1r fnor thte team to go into any' in- Uttited States; 2 vots. Londcon,
tt games withc cie disadvantage 1877.
bAbout cn-hr f h ae ite Solid South? or Reconstruction
e lyed on our honte grounds,and and its Results.
Isvins, W'Ni-'Mtachine iPolitics, AVNN te experietnce of College
atil Muoney toin Eectiots. Necwv Nork . Mltu wsho kntois-antd apprCciatte
fcenoln(os, 1.J.-I--it Nears of te ettefotl serittilly of Cotllege Sto'
tfcpohhiiati Gotvcrntuitin cthdenittts,111ha1vitngiatlame5c1rpsof skilled8
I oitcd SMatcs. Ncws t in I i68. esigtterstatd Jeswelers specially
"uia ,1e. 1-S ec1hecs lilt work, imporl~tinlg, as wtI ti.iirectly
Pohlitict >eto N c or'til frottPittis, Ltotttait aiciA sierdttm
slit iter". Icc 'ttn's.,'We ace iii t positiont toi ion
ti lit ia t ii est huh t~inl litre the titiest tilatilds andi ijteeled
((nc(t Itadlgi's it tll hinitdsswhtichtre
maouflouelhinthi sunos'
loll, with sic ita ltlsidecaion of ' RTJ Kay o rG
lyen. NMctlellan.Ncwi rk't i .itk X Y r IH J l X . .
farty-, &-c. oston, I i SS55AND
M~cCulloch, Hugt -tMNiti andtil NA\t't'A"1TITtI, IGiJ ELEIMS.
Measures otftitit a Cemney. Nw t Detrolt. Msch'gan.
York, 81'S ______________
M~ci htrsotnIEdward- iRebetlion; cha . Speler &Q~
iRecotnstrutcto, and Handbooks of Jh ,(
Politics for ItS74, S-6 1878 anid UnisritOuitr.
IS88, stix tols. 210' StiU~T H IAtt Sr
:Merriant Geo.S.-Lifeandsimets
of Santuel :Botlect a volt. Newv
York, JSSA. E N G LI S H
j ton --haitsAeiaso ectentstt'imes. Bostn of18 MA Ok IITTO S I.ESI
Patton, J.I tartrts-The 1Demo-
cratic ttts NewNfoek, t SSS. TCE 21I
Sicaitall T.NW.ILife of Stedhet "
A. Dolo as. New York, h8o.
itepublicatntaiupaigixt tMoak ! lM I I laeC RCt1
for S8S8.
'Tayer, Ei-Thue Katssas Crusade.
New York. 1889.
Thsompsons, R. E.-Life of George
Hi. Stuart. Philadelphsia.
Vonlolst, Herman-Jost Broswn.
Edited I'. P. Stearns. Biostont, 1889.
Wallace, Letw-Life of hBenj. liar.
rison. H-artford, 1888.
Whiiting, W'tiliam-W'tar Poswers of
the President. Boston, 1862.
Wilson-Emancipation, Its Causes
and P'rogress. lHamtons,'ta., 1882.
The"Olymptad" at Oberlin.
Odberlin is caiking of chtanging its L.AI tlGtE lINE IN S T0cK
M'eld Day to a Greek "Olynipiad.''
'Te proposition is to dress te ter- Ffil-aet end Larg~st
aids its Greek costumtes, call the LINE 01
events bty Greek natmes, introduce
te hturlitug of thte javelin, an ora- ET UNS FRIHN
tiots by cue president, crotwning te olibS IN '111E.CItt
victors wtih crotwns of heaves, and
te singing of college sotigs by te Agentt for Attn Arbor Steam Laundrty,
nmulttitde. qttick delivery and best work.
Prof. M. E. Cooley with discuss
" Speed Resistance and power of q5A$. $PELLEI? & q0,O
Steanm Ships,' at the meeting of the
Engineering Society, Saturday night, UNVEESITY OUTFITTERtS.
March 2 I. ANN ARBOR, - - MICH.

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