THE l= ()Wl M. DAILY SALE lOF WATCHiES J ~. , IZYL 17 Mus cXI X c IXXC outXX. I c (:XeryCafternoonX an([ XXX i nCX L. T. LIMPERT,MXI IItngXIX f'e Block, - - - AIM Aror.\iX c h Life *is U ncertain! XC XEXXC XXXEIi ICY ,XXX 1 DEATH IS SURE. Lae. IT-IMETABLE 1J LXXXIX INN 5IXXIX, fromXXX(XXXItI lousCtj ,5 4X.1 25 it.X 11,., andX 1.I0,X. XXXf and ''5 at the low rtty of $11.00 pc I XIC XXIX, XX Xih s CXXX5 ~iX XXIX. 9 51 :ticiXXXXXXXI IXIXXXI l Cfe IIIXIXXIXICe I(XIXIXXXIy. LeaveX X I-II'IaII1,';.40, 4.:.5, .05, +XX \sset- ver X :X I XX,XXXC .XXX X II XIX XXX vII- XXX,XXXX. I.XI. a All kindXifXX endowmentIXIXI anld inXvestmentIXXIXXICLeveIVANN AIRIOXI, IfromIco(urtIII ICCI vies XXvXXXXXX Xait o X rXX teIX. NXoXXcompanXy KXrite I.XX,X, 30, .I,Cx.1XX,X.50X,IX. ill. it hetter cXXntracIX. AIX VXXXIiXXXXXiXXXXXoIfIoIur I'X.45 anXXIII 1211traisXXo1XXXIXIXty ill XXXI B. J. COWNRADW XYou can gaveXI monXeXXX byXX XIXIXXI tXhiII RidenXtCXXAgent,IS SoXXhXIngalls X. IIIIDeri. XXXIXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXX1 Estabisdi n C I 19884. PositionsfiXlled, 2300. SC ,X ,kC:; C 11'cli c, tlt ile th al('11)\X'()\O ,Il OX11 re ombi tious for advancement rather (than those wXXXith u , Iti II il i:'; 'C' R I I L'IR.-_l_ _nest HARVARD AND YALE, lI \( I helust sI U N I N Xths C mllI 1 >1I III! Vsle . II CX XX Tl Ic N XI NI' O TA I N I' N Xi X 1.S0F.XXII sellCIX I e el h G MaXX iS . .11 ,trtX St TJ1F0 17701, CORRECT ::STYLEIS Spring Suitings A\N1X Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. Colorings New IN Trouserings. NXvelieiNNill anXcy ICtiXigs-EX CXC IlliXmgNew--StylishI a111 SCeasonableCatI 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHL. BLTRLEIGII & JOLLY1 36S. CrAF STAC .-ARBORX, MC, I3IANK BOO1S Fo1 the lext thlirry days. Harvard, XVale, U.XoID1.and lfIinvrsXt COLLEGE + OUITFIITER, Sporting 11111 Athletic GooXdC, Base Blall and Tennis Goods a specialty. 10 AND 1t HARVARD ROWY, SIIILEIGII d JOLLY, AGENTS. GREATEST VARIETY 7 XXXVIIPearl Wlite laItes - 7 ilelIAXdamanIItXi1XeCinal P late 7incIh Semfi-porXcelinI, BlIoote's I' 1Pearl White II Xl'Xl 111s - Adaman~otin~e 111(111(1 Teals - liloote's X1C11i-polXOiXII'XIX111111T 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. THE CAMPUS. I 1'A. 11ay, '93, is entertinXinXXg Iils motherICCfromnX DetroitX. 1rot. Kelsey goes tXJCticaVXgXXtIC IIIy fXor theCrest Xof theC week. SpeCcil seX"Ces areXIX CXXinXCliel IiglitIX at thle IBaptist IchuXrch. V. 1A.1HeCryIlea1s1beenC elctedCX 1cssXpoet of Ithe SCniXor lXIVclass. Mir. MillCer,(If Kalamlazoo, XhIX bCeII the guest of hlis daughtter, :Miss J. MT. Miller, tile past week. Thle percenltage If non-Chlristianl stud~enlts to Christian studen~S tste tUnitedl~ States is asr to io. D~ancinlg as a formll (f anlllselllent is more ClIXpoular in colleges thtis ye~ar than it lhas ever heens before. II. K. Pomeroy, of Kalamazoo, Mich., is spending a fewe days with is brothler, F. S. tPomeroy, lit. '92. a Ilere will be a mleetinlg of thle Seior Literary class Saturday, Marchlz21, at 10130 anm., ill room lA. The Russian press5 cenlsorshlip h~as au~thorized, tte publication of thle neXwIC Russianl translationl of tte Doranl. Thle sophlomlore base ball (direc- tors hlad a meeting last nighlt and drew iIp by-laws. No mnalger las yet been elected. The plroceeds fromllthle Aplllehee lecture, givenl by thle Unity Club for the benefit of thle gymnasium fund was credited to the student's fund. Seventy-five dollars was realized. G. H.WILD, is XXXXX XiX I X IXhe I XIXXIX X EXItocl a'h l)Drss "liXiX r'5iXX l theIII111,1XXct All the11:tIesXIXhiXClXXXXIXC XXXI eieXXCillX5 XXX [Xi IXIXrcl XI (Is XX XXXXiXr, z 'g- (-t . , X i XIXlXXX' XXXI Xof No. 2 E. Washlingten St, near MaXin.G- H. WL ' IJOINE7SS .DP-70IO0 ' C f T LO E ST PRICES WM ARNOLD,WEE IN 11111 CITY. WATCHMAKER AND JEW LR C - 40 ets.Iperst 1a11.Jewelry. -lte - - >s per set 38 Is.ipr set M. W .BLAKE, D e0 ts per set IricTURES, FRSAMES, A r4ei 5es e e t ct rst ART GOODS. 1X0 West hio5 O pEAN& CO. FERDON LUMBER YARD. ManuCfactrXroflan11111ler1Xi~~ Professor ThtompsonX will lecXture SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMSE' tIo thle laws to-IllorroXI. -( Cr.Fourt(h11a111D0e1111SIXs._ Mr. Clarelnce Lawson, laIX192, J.HALLER wvent lhome last Mondlay tIo Ilgill - 41, XXXT IXNXXIIT. Ill., and lto-dlay is friendls wXere sutr-IIRepaXiX inapcialty. --''_ pietoreceive cardsanXoucing 0. M.MARTIN, hXiCXin10 arXa(IX D111AL1E15IN Ill toarlleI a yXXIuIg ladylIXfIthlat Cloth Caskets, Mfetall1C plac-e.ANl) XCXOMMOXN ((FIINS.____ At thle GeologCical Society tXI lor SJ A. POLHEMUS, XXXI evenling a paperC will be givent by I TTI I E7 Mtr. Shlerzer, instructor ill Geology,- Also lIES MA AIiAIIOtrEeIt Xn "Thle Stratigraphlical a11(1 Eco- RINSEY & SEABOLT, nollie GeologyoXf the SXouth~ernXBakers and11 dealersinIll ds gy G~~roceries, ProvisionsFlour andr Shore of Lake Sulperior.,,__ad8_._asigtn_ t Althloughl attendlance at chlapel JOHN WOTZKE, shlould bIy no mleanls be complulsory, Maker of 5111- lt sem ADIES' and GENTS6' 3 yet itwouldsemthtat thXose instruc- RlepaXiring e atlyrdoer 4IS.Mawin.t tors lhavinlg recitations before thle- - citapel houlr would close thlem early enloughl to allow those who desire to attend cllalpel to do so. With the retlurn of the Base -31 Prof. Scott's Bible class at St. Season, we shlalt be preprared, to fiit Andrw'schuch illbegn te cn-lishl all thiat is, new anld desIrable ii Andew' clllch il bein heCO~-UNIFORCMS PFORIBase IBall Jaw, sideration of tile relation of Evolu-. Tennis, Cricket, La (rosse, Yachtf ti tilte Bile. T is sbjct inli for all Ouitinlg uses. (u11 ?has tiXX~l t Pills sulcct 1SSweater for quaslity andlI iuriibiiitY 5 oXne whbichl interests all and from thle no equl. Oulr line of Base Ball Sur large number whlo have attendfedi plies, Bats, Balls, Masks, BOd1Y t'r tectors, Catchers' Mitts, Lawn s durinig thte past two or thlree monthss, Suipplies, etc., ete., Ias in former s aee itma be seen thlat tile sulbject is of oils will diefy comipetition, fl lilaxI justly proudl of 0our large eoile0g th1 interest to stud(enlts. lowring, dule 11sIe lare awa~re, fQie superior qulality (of (((r goods. folS1 Tlhe fXallowin~g namedl gentlemeln esteem we aiml to strenlgthen f~solit of tile Senior Lawe class trill attend seasoni to season~, in tile isipron the xanillti~ fo adlisionthie of our goodls wihere it is posibleersof the xamnaton or dmisio to responldene desiredi withl ma1nagero Ohio bar, to be h~eld at Columbus, all college clubs. Senld for 0111, Lni Jun Mesrs J.ja Catalogue of Sumnmer Sports alIX Oho >~le2 1891 M tsrs .W forms, A. & B. free to ain a1ddress- Freenman, I-. S. G. Mitchell, it. 13. A. G, SPALDING & BROS" McCoy, J. IH. Sebrider, C. I' ('1111 AGO: PHI~LADEeLVIAeI IMiller, E. E. 1Davis, G. F. Slher- 108 Madison street. lowt12chestnutmnadI.Haulr I OK ntan nd XV II. uller 41iand 245 Brelilwni-