je o Of
01- L 1,)-
Pitcir,, Tmi:ii: C E-NT S.
S@ fthe Facts Concerning the
bljt nix in terracesaclalthotxith it is
cif irregular and uncxcei nature, whien
gradedi up xcnd lexeledl the groutntds
grounds oin State street makes it
dificuxlt to locate the track andl yet
utilize all the space. The ilirectoirs1
ixuxib~~ tt ci cx x ixi racixvei appiearancie . tie site ovier- anid tiic lii rtrrtr mi rk, and thic
ccx, J Etic lii tiictt u tlc i~xxiuas it does the xvallex of tiem betci ciioiini seemcs to ie thi't thie
lxxx hixspixta iibuiilings no tixn iii li I ixtrxti offlers'xxue if the xctviw qure iixi is timorexxrc stixcabic
thirco s rxuioti x xxe cr iu -x r i r lxiii .Aiil, nxofNo. i 22 }'i ds sxtraslt ta ins ix l jix t
lexiltixi1 i.t t i'ii Dxeacxxn street, Ilostouinurc, xii' 'rcii xditixxi lto tic <lxxxi .r n~
i feet noxrtih of the streiet. 'lihe tets. 1'lii ixixililixigs hal al he! 'i irectxors lxii that thini iiixit
alloathiubixxinixg frontxs noxrthx. to- xxixdernx iiiprxci cuts l in th sha pe .txt witlxi ieliiexuiix, ibecuse xriixi
xxiithe river andii is 210 fexet iii ofl ic'xtixxg. xentiliatixxi, eci., i~ ir this tracik isxix -c lidx it xcxxixxt lie
iti 'Ilixe soiitlix ixrt xxxtin ii i o xxxdlcxl after the cceiibrxxti xi liiis at tect x l itixxxt Icsixsixierxixe exlirtise.
Illlic wardt'xs, exxcih r in feet bxv i x~kxslxsxtli tiiiiix uh If the track is to lie xi quxter wiile
~ caalie ofiixiiiiix~I ~ 0i00x axci s or ci 1a i trill nxcressxarily lbe oxa inxi
$ patints 'ixslie dl iortionix f iitest hxospitals ill tixe srll. boutt shpe It is imotat therefoire,
rece'ii for pirivate xwardis, aix ill xxi meini ire inowv emplxoyed bu l px ro- thxat thxe loiger axis ritini the righlt.
a~ccooate 30 paticexts. T~hc xiii :ress is slowv, owring tix the rixaixics diretion. so thxat thc pxlayers
ptheatre ansd ainixsration tooms5xi u wtx r whniilnirr l noiimxi be troubled lbx threxiii
auyi hit north endi, wicirs semCi- the buiildling will cost about $85,000 it is run duti cast andxt t he ll basr-
in formx, and macxsures i5a of wyhich soooo xiii lie fir iraiini bail fieldlers in particxular, wiii hr at
feei xn dianmcier. 'Fite amiplitira- 1ni loall ililu vi i rd a dsa drantaige, un~lessth grcxand-
ei Will scat bxeweix 400 ansi 500 for usc iexi October, xvheni college standi is locaxted at the rastern rend
leso Ix tixe ibascexentx bicixathi InO~l lxilh incptxrbil ayinxg iotr track, xxe shixoul
thi Oiililiixaire is foundl a kiitcien, ingx xxil probably ncii be finishedi un profit lxy the exlxeriece iif oithier
$ iinrY, tirying-rocimi, coal -bix, xcii iii a lutetiixer. colleies. Swrarthmoiure (Courge thei
tiral bed-~roomxs. The iiasemexrit ; - .. _- athlertic rxaniploix of 1Pcixsylixainia,
xiiinat t crntral anti siouthxernx Indoor Meeting. possesses a squarter-mxie track. It
p~tosis entirely uinoccuiedi, luxxiiit ni87 ih ud rie
x t be plaxsered acnl kept can. Tue indsoior meetinig of the Aililet- xa atl i S~ viifirsrisu
]hxe home 'ai ixuildimug is s tei Associion xwiii ixe xhiii xii the byrh iiexsaxlxiiiii Fi
Ihciutmi bssxh class r'aisinx the lar- ssuko
acedt 1 rinxk cix 'Tuesday, Marchx 2;- begin- ' b etsiuuo
abu x o feet u-ext of this moohdtepivlg n oo
cxx . 'nt ! iiiing at 8 p. ci. 'Txc list of events, i youx iaiiu prvlg aiib xio
to ci anixx as feet lowcer 'win of nxamng the track. Tile class of
their Slope if tile grumhd eux hriicix has becin chxanged frcimi the , iit
enladsouthernx poirtionis hare list as already pubalishmeid lax ihc 11 xrs itiesfi, axer ithed itke
neaxyith is amxe fornm as those in time DAIxY, is as folloxvs:e rwarthmor afern unxer tker
alito Font hundred and forty yards ixeSratxr bgcxirii
Kiaihic building, anti coniain two ' diirectioix of time Society of Friends.
wais7 etb 3feci-Iti lecso onm tmeh
of ad et etc ruin, 88o yards run, onr mile run, ti h utmt aeahei
alofacconimoriimg 21ati emxts, one nile diepartnment relay race, too-felsadteUofMshudgv
Priat war xgiil wil pac-fing high ijumpx, standing high junip, ielsadteUofMshudgv
cx prvt adwihwl c t grounds an appropriate name.
imodate 8 paiiemts. 'lie fronst light-weight wrestling, nmiddle- Harrard has its "Hlolnxesfield and
par i intesaeoasxuead weight wrestling, parallel liar coom-
d n he sape f a quar~andisJarvisfield.'
evtdto the sanme cses as the fromit petition, and horiontal bar compe- -4-
tx in of time allopsathsic buhilimig. ihin Txr ilb ui i- correct Gym Report.
}tt he amphitheatre is smxallie, txween time events, nre close at --
clong seating c apacity for only a5 6x p.nm. on5 March 25 o~i m, rsdntAgl a srihee
pesos 89cet andl brsdei foreh saae straigxtene
m. The whole length of this tikt vi efrsl t5 et out the various reports of the Gym
inig is 07-8 feet. ecd by the officers and directors of conmmittees and has kindly given us
Tefoundation wails of bxothm the association after Muarch no. Time a copy. The total amount on hand
ilig ar2 four feet thick at the track committee is as folloxws: E. is $m8,46h.75, as followsx
t tmadgradually narrowing to 1,. Santderson, H. G. Field, F'. S. tPresident Anmgell -----------"22.00
txifeet ix imnches at the topx. The Prettymanx, A. M1. Harvey, andi E. Stmudents, ineludimng Dr. Giat-
Omtsick eMlenei.cell's and time Umity Club's
ihbric wallis are txventy inchxes M.Knnd.
n tn5 in--both-buildings donations.-------------- - 2365.75
thr hcnes a n lev tor for dng The Athletic Track. J. T. Jacobs---------------__1,00)0.00
patIx neeao o carrying Williani Savidge -------------500.00
ent froni one floor to another. Time directors of time Athletic As- Leetmure Assnm (estmate-_-_ 400.111
th Oiler house, xvhichi will contain sociation are xrestling xith time Gym Concert (estimatel--- 000.00
VeJh ufbies is located to time probleni how to locate time runn JooHfY, 11888 minstrels- 360.00
O tlertann Detroit--------------- 11,560.00
in s810t of time allopatlmic build- track on time new athletic grounds.
and has a chimney 92 feet high. Plans of iHarvard's track hase been $ i9101i.75
Aeground between time buildings received, together with a letter of Deduct for duplications _.-.. 550.00
"001as Catherine street will be explanation. The shape of the new Total..................-$-- - - - - 18,4611.75
b SVIN G tie experienlee of College
Mcins liiikmnoss amii appreciate
hre c onftii sciuimimmy'of CoullegeStu-
densiii hii mg 1ahlmrge corius of silhled
Dlesuinrs'aniii eweces sspecially
triinedsu fior ii xis mandiotheri'jeswexled
xwiii .I I inpiixc g, x axsNse xloi iirectl y
froih mx aris iinon <1)m1il Acnicidam
0xxxi li iixmis cand itxiihirm'recius
Stones. We arelixnil ipoxsitioniltoi lio-
duce the intu l an iixis iamtljewe'l
Soxciet xI ixhxgs ofi allikindxsxwhuic'hxli'
na 1fc lrdini this iuixuxut xx.
Wright, Kafi & Co.
lx OITIt)llS, .1 ENV'kI lii..
'\ I5N t"A(lthhTU1NG 1% I 1Li ht.
Detrol. MichiEan.
Chap. Speller & @.
Unoiversity Outlitters,
20' SitHiiSTATELSi'.
TCInn1$ * GOOD.
JUST RIi is .
renninL BAT$ AflD BAL L$
Fitstiand L rs '-
Agent for An Arbor Steam Laundry,
qicmk delixemyanfl best woork.
qAA. $PELL(:R & q0.