T[4FtV -mDAILYl SALiE OF WAT'1 E M1ust be closcid iut. Salie cry alterniooi leen! iing. L. T LIMIPERT, Life is Uncertain! DEATH IS SURE. TVP41.IME :TABLEW:>t~' Fo heil- nc othll-lI .viilli -15cr 14111i-;107.5,91 !5i.5I).Ili. i--. 0n11 31 1440111 4. i t w Ner111thecut511 lt1It 111 Ci 11i 1:11 mdI : at ilrrtl-41-l. 111te 44(if,11 p t 1111111in n 14111111 ill 141111 ificlipan 'M tual Ill,(, n~tI'l nce io(1114111Le ve i' 1111,A 'I'1 a11,1t..5, 10 Iitco e 3,10,000. Srlusii over1111 A1114 ). cre 11)111411om ('tit}I)IEC A J ~~Teachers Co-Operative Assoc[ rl 7&7 t. . I t I 1 1 \ r It Establishxed in 8 4. P tin iltled, 23(10. Se c." 11' 1ta ° justta1,c'i tii a 'i < fr t~icarle ambitious 14 ccr ctvtn1e reeatbiiousefotidvance ent rater thantho 01it 44hO 11 The t 11(111 111 t__.! 1-. It 1 x HAVAD NDYALER 1 The SAC\( 1-. T It II It N t N 1..is tie 1 1.:: T, e n(i-Iit. t)t*ItLN lOI'NIX\IN .N N ol- Si. and11 lrat it I fiil S11 t. G. H.WILD, *tttill)^+I.! No. 2 E. Washington St. near Main. G. 1-. WILl) CORRECT:-:STYLEIS Spring Suitings ANI) Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. New Colorings (Trouserings. N05lltlesii lalley Vestinigs--Evcry- thing New-Stylishl and Seasonable lat 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICtH. EURLEIGHI &JOLLY? 26,S. STATE ST., A:ssiAnnBOl, 11111., BILAN1K BOOK~, -AND- F-or the l1net thlirryclaly-s. Hlarvard, Pale, U.of M. nailUniversal COLLEGE + OUTFITTER, Splortinlg and Atlhletic Goods, Batse 1111all d Tennis G00114 a specialty. 10 AND) 11 HARVARD R1(0W, BURELEIGH & JOLLY, AGENTS. GREATEST VARIETY c LOWEST PRICES N111411nch Pal whlite Plat1es - - - - .;:t 115. 1)141set inch111Adamantlliine C1iiIlal'Fllites - - - 4i)c-Is. 11111set in1111 Semi-plorcelalin, 11oo)1e'4 Plates - - i8cts. per set. lear l Wiite I1'ld l'ells - - - - 38 ets. per set AdalanltineI'l- 111 Teas5 - - - )0 ets. per set Boole's Sremi-porcelalinlItIlIdTells - - - 751 cts. p~er set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. )DEAN & CO. FIIT 7,ES ILEOOI THE CAMPUS. Tle niy lu iii give a soril lext Monilay evening, Maceli 3 UIlie IPrincretonitfreslhmienitax-c le- 11111411tiiptL ac-lrosse54teatm in the field.- :Mliss \Marrylitrnll -.'9.1, 11111 left college can1 accoutillo f sickniess, iand n-ill 11o1 retutrn this yeair. ill iss Jeiinie Crosby-, 1941 is enter- tainling 11er sister, MNiss Grace Crols- by, (If Detroit, for a few day-s. Wourk on t(le itospital buildling is adv-ancinig rapidlly; thte walls o)n the second lstory are icarly complleted. IDr. WI. 11. K~elly, of lBrooklyn, sell! occupy- the pulpit cif the 21I. E. chsurchi next Sunday-, both miornsing aisd eventinig. If. N. Quiijley, law, 1911 has re- turnedl to school after spiend~ing a va- cations of a mtonths at his lhomie ill (hicllmiolit, (11111.C Certainily the msemiory- of Saint P~atrick wvas revered yesterday judg- long tromsit(le inumber of students who swore tlie colors of (lie Enserald Isle. lDr. Ewell lectures to-night in Ite law lecture roonm 01 Micro~scoply anid in connection withi this subject lite will talk on the famsous Cronin niurtder case. The '92 omedics lpresenstedl"Doc" Nagley wills a meerseliaum pipe and several packages of tobacco yester- day in recognition of the kind treat- msent received at Isis hands during the year. The (Choral Union hteldl its first rceiearsal last iiight liii oitsoc's faimouts comptiositionl -"The Rceemp- tiot1." It xwiiibe giveni toithle pub- lic :flly 30. Vesterday wsatthe liirthday of P~rof. IHaskell, of the Uniiiersity of California, last year instrtictor in miathtemiatics here.- A itumsber of~ sophom~llores telegraphed co(nlgratul- lations to himti. Secretary Waide, applreciatinig tle eindeavors of Prof. Trueblood anid (lie classes is oratory- to decorate Room 24 xwiths Iictutres of (lie great orators, placed ini Rooims 24, (Isis msoring, a xvery good picture of iHos. 11. E. Gladstone. Thse class piassed a mhotion thanking Secretary Wiadle for his kinsdness. At (lie regular meeting of (lie Philosophical Society1 Thursday eveninlg, Mr. I:. E..lirownl, Phl. D., pirinlcipial of the Jacksons IIigli Scol, xwill read a paper oiii I"The- Ilerbartian Systems of Pedlagogy." Mr. Birownl graduated here in '89, sttudiedl at (lie University of Hlalle duiriing the folloxving year aiidlt(1ok the 111l. 1). degree in 1990, after stuilyinig only one year for it. The programu of (lie Jeffersoniaui Literary Society, to-morrow evening, is as followxs: Essay, W. L. 'Town- senid; orationi J. A. L.argenst;ins- pirompiltu, C. O. Italley; music, J. B. Smith. Debate: Resolved, That (lie United States enter into a Re- ciprocity treaty wills Cansada. Aff., ID. Ii. Hanson and G. A. Jeffers; nseg., H-. 1. Ottenseir andl T. B. Hlawk. WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER' Spevialiillrlslol lp1111illtoreplliringltce M. W . BLAKE, SICTURES, FRAME~S, A $ A ART GOODS. 1 iett Il I FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manufatctuirrrer f11111dele n11 SAGEINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER (ho. rth and111Depot11Sts. J" HALLER Ritlringaspicialty. 0. . MARTIN, D1 ELRIN li Cloth Caskets, Mffetali ANI) COMONINISN 111111 ..-' T .A./TPOLHEMUS, A1L)) 11 5 SHA)CIK.AND) 11111 xGS 1iE Nort Main 1Stree__ RINSEY & SEABOLT, Baks nd 11dsalers in tI Groceries, ProvisionsFour and reed, JOHN WOTZKE, Maker o iine511 I.ADIIES' amid GENTrS' -*o Rlepairilngneatly dsne.43 S.Main St' With thle retuirn of thle Base '01 Seasn, se shall be preprart-o i -Irish all thatt is new andi dell 1(p ('NIFORMS FOR Base Ball c~in Tennilis, (ricket, La (rosse, Ya'l, 1eg andl for all Outing u1ses. Ou0h1 Sweater for Iduality anld durablity ka! 110 equa~l. Ou~r lne of Batse Ball $11P. plies, Balts, Balls, Masks, JBodeullrs teeters, Cateclernsitn, La«'ln s Supplies, ete., etc., as in formoer se 011s still defy comp~etitionl, Iefol- justly proudi of our large college the lowi-lg, due 1asxWe tare astllre, tpIus superior dulality of ouir gooils. ffllt1 esteem sxe aim to strenfitiCO i 5se15011to) sealson, ill the illrO' fir. of our goods where it is possibleersof respotidetice desireld With 111,1113 e,se all college cluibs. Send for ou Catalogtie of Slimmer Sports an forms, A. & 13. free to laly address, A. G, SPALDING & BROS" (CHICAO: uIL5ADEtLP lt~relt 108 Madison Street. 11(12 ChCst11l NEW YORK:I 'A1 and ti43 BreadwofP-