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March 18, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-18

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,c . of
AT.* Wail.
1.-N,. Its.
LTNIViE ISITY 0F1 ICIGAN, WI IEL)DY.M111 1"I is, 1 'sIl.
Pitixti:, Tix:j,(CENTrS.
TeGym." Fund Reaching Re-
spectable Proportions.
r The University Record.
A s ha1s bieen knoxwnifor 0001e 11111
the facll tV are to publish a qu arterl
1'e list reporio) r.E T lap- iimagaz'.n110 0in Ii is to0co1111oct about
itht0 of tleI etw l cc " IO ls and is to 1)e regirded a s the
tt i t what weo avellready 1tit 7io s It o eana 1 n o . 1cs
S0n1511 sfloill other 0111111 tiswie1adwilbei1te1r't ~s
11100 Detroitas fillowxs: alliela,.solii."
111100; \auxiiiiiette, ;ooi larille T11110 1110t:0)olie iabiout 1011-pr
a . ;; Vza, Sioo; AimAroruhf1eiitoralsi whichtihte conitboc
Deroto stbci to sOf tihe I liieriitr xwililibeplacelie )-'
10,020. lore tile puiblic,51sp1111)ly11111 11s1at-
111iiihousandilliiars, DII hi }.1 _ tois as are of interesitio the 111 111111.
!> bo, T1. AV. Plmxer; $5o,0James IThis wililie followed bxyiiiscussiiii
Joy.;S 'oo C harles IEndicotti of the relatioin of tile IUxiiersity to
Qharlj Enfidicottit 18I'92, if lixve;the lPubilic Scho1(1lsystem itxhl1
z°° «r' WV.HIntaci , Ii . P.IBld-reclxom~endaltionis as tiotilenietixoxis
tn C. Pack (Altpena), Jerecmiahl of p~repiarationi for ectrance to) the
tJultis Stroti R.IW.CGillettCUciversity. I lie bulk o1 ibis liiri-
~i' Hencry, Jamets L ldsoc hF. er xwilIxe taken xit byxaudetpart-
at0ioi, J. . IIHuxdsoin W. IL wxent called the Lniixersitx iilie-
t $-o,)David InlxislDe~) it eect Scholarsip.lx ITlis xilIxe xi-
"Tylor Buxrinhac, Stioel t o., x xixtedinito ttiree theadls.(if.Tile xwork
Wil . cexwer, Walter S. 1 larslia; of tile scientific societies, as the
tee S. T.IDouglas, Jion G. RuniO- (Clemlu , tthe Geological, thle lPlilo-
by 1)01- rest P~ainoe, C. K. Latliaii, soplical, the Phlilological, etc. IEs-
" ' Slherili IE. C. Walker, C. E.tracts froii the best papers ireseinteol
00 (er W C Jolhcsoii, 1. C. Stac- during the past year wiii be 'iron.
l' C. 1,t'. I1 otter; $10, ."M.()Dpo rts 010 origical researcho
l alj1 TOChl lis mst e ad dled mxad~e by some of the miore advanced
1Subcito.Previously report-0A summary of all the putblications
tie ,io. This imiakes a total fromi by members of the l'aclty, exceltt
hotroit aluini anod a few aluimoii ing fiction. It stilt be a surprise to
Sxtstered thiroxigho'Michoigano of $iiit,- nmany to fiixd how msuch has been
77o. dloce xy the Untiversity in this lice.
Pretidenot Angell was seeii this 'Thlere is also to be a tracscripxt from
prnicng to ascertaino the amount of the proceedings of thec Regeints and
ttt Sbscripitions that lie has receiv- Faculty. New roles antI points of
e'l riot amoxont that the Detroit discussion will be giveno. 'fle pres-
I~rs report conotainos sonic dupli- ent nunmber will contain an extended
atigns TIe$500 of juidge Gexi. recaptitulation of the discussion cono-
.4losmerwhoicho was sect to Pros cemninog the advisahility of sloorten-
'It Angell is included in the $ioo loig the collegiate course. Th'le last
.rIorted by thec Detroit cononittee.( department will he devotedi to out-
T. Palnmer's $50o is included in lines of lectures given ini sonie of
1Prtsidents amsount, beinog upon thec nore advanced courses, ho ordler
tlst of J . TI. Jacobs, which that studeiots mtay elect wrork more
lh Oltts to $i,oco. It is also oio intelligently, anod in order to give
Detroit list. Presidenot Angell's those who contemlalte coming here
ei'letee e is $2, oo(about) ano idea of the work dooie. 'Plis
lt lit has received fronm individu- pcblication ix expected to take thxe
1li o it ofJ. T. Jacobs, $500, pla0ce in the U. of M~. that the
~ avde~2,6.7,stu- Buxlletin takes at Johons H-opkinss.
I tr subsriptions; $50o (about), Th'le "Record" will be placed on
00e association; $floo (about),re-
16 46 gym." concert, a total of sale at a low rate upoio its appecar-
re' 5 -75 instead of $7,130, as xvas ance.
5A0rtexi in the Detroit papers. Tis - '"
C~ dto the $11,770 of the Detroit Next Tuesday will occur the
11mEittee makes $18,225.75 the axnnual election of officers of the
anlotal. Choral Union.
The Mining Schoot and Agricelttural
College to be Investigated.
'111 .0Michigan legislature 0001111to
ho greatlyx trouiledl aboiit the state
colilogos. Early itheless5iio, a
billiwa Iintodce toibolisilthe
-Mc ia lii 1 lSciol,0stilto he11
lroun hts xixo 0its i iiret l n ix - t
osartcce. ICoc iateioio rI lotsts
sayle 's 'th highprsitoof icrstate
xficledweexitlxit coowers'. that
xhixxxvcrsalty'uatle e snce of tier
cocouxoas ayogradixnschutonositare
kindvx aoduma Sroo ofI axinesfame
ofy:"herthxigh orsithsioatle ou1clii-
it aixspeocorexduxaioeisoveryeer
uivsopaliti n eencste ofd 11r
ab otebabltesaritattiralCil-
loge. 'The foliowsiiig resoliotioni, ini-
troulced lalst Saxturdlay, shxos whsat
the trouixle is:
Reseoed, 'flat aspec'ial conomittee
of sevenibelao linltedl by thte Spteaker
to inivestigate, examnoioe aind relport
to thisItoouse xvhatlpropiortiono of
thoe tinme of thxe students at the Agri-
cultural College is devoted to the
study of ptractical agriculture,
whether axny students have in recent
years been graduated from sail col-
lege without having devoted the tinme
prescribed in the course of study to
the practice and study of fainm work,
and whether the preponderance
given to stuxdies otlher thtan agricxil-
tural is not such as to conflict xitlh
the organxic law xnxder whlichx the
Agricultural College wxas fotindexd.
Will the Piniversity c011e0next?
Cornell Accepts.
Corxoell has accepteol .Manager
Abbott's offer of $250, aind thxe
gamxe will be playedlusin etroit on
May q. 'fhois xiii necessitate a
change iustheOcCberlixn date. A
special excursion train will be run
to Dectroit, and the fare will as
usual be reduced so thxat everybody
can go. It will be a great day.
b 0Ithe iexpe'riencie xof Collegex
Atoeii xxlie kum x naxippriieialte
loecx arlxxiscoritixy of (CxllegoeStxi-
xdenxts.lixxoixg a large corlps of skillexd
IDexsigner's xaidi Joxelers speecially
trainedl foribad'ge and iotheir jewselled
xxxii. Im otig 11101li' asxxve xlix, diriectlx
flx Par IxisI ouicn ndlii xnstx'rolam
01111. Diamiioinis xxiii othirx'r Iieius
Stco'es, Wee'ix i Ia positill tx prt-
xhiiith' t rle Osi hllns xaiijexwelled
societxyBad'g-s iflill kixnds wxicho lre
xnmtIei d i this ciiitltl.
Wrighf, Kay & Co.
1:NI - NI l. ItNG I .110 IL tt
Dletrcit, Michirn.
Chap. 'pelIer & ~
Univ ersity ()utlitters,
unflL BAT$ AflD BALL
Fonisf and Lar 7oI
LINE (01
(1)005 IN T111.CIY.
Agent fox Anln Arbor Steaus Launsdry,
quicek felixvery and best wxork.
q5$.$PCLLCR & qO.

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