r,, " V L M I I SALE OF WATCHES {' rILLY, i ILYLLXT u L77 71__ __ L. T. LAMPERT,2111 Life is Uncertain!II ijit :'i iii( it DEATH IS SURE. TIME TABLE.1111 LcIII' ANN 21311(111., IPram 1( curt 141045, II 11 1 11 1111 I II II55,!)1111. '5, 1.1 , i t. n., ind 1.1(), .: I"Ot' '1.. nest I' 11111111111 $1 Ia111 211,11, in- 6]0,7.5 ",9.'5, 1055 1t. 11 urll c 1.111 '. 111111 1111 men 1 1111111111 Ie11e1111 NN .511111,,(-o1f11111 11:'t) ~ C t Teachers Co- Operative As ocia' '.i'J L tablisbed in 18 4 ostosflied, 2300. . Cse . .1,c1t 15 v HARVA"RD AND "1""YA LE, T h e T ANla i sN i s t h 2 1 1 . 1c l 2t. i t s 1 1 1 1 r G. H. WILD, 1]r 111X 111 a 1 ", ts 1 1 tetisi rusrnim 4t No. 2 E. Washington St .nearMain. G. H.WILD- 1'IIQB CLAS$ CORRECT ::STYLES Sp 1'i t : ) .XNIID -Silk Vestings, Overooatings. S Colorings New { IN (a Trouserings. Nos'cltiesMl fancyV (estiungs 1.1 121' Seasonable 111 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHL. BERLEIGI &JOLLY, 3G",STEST.,FIIA N ~xi5. 1 ICa., BJ4N1K BOO1K$t For' the nelxt thiirry dlays. Harvard,1Yale, tU. 1of M. and Univor',al COLLEGE + OUJTFIIIELP, Sporting andi Athletic Goods, Base Ball aod Tennis Goods a specialty. 10AND 11 HARtVAlRD ROW, SI2RLEIOII d; JOLLY, AGENTS. GREATEST VARIETYc LOWEST PRICES (tI' ('1711,1lIE- IN 1111r1V11. inch1(1 erl llwhlite Plates - -22-;>;uts. 111r1set 7 1i1c1 Adamanllltine Cinaiilates - - 0its. per set 7 inIchl i -po1 )relainI oote's Plats - i ts. iper set Pearl White 1(l'l' eas - -5- e ts. per set Aaaantinle It dl'd 'Tees - 5 cts. per set Bolote's Semii-porcelainii 11'1'(lTesi e-7, ts. per set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. )DEAN & GO. THE CAMPUS. as LI)of 5S idental studenC~ts grad. uated 11from Iowa' C(ollege, M1arch G . Presidenlt Eliot, lof H arvard, 11a1 beel lectliug atIDeCPaulws'-m1ver- sity. iii secret societiC's. It is a ('hinese letter society. ChIas. F". lHubbardl, a formecr 192 lit, is now at stenoIgraphler in St. Louis, 2lssouri. The juvenile class of Graiiger's tancing acadlem~ystill give a "key- miss5'' at the opera house, May ist. Thle U. of P' . A:. is about to adopt a constitutionl, agreeinsg ill its msain featlures wsith thlat of the I,-. of AT. Tlhe U nirersity of Wisconlsinl has organized a boat club antI purchlased shells. They hlave also securedh a roachl for their nine. Thelprohibitionsists Isill 1111111a con~test either Alpril 10, 13 or 23 for thle p5urpose of selecting ans orator to) lie sent to thle State tInter-Collegiate contest. A copy of the Gutenberg Bible, thle first boiik printed fromn mol-able typse, swas recently purrchased lby a psaidi was $1 7,500. Thle V. Al. C. A., of tossa College, is ihavinsg a building erected at a cost of $35,000. Thley claim thlat "it is the first X1. AT. C. A. building ever erected hr a western college associa- tion." The S. C. A. freshnmen will give a socrial to themuselses and~ their friends nlext Saturday evening, March zaz, at 'Mlrs. Dr. lPrescot's,5out111I11- g;alls street. Pro~f. I lilnldair has heens alppointedI by the execultive commtittee of thse Na.tionlal lEdulcationlal .Associationllas state mnlager for the annlual nmel- in~g oIf the association ini Toronto, lest Juily. Chladbourne, renter rulsh on thle University eleven, last fall, is at present attending the :Michigan "Mill- ing School. lie has organizedt an eleven there and claims thle chanm- pionshsip of the norths peninsuila. Thle students of the Unisersity of Wisconsin, are croswing over Ignsatiuls lDonnelly because of thse victory wthich thley claim one of their Ipro- fessors won oser him us a debate onl the Shakespeare-Bacon question. IPresident Angell wtill attendt mleet- 11gs ansd banqluets of the alunsni as- sociationss at Chicago, ?March 31, and~ at Gra1n1 Rapidls, Apsril 10. "Material additions to the ''gym.' fund are exp~ectedl froms these mleet- ings. 'The frats in the freshmns class bave beconme dissatisfied with the action of the class base-ball manager in the selection of the class team for thle league, and decided to form a separate organization and put a fraternity teanm in the field. The league nmanager will not recognize the new teans. LUSIITESS PILECOLJPf WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 110 MAIN S''r115212, 'vS Specil atte'ntlion pid Ill repair1igtc' M. W . BLAKE, P"ICTrUREFS, FRAMES, A 14 ART GOOJDS. 150Ivest luOe FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manufvacturer ofI 11n11dealer 1in .. SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER Cor.__ ourth a111nd Depot 11Ss J" HALLER - 0. M. MARTIN, DEIALI,5 N Cloth Caskets, Metallic' ANDiCOMMNN(11IN - J. A.POLHEMUS, A1S0 'BUS HACK. AND IIA(;GAG.E Ig' _ Forth Main Streed. RINSEY & SEABOLT, BkrandelrinGroceries, ProvisionsFlour an~dFeed, 6 and 8 E.tWashington St__. - JOHN WOTZKE, Makeresoffle L.ADIES' avid GEINTES E0&q Rlepairing neatly (lolne. 43 1.1Maim With tile retu~rn of tile Base Ball1 Season We s1hal1 be preprared to f0"r nisli ali thlat is new and desirable 1n tt FOIIMSFOil Base BailLao Tenlnis, ('ricket, La Crosse, Yanebtin9 anti for all Outing uses. our Sha~et Swseater for qualityandl durabilitY 1136 no0 equlal. Our lin~e of Base Blall Suip- plies, Bats, Blalls, Masks, Body Pro- teetors, Catchers' Mitts, Lassn tes Supiplies, ete., ete., as ill former seas- ons will idefy conmpetitionl, We are justly proudl of our large college fo1' lossing, line as ste are awaire, toh sulperior quality of ouir gooh IThi esteem w se aim to strengthenifle1 season to season, in tile iwprol5'eD~1 of our goods where it is possible. Cor" respontdence desiredl with 0manalge, all college clubs. Send for oor tlgeo umrSot n 3 forms, A. & B. free to any aiddress. A. G, SPALDING & BROS-' 1011 Madiison Street. 1it32 ChestnStret NEW YORK: 2241 and 243 Broadwayt.