THE U. OF M. DAILY THE TWO SAMS. hl Aribor StollifiLalllry, VOORHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, WOKCALLEDFOR and DELIVERED.' FIRST CLASS WORK. ~I1-PECIAL. RATES To STUDENTS. Offlce. _ 23 South Fourth Ave. LJ\.,LL AND B EE LUS, Of Old U. of M. shoul have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin armd Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Blanjo and "Mandlolin Strings, 5cts. Everything iu proportion. L. iL. Clement,?IIO OGI 38 . ALLMLITDIITGLL IN 0 ANCO. TRADJE A~T BROWN'S DRUG STORE (ORINER MAIN AND IUtON STIIEETS. L.ARG(ElST'ros K (1 TOILET Gocos AND FINE CIGAllS, TollACCOS AND CiIGAnRTrES IN'01111 ({CTY'. THE NEATEST THING YET CALL.ADA\l)t UO~NE IllS . 132 SOUTH STATE S' H_ L. FERGUSON. 3T. WAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. Iterfy Student wsill save mioney hy tbuying Uniiversity Text-Books and all supplies it lleadquarters. We allow special (discounlt oni LAW BOOKS, M EDICAL BOOKS, )ENTAl. BOOKS, ins,-urt, every Blook 15s11 in tile tUniversity. 5,000 Blank Books at lossest prices. I tIG BOOK 0,10OR1.IN 1111 (ITY. ALL THE NTEWEST STYLES CLOTHING, OF ALL KINDS AT J" T. JACOBS & CO.'S, 27 AN~D 29 MAIN ST. L. GRUNER. Dealer in ttiri No.O 8 tS oloMai g1550. -- _ ng done Neattly and Promptly. __ No. I CIGARETTES. Cgarette Smokters who are willing to 11'aaaltl chargedsfre 110 oiloli tradeoCigarts,1ow iii ind loijs BRIANsuperi1or00to ell W~ The IRichmood Straight GOj otelictloloy laore01d1and highestt11101 0ho 15i111111n10of Strailght 1Cut Cigarettes, 5nd Was1brough0111tlby us 1illheyear 1075. he ALLEN - GI01301R11 Palch 011 the American1 Tobacco Co., )4811 ltrers, - - Rlichmllod, Virginial. 4nI Arbor Savings Bank Ann1 Allbor Mich. 1Capital Stuck, $0,000i, Or Surplus, 1110.101 i8a11o Sl Recei)v010 Deposits,11buy111011d G SlsooAN AC, Pols., W. D. HARRIMNoo. vice 11es.0 110 .ItIIociCa(shieo. --$T HE A R G US - AT LO)W PRICES. Stoves, new alnd old, large and smtall, for coal, wood, oil and gasoline, at J. E. Hlarkins', 28 E. 14 ron street. An Incorrect Statement. The 101a1 attenidanic 1t the tL ni- scrsits, as piiilislhedl in1the lDetroit FreceIPress last Sluday, is not ror- rect. 1110 igllrcsgircll, 2,493, 00000 ascertainedl by Oal inspiection of tile stubhs in the trcasurer's receipt boo1k. 101 inlstarnce, tile last receipit issued 011 Saturday, it the literary deplart- ment, swas nunmhered 1,143, as given hy the Free Press, svhile as a fart thlere are 1101 that nmany in thlat lde- partment. No allowanre is made in thle Free Press list for those whlo 11000 left, nor for thlose who10hlve shlifte~d to othler depairtmnts. As a conlsequsenlce a large numbeihir are countedl twice. As the 1D.11Ysanl- nou11ned olnSaturday, Secrectary Wade estimal~tes between1 2,410 a11( 2,420, a11(1a011ew0estimate110tio-day pllaces it cev11 helow 2,410. Nolting accurate 1c11 be (obtained Iyet, lilt 05 s00on a10it can, t11wDILYxwsillgive it to its readers. National Education Association Conventicn. 1110 aninul ionvl5entlionof the National Edulcationlal Association will lie leld nIllToronto, tCanlada, fronm July 14 to i 7, inclusive. TIhe mleeting this year will he of an in. ternational chsaracter. Toronto of- fers nmany attractionls for summer tour~ists, anti will no doubt he visited hy nmany thousands of teachlers and educators dusring tile convention. All railroasds will sell retutrn tickets for half fare, 0151 these ticktets are goon tlliSeptember. Persons de- siring inlformaitioin regardinig tile convnt~ion, 110101 ratcs 1o1 railoadI fares swillswie1to J . I..IHuIgihes 1or HI. J . Hill, 'Toronto, Canada. 1110 officers of the association tis year are as follows: W. K. Garrett, presidenlt, Nashvoille, 'enn.; James HI. Canfield, vice-presidenlt, Lase- renoce, Kansas; I?.11. Ctook, secre- tory, NeIBrutnswick, N. J.; T. M. (Greenwsoodl, treasurer, Kan~sas City, AMo.; N. A. Calkins, chairman of trulstees, Ne York City. To-mlorrowseenelinig Ir. Esech will lecture in tile lass'lectu~re rooimi 11)11 the subljeof icro11(1co01), as5 0p- 1)1011 to the 11de111tiiction ofi 110o)1 coirpuiscles :and11hair. This lecture wsill hei h ue 11o11f1011 an101 itroduc-il 111ion )t 1110e onsideration111of 1thei Cronin1l 1a1e, whichi thleidlotior 11a1 piromisedltoIive 11s. MISCELLANEOUS. N 01 (t.-Gyini. sublscripitionis1011 lbe 1paid at the Stewrard' s office froim~ 9 tio 9:45 Cl ry (lay this wtoek. 11. II.I-IINCOMIAT, Jo. Norir-'q2's hase-hall directors siul mleet atl 48 Soluth Foulrth street, Wednesday evening, at 7 o'clock. NilTiit-All persons desiring to attend tile Junior IHop will please send their canmes at once to invita- 11011 comnmittee. AV. Ni. JoENsTO NE, 1111 Kappa Psi Hotuse. LI[NG'S MUSIC ]ROUSE!1 071 Muresoe -e Deto'tMih t]'heIlargest Ditlsicl M1er1hand i-t oos 1th0 Sltst. Agents o r10Martlin. 0Wa111b10r1, 1B1un1o1a010 1111110- tGuitar0 11ls,Sd loson, Slew- a1r1t111a1d 100flenay anos. BSto r 1-ings in1 th1 HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NEW DER B-YS? $2.00 02.50 $3.00 DON'T MISS THEM Patent~ te Leather . GOODSPEED* F1INEi HHT6R H Millinery and Art Goods. 31 Eost HusronSt. S N 4LINENS' 0SANDs%o EVERYWHERE. NV. H. H ItAtiNS, 1Pr11., Spocl- iven011111Sltlislols. Give0 us i11c101. SHORTHAN CUS. IT WILL PAYY01 Sot.11ittalld 011011, New Btuilding, 10 South1BrlotS treet.