THE U. OF M. DAILY rt" staofincreased. The request of V.o 'l1 the Regents this year was thoughto GR AT $Tpi ii eii y $ AJL Puih tit~lwnt~ aeps) be unusually reasonable, andl it wasj WE WILL FOR THE NEXT FOUL, WEEKS s the College yeat' by utnderstoosd that the legislature waouldt tffser fise tons of paper of all kinds to lbe sold by the pound~ atre THE U. of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, grant the appropriation without any N1ill rates. Try our Crw ImeilLnna25cntPr reduction. lint already a report has I lpoundI. hood Paper, 'thesis, anil'T'ylpewriter Paper at Contie from i I ansi telling ius thatj Great Bargains. Envelopes to nmatchi all pap~ers Stn scipion peice 11 2,61 per earis,iiiiiiy l c nlit insvariably it at greatly reditced rates. In tulstanee. Single ciipei ns i. On iside tI 1(omtehadcddto'tl= = = T C - Stsaa' altiiO~niiisl 5 iY $(ino fromii teamount asksdIfor jLS& 00 T~ OO ELLERT evening at ES o'clnck. Siilssei huh ic i y lbe I T I W left at the offiice ot the IOasis. iOera Douse lby tissRegenits. Theis I sversily ofii blna, at Sheehans, at iStislle's, eun ithIsansy ;M Mhisis bgug~ oooIrr == szM~ T±] C 4t©eios 11,A Comn ct inss houldiresaich sthfice byisy ear~i, adii tile hissesils f isi "The issara Falls ROUte", 10i A. M. it they nre tsiappiser thessiist' ii i ss licrfii sry.itcons i , s THE Acdress nl mattertenielitoriipulicioesin it te auaag Eitor. All bisines esinisnis- 000. it)ichisI the leislastiire of its CENTRAL STANDARD TtMS 'eafknssbouii ltldie sint to l'th i si'ins ati nts sss i t isi1 s 50. 'lihe ________________ THEU.a!N. AIY, ilictratis ialmost painulfur AND THtE i Anns Arbar, Michs.. 1Iisssiis niscrtasitly is x stll s a i ?iritESS llUsI1 CHARYiBUSIN-P slate its Wiscsonsini.IThere is a Ia Il I JLUi1 ,e-an EDITORS. I -trlklilfr in 'I rity in tht' itPP(iq ()f I - ,L'ihjij minsssriy iiin v ssvicisu ior A. W. Tnasvea.'tt, Managing Etitore. tiess' two institutiotis, hut a umore C. C. SPEacraR, 'at, Assist. Managing Eitorn. RIALHISTOP,'2,Attsit. Managing Editor. strsiingitissimislarity in the mansner J. ('. THACtS, '192, Btusinest Manager' in wh'ici'h these tiests are mtet. IBitth It. W. DOUGT'Yt't, '92, Asist.ttnnesn Matige. C. W'. ItIKttcSn, 'is, Assist. Btusiness Mange.iuiversities are surely its teedl if a P. t t. HY'io. t.. a. ABBTTai, '91. new law schoiol ttid a gyoltasiumi. H. tD. Jinas..'9t. a. SO'sTtntAsn. 'le. F. B. 't'ttttS ' S. W. CeUteess, 'n'2. In Wiscotisits the ls'gislatuire gives E. 0. HtlsvsAsTs,'li W.tP.t'AtistEi'fl3. hi. . tAtAtNus,1. . tL. MuSiis. . plenty sit toney to huildl afinse ties V. .tAstTYc, '93i. j tall'builiniig. In Michigan, the legislature gives a fewe sdillars to Tue 1'Universitysif stisisinsiti, the ri"tsill'ain iilitpoorly-vetiitesd, slate iunisersity, tins tbein resented svirn-oist builsding. Inii Wiscosisin, uitti 50,000 liy the lsegislature, thele Igislatuire Iresents a gytitisit1t which i nadiint herglrto tile stusetss. I ?li 7 i'tigaii tile aprpiioniT hesiii thercoeguarstustetits aire cottitelleid to atipesalt fronmthe apptroplriationlillxviibe x,36o,_ she nliiui ansi toitheir frietiis fur coo, whlich swill tic expendssesd i ssinetio buildt n gymnsasium , ansI it biuildtingansasrnmory, ss gymnaisiumint onlymusica psssibility Iby the satu a neis lain ss'tioil tuilintg, in generosity ofsit s gradtuate of aisoitier inakitng neesteidretpairs atnitin adsditgiiuig ----_.. toi the eqipmslents sif all stetpart' BUSINESS LOCALS. mntts. It is silt claiintg toomuischi INsticnes insertestins thinsncolutmn at the rain sfI0 lic'intstsielitne. Spec'iltt'atuesorliinger to say thati the Uiversitsy of Michii- t ime,'anst extranlhnes funishted by apiplyinig at the hAstLYsfluet~ gant is its mauny reslpects ttie greatest Go to E. 13. Hash fear coal. unsiversity senttsit the Allegtheanies. Baths 1thc at 1P. 0. Barber Shtop. 'The large nisuiber of its studests is Spsecialtraes for Seanior~s at Rats uissl's. use ot the most convincitig tproofs Coial said wood at Judsoata, State St. of his Bu thre re nuberof Speciali bargtains of siieeiatliterest sitttis. Ihststuresie 5isiiitir itto you. Tlhse Twso Satts. Louis Bllitz. tter universities ws'ich't are bei-'iiTii 1tluIIE'r-A vtery desiratble suite of igclouse scompletitoirs for the first heteds'trootms, sie iifbtih. ""asiure paciitably Ile hauls.. in iaittn; sitl4rge exib itf ison's phouto- tObeirlin, inio;Nisrthwsestern, i. grstts hsi'eat csssvot sine y e ee itisnitig this xi eek ins the tewstoseunoOt Illinois; Iiwas'sttnisersitv, andsl tir Sthe street. IUniversity of Wsiscosiii. All thse Lisss'-A smortgsags'belonginig to are7rwinr er , apdl, i ov Iig . I.. IG. II. C'. siitsi'ihere hit- thi scu5srriculananst adtniiig toltheir toi Itie lFsssttet's suit leu'tauiu's bssatk corp of rofesorsand nstrc tos anreceive' trew~ard. ivupsif irnfsssrssui iises tnes ' ILimitesl Mail," this'gresat ss'etici anditthuey nrceisusortedl ilnian 515en- siproducti, whic'hplaysedslast fsall its isoeagi hg mannser isy favouralie legis- this s'ity o tisscha lsatge hosess.wsill lsy' a1spec'i:ti tetturniegageenstt lisit lituires. The Inia~na State hl,'i cc jlosi~ulyiit sit tthis'perh ou Ilses. citys ins vosredt withiano addsition sof IninsishClus ansdsit hiitBells. S ,ooo tos this' appropriaionuit oDcin-s Prsof. IsHulsellsslsusbr a pndh a sll itsvit tFirst Nationassl Bakl, stisd is pretmaredt ali aysksedutfoe. 'Thle Iowsa iv'islu' lto tiseh light aitoheacuvy italisthienics. First esusesbteginsTua'iesdaiy, Marchi 10. toirehissinscreasesdittheresgutnla luprsi- 7:31) a, at. Termts X3.h0hhits asvatnce, tot' priationt fur the I owa Staste t1-ni- ftsn lessonts. Call oits st' addsress, 1WAt. F. itlBAtiD, 49 E. Liberty St. 5 ersity, andstIsssasmade a stpecial hiettuitie Martina, Bay Stasste hruntot app)Iropriation tOt $40,000 for us new 'Washiburane atnsiithe Guitars. (Getmit chenical laboratory'. Is the AMichi ih e Stewart, IlsySttstellaaajssGen(int~ae Wasshslurn', iBay Staite antti other Man- gao legistatusre in thue habiit of nmak- shilities. Nito lshddy, tnss 'steaucil" tug voluintary addiitions to the sums gods. Bleware of "steantiledl" goos. Yons save tno ttmatuatrer'sgttarantee a~skedl for by stil Regents? NFever, hits suclh. ITe very best striatgs, 5 atnd As far as sitr knsowledge goes, the 1t0 ets WILSE 'S MUStt' settatas Alvits Wilaey, Sole Prosp. alpprolpriations is alwsays redtucesd i- 2; Soutlh 4th Ave, Atn Arbor w Y'IuS=tzs.tstTT, MnhcxO, ~THE BEST~'- Sevntteete tachers. Boarnd with Furtnished Roomtt V2.26 attrseek. SCitculaes atonsapi-s caini. P. R. CLEARY, President. 7t FosS.6at -Dtot th P OTOFRAPIER, NO 7. D1RBO S. I lt)N sr. M1 ondayt.Ee, MaerhtM23. NO.t1 W.AL SCE3NRY. SetGttreatntstOpteaesssWet tMuon aEe.,achts 23an. sans t- . z Cs l + ,,,. ac 9 c net ts .G f-h ,- If aust G a w cnu c n P- c - c I 11 5~ Michian Ral I Y- Tim Tale oig to ffctaMom N. Soul' 6. 2 j ta , aCad 5n 6 Ex. ERp.OlES, B. P. D.--~~ 3.P. &. A ntLIhinaga. P p iA .... ic1 h ..... ian Raiw 4Y 4t 55 Tah 7a Pg ts feld ....Matt7daf6'it 5kati 7 Sap. ... Stall .....11' 8 55 .. a 398 P Wtmor Lel' l 005 50u '' ... 5 F940 .. Dund......9" 2 9 tiuu130........thacai.a . 7 li1 1 t ...t.Psti nt.u .' <92 5 .ass adNilla.......t. 55 4i 6 tinco... t 5 10 uoemaah ..... " 4a1 5 1''"Si..... D00 anse. 7 f $ 113 ... 655...'it,na. is. ... 555 huWh53 O Fan.'fort ~ it'.i his a P au 5 .5dtasatF so. I t, hiss ... 7 40..ACsnnstls. .1 I 7 itass .. 94... Durntan...j8 0 it50~ 7 t7..... 0 .... snge ..... u hi5 8 t4....1105....tasin.. - P Stupantnn. ( Past at S tGRENWOAnnLclAe.t