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March 17, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-17

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~oi 5 ~ UNIVESITY 01 0I(IhIGX
I'' :SI) X'l 1 \5(I I 17, 1lo9lIl. ic ,, Tiiito Cii Tct
7 rig
' Econmic Statistics."
in the contest of the Western Inter-
Mr. Donovan's Lecture.
R;AVING the experience of Colle e
IctocItter noot C ollegiate O ratoric al Assoc iation,
ol l ' riglot 1100re o " . coo io iltctl n ro
let sttsis" ''l0irtuicir bout " M ay I ti are: W , i. Ia K ll 9
littOltonoic statlistics i-, tc rilili iiih 02 an A. (l d , c,.
Si.c orIl is o o rr0ect itndti connttc lotiltratliitii t0.I
liftler r m teltrr-d p rnclt
1001 Illetoonteita The s o houild 1~ ic es9 r -.C -cllly )
ae 11 111)1 imi ilhthii ~ i to otle late
itl0 I ,liltitI.ri: ig, ' fom t e a
tic Otitt I ' M . Ilc tit- IeroL
Iie tof . 8 t- rtr-o'ti tl - rca-out riti F-. . it ch I atck-
I i
I~otioS Th 0 I li i ot c onoteiiIieitic ttlteS
oe h a ~ tt Europc otthe0 it ill admit Cto Chis cotst.t
He Ocreage~ to te lar-cst it tie Th itdtoors otill beclo dus iltrinig
I Te cottopetitont tot India
lied Ctbth ie dlelirery of cacti ctralotito tdll
that co asntry are recquestetl to be loromtoo to te
itat conr isdcraig rttle wrill be strictly einforceud.
famine is ttot to lie feared for
YYears. leadBnoGus
a 0 retrtain cotosutites thte largest -Ge n McoCus
ouf coal, whlile te C. S. con- 'The Faculty tat grantedl te pte-
1010 the largest amtounttt of iron. tition of te ebubs for fouir extra
nttnd coffee iter capita. lot- dlays ott the spring vacation and te
strl1 slatistics are pecuoliar to tite route coon be announcedl fintally. 'The
1t4 'rIte lrb'otCobe sorc ycities includedl are: Aitril )<, lconia;
'felt to re fete bitt timplortant. to, Grandr Raptids; ii, Choicagot; 13,
t - chefero resuiltiog fromt thteir Joliet; 14, St. Louis; r.5, Kxansas
tai attinregart o tue amooutof capi- City; o6, Tlopoeka; 07, Learenoworth;t
tyel1etd ando in Clot estimate of 1S, St. Joseph; to9, Counicil Ibluffs;
W Oges. 'Tlo retoornos for '0, Des :Moines; atI, Kalamtazoo.
tYrl dolla invered~o are dlecreasing, 'fle clubs will take their spoecial
Iethere is an increase ito the car at Chicago arid receire it iC unttil
1110 cenC. of the ptopulationo em- thotir deptarture 010 Monoday, April
led z S~. Ao invitation is extended to all
The - ---f +-- Li. of '1. noen to call ott the boys
Amtherst Glee and Banjo Clubs. I and examneo their traveling ]ionie.
l'he ~~~~~Thle netxt aperneothclb
Arcmherst Glee and ianojo ppaac ,fCt lb
s wll pper i Uivesit Halrill be inDetroit, March 28. The
00,wl perinUiest tl date of the Ann Arbor concert is
v- -'i 7t ner teauspoices of
ThinsI otrutonuinl theloot Ic11a01t-.5 1000en000o0knttowtanl 010100ite t
itt t, o r~ lx llooorc to eictac eftlot c00utiofo olC ollege -Sii-
fautydcddtgieesunts dentso tovtng alai-lge rcorpsof01skilletd
Ito~~~~~~~~~ Di ooc itCti o tocoolcte51ris-tandlJewoeleos osecaliy
a0 moore crtto i c l icr 0011n 1100ted traiediil f orl-balge 1101othter jewoeiled
'.W ott I oooo on ofthDtrii 1 o 1it bat, or. Iitorti ,tot astow00, 10(to o ret C
too LecturiIt a 111 ort1 t int omPai itLn old Amterdttoa
t)oova 1110 aut0r o a populnar ouro Ii ittnoottol iiand oliIthe pecious
1 '-'one,,t" te oit 0io o 10100
00 or otn i tOtll 1Otha(010 'ct aso o M Ot 000 iiod-d c h ietpasato je1100 d
(ti11lt 1n It0 IS" an Tial i'i 00 Soo ictto- t.-til ofooalol kindstii ch areIi it
tioe." ttt1114 tte llw lectutc'rolom wa00-oo ttttoiittotltri lt h iistololtto
fi~( a ti ht li-t cittlootsiaotio-
Blearers. W righ s Kay & Cos
EIIc ttttlit tti itat tile aistbocrtoot
toot brainso;In Amicoa restso ooththCie I 1L'Uli'I 'Ito1, .Ei O EIt
btr: thoat thoe le-al profoessioon ist tot .~
- 01AN C l-'tClIlNt(I .1 WELICIIS.
I oercrowdied;thaCtthttere ts gretot I D LMohian
needof otgoooi itawyers. P t'~,U hE n
C hoot there toill toe at imeo,"- said
thoc speaker, "rwhente ontly (letionttChasp. Speller & .
tout be, wto-sulccesyoounoake ito
te cootrt rotot; te reputatioo of te 1Uniersity Ottfittezrs
lawvy-ertobeoinsin Ctoecouort room."i'' 'd01.SO t Ill oil U I'
HeI thteon proceedted to practically ii-
lustrate the arCtot ado cocy ando E N G L IF; H
g v ao-'ytitiOexailisot suitson00byE
taot. A T1TfN l I 1T14-lit
What Will Cornell Do"?
LVI Ll V 1 LV 1 V # ,, L L L1 !J
laitager Alooob oot aodeCotrnecil ;I I 1 ++ l' t QU U .
Cth folloorionggeoterouotffoter: They
Co comte too DetroitCanoctplay 100 oote!
gamoeowitho a guarantee ot $5o andc ENGLISH SERGE
local exp~enses. Tuis offer to remoain -f ott-
opeon for onoe week. In oieow of the CO(AT~-S . UAI7NTDITLO{IJS'EaS
fact Clint tweplayedtCemoen f ce 1c 00
on grountds last year with a gtuar- .1US tti D.
antee less thaon one-third Cte size of
the above, would leach persoots to T SK13rT G O S
think that their attenopts to get us to is~ BJ L oter ginuoOpatcalDheFzzzp
saneteCrnms were remarkable, to say
toe least. Other persons have been
led :to think tloat they hate no in
satiable, cotosunoing desire to play SEARIS' SPIA.
us again. Howev-er this week wrill CHASE & PEWrIT'S
see the noatter settled, thteto to onetoc I$ A $A DBi ,
n-ill lhav-e difficulty ito draweing sCuit- l~~B T i A L
able conclusioons. LAR10E oLNE' IN-.STtOC
The LU. nf M. Letal feoi ad.T toi1
[aose "' cl0000 Dy turning out outI
'cumltbers to this conocert, ttto
tar t . men not only will enijoy atO
lhi treat but will nmaterially assist
1q wn clubs in securing the large
Srh dinecesary for their spring tour.
oAmhOilerst Clubs are amng Clot
dery bet in the country. 'Their
th )lne is said to be more exacting
antd Wat of any other college club
see thll~ have an opportunity to
F 0onti hard work and caretool
Otn sable Co accomlislo.
'Eloquence tar Friday.
lit1 n netFriday eveninog, Unit-er-
14 all will resound withs the elo-
atrtwords of the University or-
ionr OfThe contestants for thenin h U fM
bfrpeetn ~tU fH
Senior Law Orator.
Tie prelininary coontest for thoe
class oratorshoip of the Senior Law
class will be held Saturday-, Marchs
2 1r, at 2z p. IoI. In accordatoce twitho
ano amndmnett to te consotituotiono
adopted 010 Friday there trill be
fite judges, to be selected by P'ro-
tessors K-nowlton,'Thlomnpbsconoand
'Trueblood. t'here will be fitteetn
contestats, front whtonoseveonare
Co be chooseno for Clot final cottest,
wthich will be held itoUivotersity
Itall, Marcho 27th.
At the recent cootvention of the
Ohio Inter-Collegiate Press Associ-
ation, eleven college papers were
1 /IGi V. Vf +,1. 6r4 QNw7"
Finyst and LaT-FJt
ACtCite request of seoveral exchoangees 1.1INE 100
and readers, we repoubbish te table GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHIN(I
of atteondance at soore of te larger c«oo NtoTE CTl.
colleges of te country, waitho the re-_
vision as to te figores of te Uni-
versty f Pnnslvaia:Agetnt for Ann Arbor Steam Launodry,
rersiy ofltensylrnia:quick delivery attd best work.
Unirersity ad Michigan (about)...... '...,410 ___
Northwestern IUniversity- --...0........,14 q A.
Columbia College - - --.............. ,70900+ LE O
Yae ................. ....165Uiersity or Pennsrlvania ...........1581 UNIV1E RSITY OU'TFITTERS.
Cornell - - - - - --.................,56
Princeton- - - - --................ 8 ANN ARBOR, - MICHL.

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