TH XE V O nP . DAILYS L t.170 W A 0I C Ni'ALE \1't:OF '. WA''TCHIE ;Btlt be 'cloctlolt. Satc: stor} alisroius as n cii . IL.T. ILIMIPERT, Life is Unceertainj I Ifl fI;tTk'f;it"itI1 t l t,)i' DEATH IS SURE. I TIME TABLE. ti 12.-5, 4,NN 511,)1,1 i 1 .:()1. ts CA Fo h e t 0,1. N tlthre mltrI il rtelt t- I.t , 1 , .525, 5.O, t . lt .,0o it-toot. on 'N milltl11('11 between the tig F oI:_'11 lnl. Ja lllo * CON IIt0p r AD{})t, in t, tihe000St OI r to g I It litt4 1 1 0 o s t l, I A g l t I . 1 S( 'ot1Irt t i t . I t l nftt Teachers Co-Operative Associatio 1 e} e{tt ~kr h k~ irtwsaei7.t Al~ i h' art_ambttious for advancemenlt rathtor than those withot t N ai\\ 11(111 e-t er Ie sldI lo ol1 a !^ T TiTT HARVARD AND YALE, Iiit Iic patos t v n iot hs . C (otte ti t a d eeth n) The SCL I"I'I.11)"N FI I N 11s Ie WesalSi.W (tt IN 111 I; N I I N Af I o ad aratst IS NI t . Is sooot th Li arIogest Stok 4of1Fu1l1D1ess 'OUtitt;ill Itthe ltl lt l I ;,t "No. 2 E. Washin.gton St near Main. G . H -WIL J-. If. SZ IFOID. 1711H CLAS$ CORRECT:-: TYLEIS Spring Suitings ANDtt Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. Colorings New IN Trouserings. Noveltieslin alloy Nstittgs-L ery- tltitg New-Stylish latt Seasonaible at 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHL. BRLEIGIH & JOLLY, BLANK BOO1{S, 1 .T1_..T lorthtie neat tltirrce tlls Harardale, 1' . 110 M. and Universal COLLEGE + OUTFITTER, Sporting andl Athletic Goods, Base Blall anti Teonis Goods a specialty. 10 AND 11 HARVARD ROW, BURLEIGH & JOLLY, AGENTS. GREATEST VARIETY 7inctPal 11White lPlatesti - 7 11n1h Semli-porcelain, Ilootes P] Peal Wltite I I'ld dleas - - AdamI~antine I 1111'l1eas - Bloote's Semni-porcelain Il'111lTe 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. THE CAMPUS. 1Tw1oaof tile senoar medics lave teenl diagntosintg glass eyes. Thte stophomo~~tre social, Saturday eitnltlg, was a soryenO~jolalble affair. The HI arvard nine p~ Ilaytdt ot fotors tttr the tirst timle last Wedntes- TIhe first numbl~er of the tUnitversity tAlagazine trill ptroblably be out Apsril ist. Tlhe S. I,. A. board Ihavesvateod ont"-h.,41C 0 OstInottlrr 0tt~ V c t i c i 1 c ILOWES~T PRICE IN 1110 w(;is. WATCHMAKER AND J EvvE s - - -40) Its. lperset andtI Jewlelry1 lts- - -58 cts. per setl.W BAE - 38 ets. per set M .LAE 50 ets. per slet 'ICTU'RES, JFRAMYES, to- 751eis. per set ART GOODS. 15 Wetlu pEAN& co. FERDON LUMBER YARD. Manufatulrer of and dIealer nR chosenl. I. F. Ilall, NW. S. Whiting, SAGINAW GANG SAWEDLUII IT. A. Friedlman, L. G. AN'hilellead, - C(or.Fourthl antIDept and 11. Nichlolsons. JHLLEI-m" The '92 lits elected, last Satur- 46 SOTHI11MAIN ST. lay, thle followving base-ball Iirc- lReptttrtiti aspeciaty. totrs: WVood, Joh~nston, Vanl 100aget, l. .01ARTINea1~ Alle sld Gren.Cloth Caskets, M - NVale has canicelledI all 11crdltsle ANDI COMMION COFFINS trith Am~erican Association clubs J. A. POLHEMUS. owsing to the action of the Association ALSO'U AK N e(,9 .r inareaking aayfrom lthle N ationllllNorthl Mainl Streelt agreceent. RINSEY & SEABOLT' Tlls following Inotic was fountd Bakers and dealers iln d feed' Groceries, ProvisionsFlour a tils m~ornsinsg onlthleidoor ott Protf. -__ hland8 E. XWashinlgtonlSI. P~atengill's room: JOHN WOTZKE, ~ ' Maker ot fine 77,0 (9~c.15 * - ~f, r.- I0ADIES' acid GETI" So The Commencemnent Exercises of - the Michigan College of Medicine Im WS;rt and Surgery, of tDetroit, occurred s}1 U Friay. The graduating class nmenm- With the retulrn of tile I31 tora beredl twenty-seven, two of whom Season, we shiall be prepUae 5ii Iishi all that is ne1w anld desO asV wvere ladies. tUNIFORMS F01lt Base Bl1 At the meeting of the Prohibition Telnnis, Cricket, La Crosse, 'sae (Club, R. Allen and for all Outing uses. Our. l~ ti udyeeig-.R AlnSetrfrqaiy n uaiiy1 as elected president; J. A. liolard, 110 equ~al . Our line of Base13,j secrtorforthefolowig yar.plies, Bats, Balls, Masks, Tins sceay frtl floigyer tectors, Catchers' Mitts, Lao"0 e5i F.. White anol 13. F. Chase, were Sulpplies, etc., etc., as ill forme ar wat1 tlepresident, jutypodooulag tooie whte to onis sill defy competition 0]lege fo make arrangeentls for oratorical lowring, due as we tire a« areT this contst.superior qulality of our goods' foI, contst.esteenm we aim tol strengteeIt 'Taylor, senlior law, 34 Thompson season to season, in tile inilproe01 of our goods whlere it is Possible. iso street, hlad a scare Saturday after- respondence desirell with I otigeise- no00n. He returned to his roons late all college clubs. Sendi for % oudV11 in t~l aftenoon o fooCittflloof e of Slummer Sport an in th aftrnoo to ind t ful ofform, A.& B. free to anlyadrs snioke and horning terribly. The A. G, SPALDING & BROS' partition between his roonms was CHICAGOt: PI;L~AD1clruVjIAreel. hurned before the fire could be cx- 100 Madison street. 1oeaZchellaa tin-islid. aNEW YORK: 0igus41d Nland t:.43Broada berroy Hail. W'. Coie, a foriler '92 lit, has bleenl appoin~tedIassistan~t state 011- ginleer of Wyomnlg. 'Thle freshmnan foot-ball teanil nade ano0t11r attempltt toihale t-hIeir pic- tulres taken, Saturday. F. 1V. B10011, law 092, las beent suffering from an attack of the gripptej for th~e last few days. llriggs hlas resignled tile capltainlcy of the P'rincetonl foot-ball teanm, Warren beinlg electeid in his stesol. Ilenry C. Lamar, Princetonts famous foot-ball pllayer, teas drownled near Augusta, Georgia, last week. The following dates hate been securedl with thle Oberlin nine: May 9th, here, anod June 13th on thleir grounds. At the '93 base-ball election, Sat- ulrday, thle following directors were