TI-IFU.IOF 114. DAILY IICUJ, PI20BBY, I2Eau, +7.=Z-= Ea L !'1- Lt - - - Of Old U. 01fNM. should have a Univejrsity of Michigan Guitar. S Pices lowiest,Quialixty highiest. (Guaraniteerdcxvery ih1ofthe road. Violin andid tilr Strinigs, ll etc.; Banjo and M~andol in st ripgis, .5 etc. Everytihinggin proportion. i2^ . C ilmet, AZL ENITIGLL £H-i-TO L OLGAI GO. THE TWO SP B ROWXN'S DRUG STORE IM S.( O III AINAN I) IHURO(N STIEETSi. I . " . . ._ A I I A EI T I T H _ FYMo R o m L u t V O O R H E IS & D IE T A S , ' T H E N E A T E S BEST WORK IN THE CITY' STATE ST. TAILORS, -+--O - 0 -I 2T= CALLJYPO andDELJERED FIRST CLASS WORK. 'Cri xi, RATSxTo'Ix- D ENTSc. EEH_ LFE fee 23 South Fourth Ave. -, ALL I t-N i EE Li, 32 SOUTH STATE ST. tirW AH R'S B"OOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. yStlidelltlwxill save Iusocorby lx h ix og Iiiiexsits ITet-i fohs and allcixix x- ;1tIIt-adxlnIirti x. le x;tllmv s1c(-il disi-xiln ciinLAW l 1;00K, tMEIC~lAL lBOOIKSi. IcENA.L 1l00X -'. i xis; r. (-verix Ih ixi xxininlie 7-TT-3LSr1 Athletin Ground rcIPoxspe-ts. x - , ^^zs'x. rt cis I axte. SIloidi ____ 1 t xiiiii~i ax ; -sit th i I le done, tort.i x l l b iegini atj i~etlo t'illxrxxxxilx i cSiilt a - n',a1_ u x l ong i ci ixiiiilns AthetcTKIG tl}nisltetneo ralzd ---OT H N G itin; p te ewatletc ild, THE CAMPUS, 1AOB wxhxixxiniichwucaedlastxfil. rTheclgrpoI ii OF ALL KINDS AT l iePiirioxifSxtesr. Gtfi l a iih aiiliithis l"I.COS& C I'S cteen that street xaii the 'Toletilo I :tire a nnuce.Prf 27 AND2z9 mA.N Sr. andl AnnixArboxr rail road. ilefiore iowlo l ctiuredinsitxead.i Prof. r-_ --- ani ie ixeidit xiiiliebe eexx irx to ic liipso ii lxciii re to -mi iorroxw L.CGRUNER. if iioihiii tio thi i oit riui isr- ted Deaxer ini feiire i, make axi accurate xixrxvxey1 Icxe he N. ;Sut 4itiu Seet. fur the locaition if rixixxiii xltraick, jixir Iic ill hxxo .,Aanx Ni xxiilxiictx. ix eixcg, iFriday aflternooiinixithe iin~is Et Int a I iiii i rxeiit. - lixisebll ilu undxi, foxotbaxll fildla eciito m. Th -lj to m nut Straig~ht Qut.teisii cioiirts i"xidst , e c ae-ball xxixs i xI1i xl dI it tle Noi. lii l xpeseofbuling x;rndilass a hl ce~ Ohyn ~& c,1 E F s taxi adx coi x ruiii lra imondiieithi asxti- nti iii , itr ii yii "! * t x i'l il xixoxDt}' xitt xil r nix- ixxtr xkti lxxxx ex-xx tI -iii i. xxti r / irge I,I ll(ixix i m, 71xxiii xxhextilcicAxic tx-ilv~l dacii. iiix xxii~l ;L('' tc(I"h I'he x lieiiiiinlon(I ciri ljt ,ltii xxi i i 1'retxxi sent xxil iixcr11 i(t iix'fl v rd 111ir i lc tc(st t) re enii-A1 i)ia t) h xpIiit t t i -ii' ixx i !t i i i tei)1 I xx tisixittiii liii 1n i il i o i x liiit - CLP toterx get. a k i- t a tm s b r i il'iiiti() 1ii ox iiriiitx()tit Ixx is iil h (ix x 1xxx, x xirrt5.cxix tri x!x!cx!x in 'Messrs. iii ixir iirioleirs d 4114 L tiiit lioili xi- xx(ii irrriix~~t i re n xx( c ry (n t e Cii ile ('orb.x xI Irri N&(INTER iixi ehilixi 5 tl le x \sxxix liri + - 4ll) ( t ti(, - e i ii~lx rrrieC._xrI-ox xiiix{ 1xi i M ISCELLANEOUS tixixiia foripliais iof thenir thletic (;tI..s lscit )I al Al Aror Savings Bank iiotiicl- -1ihen-txesrcplrnxarxirersbxxiii I'bI Mix-l i. al cki xii, Clxi x,( goitxc h xxittee txi ae raltlx tiixithe Sit .in fici efrn ti ai u ixixer tlu ix xxrxx Banxikxig Lxxxx ie e thu it rectoirs. lixixtlier xiii iih xtcc rrxxyixxte )'4i 'thn eon thecue irinc ci te; ut thexii-the advisiory lbxard wil. xiiliprepare 'I.IiiuiiN o iixSttes Dascate d xxiii uix po xiin propriirt ' l i 2 'n lixie-halldirectoxrx un/itza ti' ictitpans for the groundxis axiiiexsxtiatexs ciliie t4 uitiIitl let 9TIAN IA- llPex s. Vicillxseeet atof ShSotonh ofurihritreeli w D.1 iIt.A. Ificerix i., ofix t hecsto ixinig t xxi u . T e Wedtnexdax v eninxg, at "o'lock. fxxeultiynmexmxbers of tie axi-sory 'T EARGUS,s-- - xxxii i. L'xIxiN;.-'lit newxmixci xxrl cil ieei ien iant isi already on hxandl, andlwcrk will t~~J~ ?xIN6N~,Regents xrhen they miet, creek after bieglin on the [ Redemption," 'lots- AT LOW PRiICES. Inext, aind ask for the moxney neces- clay evening. Preofessor Stanley Stoy nary to do the work. If the Re- wishies everymme ohepeet lil s, flew Said old, large and gents fail to grant the request, it lie has soniethinog special to nay to aifOr coal, wood, oil and will he impossible to fit u1p the the chtorus, and insiqnite tore that ~ti e at J. E. IHarkins', 28 E. grounds for tine thin spring. It is what lie has to say will he of ier- rustreet. generally believed that the Regents l ent. A. 1-i. HINicS, Sec'y. 3T THING YET .RGUSON._ t F -(. r - - 4V ine ir.tigx- r i 1 n1xxx ic-xx iii ho se il the i-. rugt- '01- r clxxxiii. xcmoiriiiirx, 131ii xi xii ii I , ~y~ ixirir, xiii i ii tx, xxxii - art cid it~larv Bm i(Is. Btt ti11 i l ixr ciiirh ?i4('11 xxix'1 x xiiiv mal o81V i.- xS a eit xi xw m,1io xxiir.md xi nrmi 0 (U1 n a ixr1311j IAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NEW DERBYS? $2,00 X2.50 $3.00 DON'T MISS THEM'J Patent Leather j3lu;ghergs. GOODS PEED.) Millxinery cod ArtGodsx. LINEN r > ANDoy R ARE THEksST ..FOR SALE-- VdERYWHNERE. Wv. 11.HAcWIiNS, Proxi., Spjiecialit u Su de ntxx ts. Giex s a eall. FINE JOB PRINTING. It in our alix Io piease. SxutxufxxioxOGuarantleed REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE.