-~ELif~l li A iLY"' SA'kLE OJ'F WATCHES MY ElNTIlREl:STOCOF01 L. T. LIM PERTN __11 Ah ;iui1Life is U ncertain! XI XX XX.XXIXXICX tC DEATH IS SURE. IIX,.:III TIM TAtBL X IX XXlanI _ LIII' cANN ARBOR from 1 C111 urtXI30X1 0XI.s3X, 55 ;,:':, II 11 . X1it.. XandI 1.11,...w: 411111110, On CX XI 11111 hetXXXXt i XIItheI 11111f 0 I- II IlciXXIXIIXI SiXXIX .i1 nsuIXXXIXXtXX.lXXXXXIXXXXI cCXXI0 I' 1ICAN'I at41,:.10,XXXXI I All 1,110031 nI XI~xIIXXXXXIXXXX XXXiX XXIXCtX IXIX tXXXIX- CCXXIIANN .XIiIX3iX, IfromX curt HXXXIX I lies riXCIXXCX It 10WXIICXXX. NIX CIXIXIIIXIX wrIC CIC I.;3, :3.10X4.55, 0iX i, +.10,I.50, 1XI1.I I11 it hotter contrtIC. AIt xainatXiXon 1of11ourI Xfit 1.45 4a11111125 tra11 insIonSunXIX iXXI4.11X111 I3. J. C(7O\NiAD), IYXIoXXXXIXnIXaveXXmoney'CbICgX'XXXtils, a Reident XAgentX, IS Sout IngiXI0XI. tII CXXIt. T Auwv ekceysC -perallve so~ nl:k- - ' J q .I1 Esalse n1883"C Positions illed.230) : eF k :oneXX Icy fr tho Salc III %1111A How (A t 2 a e amiiCous for advancemenltrtr tCC aXX. t110s, X IitiCVt -Il XX1"11111: Ilc c; o \V c II XXX ' 1131 '11IX till' X l l N 1-. 11 1XII i ' IV pr Xied I yC - C t cle erC I 0 1 I zo 0 i It hARus sVARDoth. AND itAiiLe le 1 le ACK :TT L')['NT I A isteI>I;I. W eli.W QtILN \1\\yI' I I\ o i= n arn t 11111II( Stt St. .I. ; 1. 1Y. 2-I2:I TOL11I, CORRECT ::STYLES Spring Suitings A\N1) Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. Colorings New IN{ STrouserings. tin;XXIN CIV-Stylisli and1 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICH. BR EIGII & JOLLIY BLAN1KBOOI{, : D-A - I D--- S T COLLEGE + OIJIFITTEL, Sp~orting and~ Athletic Goods,. 1311e0 13111 a110TenniX Goods a specialty. lf)'ANSJ 11 IHARVARD 1ROW, IXUR1LEIGII & -JOLLY, AGENT 1. L ZI LARC-t- GREATEST VARIEfl 11- 1 IXXXC111l 7 1in11chCXerlWIXiOX }Plates. - 7 ilichI .\XaiilXntioXeCh(IineXIPlat1 7 inIIXtch li-IporIcelaXin Booets L' Peatrl WieILe 111101Teas011 AdIXaantine II'111 'C'Xeas - IlIoICIX'iIISemi-porceliII 111111T 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. THE CAMPUS. 111e11ne xXCnetiXX-,of 1110 RC-eCxits XXil be hld MI Xarch-I25111. Tl'e chapeIl meeOting SundaIXy mIICo- in illXXI be conducI~ltCedby th I 1iXIXoX Utslop PoXtter, of NewXV ork City, will (liveCr theO comXIXeIceXCCeInt XaddresCsXat CornelCl . J. T. EwVing, Iprofessor oCf IXIIIc- niXiX in lltheOIUniversity o(Icf IXXic,Xis Prof. (arilart la aX r icLlCle ntheo l1st number lofI X theo 1)al XXiX 'ModI- ernX Uses Xof Electricity.'IX 111e minIXisterialhnwlXI3X11lImeet 11with CPrf. DeIwey, NIX. - Forest XXvCnueI, atI lalf 11a3t thrCeo'cloc31k, Sundl~ay afternoonII. IDr. EwelCl anlnounIces thlatlihe iII 1303t 010ne10of 111s lectureson MXIX i-l cal Jur~isprudeceXIto113hleCCronlin caXXI., XXX whiclie w11 as XaImed~ical eSxert. 1110 1a110 has not beenX determlinedl. 1110 contestants 31110 sill take part ill 1110cXXXoetxI t Friday even- Xig, wiXll Xspeak IIIn1110following orde~r:X VI. 11. 1Ke11y, WX. F. an- 1033, A. C. GoXrmlXey, A. E. EwXing, I. II. NichlsI WV. If. IDellcnback, A. J. Ladd~. Rev. If. P1. dCIo rrest, of thle Woodsward avenueXOCongregationlal churcIX, inl Detroit, will occupy thle Conlgregational Ipulpit 1n0x1 Sunday. In tlte evening lite will spleak on "Thle Claims of the Minlistry on Young Men. I G. H. WILD, 03 (cXXXI Xgs. 1111' 'XVIXsts11cCa11he 1 Xiao No. 2 E. Washilngton St, near Main. G" H. WIL d ~ LOWEST PRICES WM. ARNOLD.EWER, IN XXIX-:I TTY . WATCHMAKER AND JWE - ii tX pr etI M AIN SXTIEET, WI110 3' - - 401 CIX. p11C st an, XX elI y '110kes - XCI- P o1 I8X .pe etc11er XCI M. W.BLAKE. 10 cIs.1101 set PICTURES,VIRAMES, I, Ca XX - 71cts.110e'set ART GOODS. I) westaf!I pEAN & Co. FERDON LUMBER YARD' MnullXfactr ~ooXf111d deie in MXanlager Abbott says ltat 110 SAGINAW GANG SAWED placeen ouXghXbase-balls in tile rinlk,__ Cor.11Fourth anXXdII0110015_t- - ast weCek, fo~r thle1130 of all 1110 canIIIALE didatCs, IXndCIthatIXowC 101ot oneXof 46 o~1 XXXII' XXXX I. thewcIIall Xe fouln~l. I le wiCshesitXRpairingI XciXaltyCII5. - undXerCstooXdIth XXI Ino Ioeb0.swil M. MARTIN, 11121 bXrnish1e11d.IA ,lt CIXN et 1C 10frl~c.Cloth Caskets, :Mv.E h~ev W. etmoe prache in he - I JA. POLHEMUS. PresbyXtrianl Chu~rchI Sunday' 11011- T log. In the Cevening theo Rev. ICr. ALSO 'IXS HACKX(ANXIXXXBAG ,GI'lufed fDtot ildlvrawrhMi tet lecture upion DIanlte. Dr. DuffieldI is ISY&EBL I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~Bkr and deale010(frse IXX CXX XII ILIIXXI inXCI .3.adl consderd oe o th mot cod entGroceries, Provisions,Flour and rf~ speakersX in :Michliganl. . 1113.WXXiIOXX JOHN WOTZKE, Prof. lDfOoge s-ill XXXIIm111t01is XMaker of ine IC classesCI nest XVeek. Ile goes to P~itts- IADIIS' and GEN TS' burghl to deliver thlree lecturesX 011 1epXaiCSin 11n111ydone. 'X3111 1 X(;reek Art andL ife "l before Ithc Pittsburghl Club. Wh Iile tllere lie z r O wyill be the gues~t of Prof. Lansgley', 311 f~srllc~y f IXIX 'niersty.With th~e reIXurnX ofle110as t 111el0 o ti Uivrit. Season iX, IXs31111libe prellrared tletia TeGoldens Days Xwil11ne1xVwekishXIXall 1that is 1new andIXO 11030" beginl a serial story entitled XX itchi- IUII-'O3MS FORl 11130 Baly c i. g y ~TenisX .Cricket, ILa('roe, S hIX Gamni, or the Mystery of a MineC."Xa1n111foir all Outing luses. 01ur eO Sweater for quaility a1111 IXradXXIIVOXp, 1110 authlor is 1F.LE. Janette, '93 11( equXal. Ouir lin~e of 1111 3 11 Cro 1t1. persontilexstorces and i ad- tertors, Catch~ersX' Mitts, LIXICIIs3as 1X lclcsnlc~ciX~sai d Sup~plies, oe., etc., 113 ill fI1Uere fe venltures of lthc authlor as X alainl onls 3ill defy collpetitil, X fo boyou llclakX.justly proudt of oula~brge cneto--ir bo o te aks.lowinlg, dIXIas e IXX Xare C~Ire,1111 supIeriolr qulality of oulr ;godls. ff015 M1r. J . 'V.lDonlovan, XXI 1110 Ie- esteeml se aiXXtX sten1h3 jll troit bar, willI dclive'r a lectureon501 eason511to season1, XXinlle 11rur~lC IX XX of0our goodsX wVhere it is ssl0- ae 1110 sublject, "lact in Court," illrespondenlce desir-edl with n~134 the Lw lecure rom net Mon allcollege clubs- SendC for a bV 1110~ CaCtcclr oo es o- al gueof Su~mmer Sports ess. day evening. Admnissionl free to all. addXAr . retoll" Mr. 1401103an is thle author of an in- A. G, SPALDING & BRS terestinlg work on the above subject, ('IXICAO:X- PoILAno.L'X1l't5ft and delivers thlis lecture at thle XI8 MarXiseXX Street. 112C solicitation of thle facully. "11 I OXXB° IW