THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~C. of ', $Xi64. Published Daly (Sndays enEepled) uring the Colee 3yea, by THlL I. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASOCIATION Sutbcriptionttpice 53311 per year, itvariably int advancoe. Single coies 3 ents. On ae at bteltat's and lost Offie newse tand every eciing at16 oclock'. Sbsritin may be left, at the noffice; of the DAILY, Opera Houe block, t Stetanos, at Sotlets, or wthnttany oft the editors. Cottnnutnicatiotns soldt reacts the otlce by t0A. m. it they re ts attear tte satte day. Address all mttaleinteded tr publiationt tint Managing Editor. All tnnnine an osnt- fcatinssaul be snt to the Business Mate tRetpot all neglect on tiepart oft Cries tt tie Cit tirculator, S. t. '7eN. THEl U. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Mich. EDITORS. 14. B. SHOEAKER. ', a tnn cOnte.. A. H. COERT '92 s. M-1- . , n,. M. B. tIAnMONt. 'g1 i Bae.,nn R. W. DOUGHTY. '92. A,". S. M.... W.5L I 1itrln, '0. F. S. TstttAts, 'n. It . i EWI. ,tt .L'it. It. A . titner,, At E. o. HoLnnn,t '2. 53 Lt. STH MtAel, t. I. . . WHTEnnttt .nl1 L'. L. MASOsN, :. T .L. nte, QHsi. v. The regular anual stcial of te Studtent's Clristiati Associa- tiots occurs this evening, as no- ticed elsewhere. This, the olen- ing stcial of the year, is especially tdeignied to give tew studetts ati opptorttunity to becomte aquiaitteti with teir co-laborers in their owt as well as otler classes ad d- partmtents. Thils is a praisewor- thy ctustomu of a tobe atd lo- oredl association of stuidents. et there be a good attendatnce. We wish to implress uplont all who ate itterested in the athletics of the Utniversity the imtportantce of attetnditig the meefing of the Rugby Association to-morrow tmorning. The feattres of n Easterti tripi art to be dsictssed; a tnew constitution is to be con- sitlered, projects fo raisinlgMtotey will be bouighttil. Oter iat- tot's of equaltl impllortnce will comue before the metintg. The fututtre succesohtf tie1te1a11largely depndis ott the enthtusiasmn and supplort shown at this mteitg. SUBJECTS FOR ESSAYS. ENGLISH, CORSdE I. A book of references to reading matter on each subject has been compiled and may be consulted at the delivery desk in the library. e. Richelieu in Bulwer and in His- tory. 62. The Failure of Greece. 68. The Cleveland Administration. i16. 67. 71. 72. 10. 71. 1. 11. 77. 7t. 172. 80t. 81. 82. 837. s4l. 85. 86o. 87i. 188. 89. 11. 921. i9l. 97. AcaettiteDegrees Place of Greek andt Latin iti Edui- cationn. Tile G. A. 11. as a Politicanl Force. Catnadalnitd the V. S. MsanualitTraitning ittAtnerien Stchoonls. Work of the Federntl Court of Climns. Etducation of Womtetn. Biellamiy and George. Why not Aholishi the House of Lords. Ptrospects rif Gladnstones Retuirn toi Powser. E fkect of Blismanrcks Retirement. WlAVIt has the Salishbury Mitnistry Accomplishedi. The Depnente nsionlLass. Blaine ott Reciprocity. Future nof tne C(nitry Collegn.' Fanslhions iti Lit eraitnurn. line Immanlitenit Gnon. Betnefits of Suplerstitionl. Work of Johin Mtarshiall. IFedleral Powers sitnce 1865. TinehBile in Tetntysnt. liteeent Argenitine Troubhles. Preservattion of Aamericn For- ests. Criticismu of tile Presetit Natiotnal Admuiniistrationt. Life of Factory Employes. A Pronfessorships of Reading. Emnperors Policy Toswardsthtie Socialists. The Entglisht Iousne of Conons. Presetit States of Itome Rhule. GovernmettPostal Telegraphl. Theories of Childrents Restling. Tite Fishteries Disputte. A New Sectionial Divisiotn. The Ahbnse of Applanuse. ]CONTINtUED TO-stOtitiOW.] BUSINESS LOCALS. STUDENTS' BOOKS_ BUY YOURi COLLEGEt TEXT Loor, LAW .ANIfD IMEDICAIL Loons NTOTE in0n1i:s, A T TE STUDENTS' 1B00K STORIE, STATE STIRET. Secodtl-ndtbooks at low prices. We are agetnts of Pauli E. Wirt, Scott ntd Hllnd founttait nents. Bargaintsitn stationery. IS TE ----THE B EST -s Seventeen teachners. innurn3ithu nrtninsned Room 33.2.5 tee teek. Circars aun appntn- P. R. CLEARY, President. BURLEIGH & JOLLY, DAIRS IN 3T\TI DNERY, BLANK BOOKS. ATHMETIC GOODS AND STUDENTS' BUPPLIES. Best litte of FOUNTAIN PENS iti the city. Ice Cream, Soda Water, Confection,Cold Lunches, Cigasrs amnd Tohacco. OYSTERS, FRY, STEW OR PLAIN. Call and see us at 26 SCOVTWITS7E7.Ar~VB7.ST D. L. DOWD'S HEALTH EXERCIBER. rorfBran-Wvorher 3;Seentary People: Gisnti en, Lndnes, Yosnnhe MWAthlete or invanlind. A coete. mge nt:nsionn. lnnkesuplbt in V~dnnc~n,le , comprethensitve, nhea. 11drc]by oooSyiin~aw es, lntieymnt, ed itonen & othes nnnnnstnitit. Se~tnfrld irca- I Ictnl _1lttr . larsnngo cnsln nhree. Pent.]It I..Dodbnn, Scientific Phnysiclnd Vocal Cultunen,nlunnn14thnnt., Nen Yoth. j MICHIGAN GENTA The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. 11.6 I : v I a., a r F W ____a. -n e 0.5 t a m-mwa . ' W I oora...s O - o 11a ro ? r-155 :. Cc L h a. O. a25.C, 0 C4 um 4~ m Off aO°o +Daily. nSundnay excepted. o. W.' It OtLES, H. W.HAYES, GP.&T.A.Cicnego. Ag't Aon Arbor. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. [Notiees innerted in thnin cnlunna nt the rate tnt 105cents Ipetitne, tingle linsertionl. Spneeil rates tor totnger time and eaten tines turinished bty aptplyitngnt tiie ottrnby ettnnotutinn It. W. Dounginey, Anintat stniness Mannogcer.] Fresht arrivanl of Huiyler's candies tt Grtuher's to-dlay. PatettBeavers, Meltens, Kersey Overcoatitngs at Stafford's. Chteviot Soitiitg~'"; and upwa~lrds at Staffords. E.&7W. tiess collair, "Te Shloshionte' at thte Tswo .yms only. Shloes repaired otn Liherty, ttear State. Shteehuan & Co. aoe agents foriteuffel &Ess4ers mathemtatical inistrum~lents antd draftittg m~ateriails. We carry the largest stock itt the city antd wanrrantt all goonds. Buty cnal att nd nood of Judlson, State street. Gototnt1. B. Halnl for cnoal. Biathts 1lilt tt. 0. Barber;shnonp. " At the TwovnnSnnttts, the Aseont Scarf, thnn StinshitninCollart just narrivend. Mill (Gillespnie 'leachter of Guitar. Bainjo atuiid laninlin ntt (lrentis. Buty coal of Schilte. Oiterott Wtest Aunntst. Buty cigairs, catidy, sittinitry, etc., at Gruher's tP. 0. Nesss Room. Watrina undterwvear cheap at Wanter's. ltatndsomnaew effects ill troutsers. Waguter'h. Thte Seyton Scarf at thte Two Sasms. Go to Staehler for hest htard and soft coal. 11 W. Washington st. Granger & Baxter's Star Laundry. Just nortit of Ann, on Fourth st. New line of Stationery at Gruber's. Rhode has the hest and cleanest coal. Yard, W. Huron street, near railroad, Hail Toledo Steam Laundry wagonl WANTED-A Girl for general house work. Call at 913 E. Huron street. iLvi. I J I J o) -z aTme Tabne gnntota eet, Monduay, Nte.25 QA, ZIR . OnoingNrth. STATIONS.Goning 5Stht. FRiENCHtICtE CREbAM. FINTnFRE dlNCHII 6. 4.'. 3.$i" COOK tNi. LOWESl:T ttliCES bOIl tStan.ClOtre Cd.5tanadaed Time. CTere ant. SMn ItlEl' MAtIEtilAL.. Eap. Exp. Mail Exp. Matil Enp. 71 Fort St.. West, - Detroit, Mich. -- - - - --- -- -- .. . .AR . m1vei tAre P, m. P,. .... CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. °""3 25 6000...TOLEDO .....310 I t5... No.1 n 5 Wash in onn nnYpln ti 05c: 7 6 47t......une e.. 12201 18 .. FrtntclanRgsuandbstyish Sadl, tunI es 4aa5 tint....Milntt.... 12 0n9s5. for Hirel. 4 5 2 ..Pttfel...11d4 9Sat.. t 6n307 5 ... Iseinads....t1.1I159 07 ... 1 547 8 5 thitmore aellkn0tS55 ... .. ts.. 5s810.bHambnrg 1in5l 8t5. 62845 ..Howell..10 251 8 1. 7 1 935.. Drand.911'3~.2 l.. .... OS31 0.. Cornnna ...aunt 16641. NO. LIIIR10 15Ott1Id4, ..MtPlenmant...O 4 435P.M __________5___43____...S~..t.143....arewell.a..3508 26 7 30I A tO 10. ... Cadillan ...I... . t.. in 0 Os 0 na55.. 440....Cpemish .5...9054 00 1040.. .t.'552..,Onkama....7350 3 42 itS5 ..0625...anistee... 7.tic2 as lots8..t... 1 . ennm.0 816 3.26 ' 11 lion. 540 .-Frnkfortt... 7550 Sagimaw DivilSIon. AA oing Sorth STATIONtS. ontg BoatS. Wednesday. Oct. 5 -8" 65- rPam Pas. pa5s Pa PIAITIRIJICIE PM .... . .Lv.] tAr. Am.M.....P.X IN 5 07 ...... 1 38i.Ann ,Arbor.. It 50 ....92 7 385.... 5 ...Dturand..... iB0 .... 1 A MIDNIGHT CALL B... 5 lsin,,, 8..5 PRICES--35. SO AND 75 CETS . W"ASHLEY. A. I.PAIBLEY Sueritendent. (Sen. Pass. Aet Seats on Bale at P.OU. News Room, (5G0.. HASL LEWOOD. LoeWl Agent.