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March 14, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-14

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, n. W1ail"
Pinch, TmEE CENTS.
"CHRISTOPHORUS.'' three numbhers tha t tts rendered
i'aesrStanley's Singers in Ui vt etefc,"'wsi h
versity Hall. fa b-ii hiI'lt Molan d, the eiatng
tiC large audience that itaths (1(1it a isital ii 1
lit iit15it. tll lst teitt onwa rd il iht iti it as opttr-
litt - sit-tilt it-ast'vnil" ll
a Ilaimusical treat. Thle Chora and" Al1n(1 isCII ie inalsilent >
Ilioni 11a15at its tiest, iand the hb liiiam i- tia
he Whl ot i oruaas smig bettr tanitany- of
tiaresiofIProfaesot:e y eat
th~e ticclusiona of the coticert shiowredlii ieohes
tht lthail sitirs"t stiltIhis critical wi h tes
tt51 -r ftt'Isri ittsi 'Thie secot t art tras liep estbh
the fano tis recitative ail aria froma
1eas all itlex to the feelintis if the tart' 'ells. W l srl s
audence, it tto stas iteassi.T 'he -d' rain, Wt c~tr
tenhcladt,'byl MNtiss (tootld vinT i
worf tihe Caoral Uniloniis remark- 1lt ti 'el itptiji t r
ante Uthtie etires yen- welt traiined,
tle efact tiat the nmembterscet'''lmanmntade ie
Char to thits nihber. The chorus, : h
bge iii materiallty from year iii
Ytris consistered. Last es-enili 'itto teioriatix.-'pc
ihe CUnioni was coimposedi of z,0tile tasses a chtance to shtowaiwtat
feae oce ndro -:vocsatihey could do, and thiey didt it swelt.
total o f a24 Ie thtis numbl~er Professoir Staley
'rite orchtestra isas ctomptosedt of shoswed tiow weiiltietias thte cihortis
thirty ptieces. t twas picked from uister hits control. 'The 'Serenadie,'
the est musiciants of Dletroit, and a solo hy Miss Goodisin, wsitti tiiii-
'as eadI ly Mr. W~ilieli Ytiiok. in;ligacconmpantimenttby the (nioni,
ihe sotloists is-rce, Miss Nellie iswas tahe ost iunique numbtoer 01oite
Weinn ofT'ledio, sopiritio N iitor Mrse.itieteiiittnti
Mrilo o;tf 4AnnlArborf cotntralto; necrandtwere favoredt hs-a
tsaor; ant i N r. Edit-t C. Crane, oloce, wilie noitipowerfutl, is clear
Detroitibaritonie. Intl very Ipleasinp. 'T'he concert
ttce liprogramme w isas Itividedinitot itas closed iy tue grand lsdotcthorus
ilarts, the first being '" Ctirtast-Iats01rhfom auri'''tn-
Iltrns' ansi the secondt consistini" iauser.
of sotos by iMiss Goodint, andlt hIte text conlcert wtitt he pit-cia iy
Chouse byt Uin Mr. Crane, tile toston Symphtiony OIrchesira,
ate< gianat'"'inll Ctriitophtrs'' tinlMay' 5'.(Ont\ay 30 the Union
thnd the Io' sit-are of the sioostork, wilipresent Gocitos's mlasterpiece,
siging no less thiaintine soltos. lie "'The Rediemiption."' (n thiat ca
osessa full, ricih,ibaritonie stle thicy wiii he assisted bit1' rs.
voic, bt hi sigin wasparicu Jenie P. Walker, of Bioston, so'
dary pieasingibecaiise of his cneatrtprano ;'flist Jeninie iF..Stosdsard,
and istinctenclunciationi. Alis of 'Nciw Nork, conitraito ;Mir. Jutes
Dof:asthe ivarning voice," sr,-Jorsdan, of Prov-idence, tenor M .Nr.
btonec solo, Trustlnt ts toitdt Arthutr IBeresforsi, of Cliiicagohass,
t'icetd stranger, O, IKin' h''RIMr. and an orchestra of 35 nmusicians.
re as th -emt"sn Population and Social Statistics.
h fecting and expression, particu-y inhsstf -ci teKn etrlyatrto th ari
alf te Ue nirerse"''Mtis Good'-ID. Wriglht contintuedsl l ecturcesin
v'l1 antg tivo parts, the '"sedutctiv'e '"Poplattion ansi the Social Statis-
voc"ands the "' chiil.'"' e1r tics Grossing out of it''"The pouit-
isif t1 WVIo is tihr Sovereign Lordil a and social conditions of a on
ftile Heart wa'satespecially-finc try largely' ldeend 0on thle hllogoe -
Wre the 'cello accomipanimnent was necousness of ittslpopulationi. Ill
tromelit lTe swveetest solo of the Eiuroipean countries it is 1p0si'
ihrintophorus " hy Miss Goosliin hle to niake several differentiations
wa o pntue programme. It as regards color, nationality, lan-
inelately followed the last words guage, etc., hut in the U. S. only
op he ' iat" 'The Choral oiie distinction can he miade, that of
lh sr have reason to he proud of color. It is customary to compulte
ther chiorius work. There were the density per square mile, hut re-
suitsdernsvsi from this arc oftein
nIisleading"as tie'areconaitrollsd
ptrinipiatlly by ectoomitcsconsidera-
tdons. I tl ,-S , i 7, 011out
3 wa- i 0vig Ilt i tcitieso ttooilhait-i
tatits, otori wil itn 18o hethis Ier
cenlt. ti iii intcesedsiito 2J-
is preatesrthiai that oftheU .I
(;crm11atty ttesalil towns apredtoi-
iteswisthtt iitsrge tiolt;to poit-t
fat ttht ratiltroadtthatvr tints it tet
the lairg'ecities at the expese oftthte
smtaler ones. iIn iiirope thtsris is a
large ecss ot feimalcs, wis i theii
AXi\ING the exeieci5of College
lie caelsc ruitinly of Colleg''e St11-
D esignters antiJisveir secally
iirh I morti ng Cii" (Jo.ii' irl'etly
fro Paril Lnd1 l and illti ll1 ists isitm
"Sltoe','We areii pos Iitiotot tpro-
dice the fiet atits andijeleds
"ociett t "' I itt ofallhtid ts ihtilt
Wright,Kay & CO.
IfMtOlTi'f'El, Jl- ELittiIS
Dcrcit. MichEan.
U.ii S.o sitlg tcliigra tton,iiiales tire-
domliinate. In most countries, mlore Ch ~~ .'Q.
tihanlihyliso e pplto sudrk)h p p l wt years of age. 'l'here are University Outlitte,
three taeriodts of life. 'The tieriad ltSiciSruS.
fronm oiie to fifteelt, anid froni sevenity____
years upwsardi, are callesi thes unpro-
ductive periods. The ttcriodt tic E N G L I S H
tivecit fifteena anidtserc~tty yecars is H C N O H S
called the itroductive iperiod.intheCU.cS.V6oLz-ilQJperLcentLofQtheJpopu
lation tbelonig to the lattcr tperios.i
In the U. S., divoirces ire onithetsT f1 YYG
iincrease. 'T'le total numiahcc;ranteti
fromt i1867 to ifSS6 is 328,716, of ENGLISH SERGE
whtichl 65 f-in tier cent. wecre grantecd
011 tietitioni of the swife, andt 34 a-1'inR
per celiC. on the petitiona of theetins- COLTS ATD TLO'U'SER3
hanid. 'IThe ratio of sivorces shiould
he compared to Cue ratio of mar-1
riages, not to Cue population as a
A. A. Meeting-
'The executive hoardi of tthe Atht-
1l'tic Associatioit laet tis norning~
in Alphia Nu hait, the foot-hall
contmittee has-c decisles thiat the
93-94 foot-halt panic woulsd have
Co bie playedl it ordter Co deidteu
class chiamtpionshipt. 'The date to
he no later than May lotih.tPernais-
sion lad heen granted to the freshi-
men hase-hall teamo to use te rink
from i to 2 o'ctock iwleinsot needed
for other purposes.
Candidates for Che L'iiiersity
nine arc to he allowedl to play on
class teams Mlonday and Thursday
afternoons. Tue lpresident and
hneads of Cue various committees were
appointed a committee to present
ltans for the athletic field, and to
make estimates of the expense of
laying out the same. 'Pie treasurer
reported $700.96 on hand.
Fietsiand LargJset
(1O0D5 IN TE IT lY.
Agent for Ann Arhot Steam Launidry,
qiclk delisvery and hest cork.
qr$.$PELLCR & qO.

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