r I -- 7 L r 1- J () I-' TA, F) Al LY SALEOF VVATGH.ES U. T. LIMPERT, Life is UnciqertVain! 1 fiiI I'tu3it,1 DEATH 1S SURE. II i"'lTtIMEtTABLiF..a1It"1a 1_.5,1 0,4, s 524 .3 , 9,1();30 p. n . I 212 e ANN 211111011, frntvs Dot'.e1 , 55,92:." 1.55, It. 1,.,an F~ ,H t l ti h 114 )til ilNi i, l- t U .U )',1 .5 .11 ra11 e ,11 }olln; mc 11e wee thet1,1111o1".1 H1d:5a hlmrt°o . 0C pNr AD.~) i , 11 Isiletl ( n : 1(112 1" ' '1'. ,0111 Mihia 'ilutlIit I'llanctcmllp.Ica~e'' IANl t1,.4,-5(.0, \se: vr 201.0(.1rp1ovrZj0,O). p.u..i 1410 l~ishe n188'= osto s fiec,231.;y.3i l:> \VcI it attt i tei t x t~ ii t ti;>> .xlac ttt~ar mhtiox~x.for acvincementrather thanliio,r1%',5. .1 Ni i tll 1 1 Nil I s iI,. 1it w'-kx HARVARD AND YALE, II 1(1' 1'ust N \ INI cN 'i >.4 41.51.inind"c 2 cii lcSAii F51.1 PI i;trcILT . W el t G. H.WILD, 1>, si1 l lc 1 la i rI sltlito( 1111 11f 1142ill rs Itt1i1211'iine142 1'k t 11 Mute t" INo. >E.Washington St ,near Main. G.H.WL A CrV i nuIAr r n ni nr c+ 13SiLLT S DidLEO O GORRhECT -STYLES Spring Suitings A451) Silk Vestings, Overcatings. New Colorings STrouserings. iti N en' Stylish 2a141 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, - .- -MI CIL. 2S SrAT 'rr . 1ti ; iwc 1 M . BLhAN1K BOOIK, .T C 'c S Fori the ne1xt thiii I day;. PDrATrt'T I MCA 1C3 VAni1 T14eh 1U5 N 11111 115 inc111 1eal 1 11Wte lates J- 141-s - c4 ts. per set inch111Semli-po4rcela1in1, Ioote's la4tes5- 21 cs. per set Perl White ll'tll'd '.eas - - - 238Its. per set. Adamantine 4111' 111('l easl . - - -)0Iets. per set baote's Selni-porceilin IiIii ii 1Teas - - -751eis. plet 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. )DEAN & CO. THE CAMPUS. NI . C. Shafer, formcrIvlaw41'1yo, of1 Finlay, (11141, visited frie.nds iere yesterday. There xwiii he a '1) '1classimeeting lest Satu rday at 311 . , 41 in lRoom A. Elec.tionixof 1B. 1B ..dietors. (1a1,1ax aiin eet witness1.n2th1stilsxt aga.in1st1the Sherry Elx.teic. (l4IiilI4 .Nt the receint meeting (of the Peninsylvania Initer-CoIlliegiate 1Foot) Bail Assolciationi a six years 1li11t, for players, seas estahiisiied. P~rof. Mlaiigiiin 1111 a tihree page rexiew in1 the NMarclh numbher of thle Cliicago ial. of the first three' boots im tihe ,Nakers of ANmerica~' series. Thie sophomo~i~re social wiiill e held in the Conlgregationial church lpar- lors, 11ext Saturday ex'ening in~steadi advocating a l egislatire lapp~ropria- tioni file the national encanmpm~lenlt(If tile (4. N.1R., 1tolie heldlin411Detroit, lest summer. The next leciure at tile appxan Tralining (Course xiii he deliveredi bxy Howax'1rd1 Duff'ield, It. ID., ill the Westminlister Chiurcil,IDetrixit, lext Slinday veeiing,lat itie lPresbyt Ieriani Chulrchl. Sublject 1 1 tle 5IDi- vi11a1 omilellia. Nest Suniday mnin~ilg at tile ILxi- Iliriall Chiurchi, Rex'. MIr. Sunder- last1 xiii give his last seriion onl Prophiecy. Suibject : G'Miraculouls Predictionls ini the Old Testanient." In tile ev'eniiig, lIton. Carroll 1). Wright, (If Washinigton, ID. C., wiii deliver a lectutreeupon Religioni in Politics." R4ev. J. C. Carmianl, of /ailes- yule, O., xvilspseak aisd sing at a splecial service in the lBaptist Church Satuirday evenling, to) xvhich llstu- dentis are especially invited. Thie splecial nieetingsxxiiicll iitinue, as the interest is incereasinlg. Ir. Car- ma1n1 xiii remlain ove1r Sxudaxy and1 lest xeek. Thie J effersoii Society xiii meet Saturday evenling at 7:130, andlillii rendler the folloxving prograni: es- say, NW. I. Toxvnsend; oration, 1i. 1Largenlt; 111014., J. D. Smith; de- hate, "Resolved, that the United States should enter into a reciproci- ty with Canada." Aff., 1).11. Han- WATCHMAKER AND JEWLR M. W . BLAKE. PICTU RES, FRAME.S, A p ART GOODS. 10 Wlest Hum5~t FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manuaturer of and de1111ale n E SAGINAW GANG SAWEDL0 1w INFourth andIDepot Sts ." J. HALLER 0. N. MARTIN. Cloth Caskets, Metal"' 'AND CI-NSION ('Ol.'11NS-._ J. A. POLHEMUS, 1140 Ills IJACK. ANl) 1121 1,11111 _ North MainaStreet RINSEY & SEABOLT, IBakers ansdrdelers it, e Groceries, ProvisionsFlu and Fee 64 and118 E. Was11hington1flSt. JOHN WOTZKE, Maker oiflinr J.ADIE:S' and CENT'rtv ~ With the retu~rn of the Bhaseor Season,. we shall lie preprared 1t11 nlishl all 11141 is 1111. 411(d 11siralhle-1 UNIFORIMS FO011a114112 111111 f. Tenn~is, Cricket, La Crosse, 'SSer a1111 for all 0011119g114e4. our.,hal~ Sxweater for (quallity d11( durability no1 equal11. 011'rle a(If 114152 Ball ;i . pie1s, Ba4ts, Bails, Ma~sks, ol 15 teetors. Catelhers' Mitts, Isll e Supllpies, etc., ete., 114 i11 forlilerse'0 0o1s wsil efy IcomIlpetitionI, We fl justly proud lof oula~irge 2slieg t1111 loin'lg, 1112e11sW2« 111ar Ware, tTit superior (quality of oulr 9(ood1. fra1 esteem wve ailin to strellgtl(Iemewitt seasonl t1)seasonl, in tile iuspro' eto lot our g00111s where it is possihleers 0 rsodnedesiredl with IT11111lelg all college clubs. Send for our ni forms,-A. & 13. free to ally addle s' A. G, SPALDING & BROS' CICIAGO: P1ILADEI-V"1IAstrceet 108 Madieoa trtra. Io,), cleataal NEW YORK: 21l and 24:3 BrealIwaY- (51 at 4 N.- I galIs 11s hefore an- M1ichligaln I Iiixersit1' 11114sixteenl gradluates 4in Congress, tile largest niinber reptresenitiniganty insltituition of learnling in She csounitry. liar- var hiI as sixteeni 11(and ale elexven.- S-z ,-M= I.-=_ -RmtizN=, I Ex. 110115111, Yale, U. sf 1.ad Unvral 4 COLLEGE + OUTFITIEK., -portinlg and0 Athletic Goods, 11ase11411alld 1Teniis Goods a specialty. iO'AND iiIIAIIVA1ID,lt0W, :BUc 111.21 & JO0LL1, AGENiT. 1110 eKate IL. Moorie xs.IThonmpsonl slauder suit, xwhiichi has been 'draxr- 1119 immenl~se atudiences this xweek, termlinlatedl yesterday eveninlg us a verdict for tile plainitiff for $250 This was the second trial. Maj. Soule, as a repsresentativ~e of the Annl Arhor G. A. R., has a 20111- son and G. A. JIeffers. Neg., It. 1.. multnication in yesterday's Free Press Ottenleler andTi I. I3). IHaxk.