, I N I:- Li ( ) -LR: ') 4 l SALE-*OF WATGHES 1Y4YI'11. S(4 I1 O4 F L. T, LIMPEF{T, STAJ W e 4: t 1:54 , ak' 4444 he:4 a:44 10 v'::: 1,,E s ic' 1 I:'II AIII Arom-of 1, - Life * Uncertai" 4 4444444444 4444 .i44,1=+ DEATH IS SURE. TIME TABLE. 1,..!)4541414. ., 9" 13 1t.4M. 4 44:54.i}. 55,411155, i.5 m., n .i,' I4 , r , t~ 4 4 ,,4 : t , 1 .4 ' 4 4 4 4 l i 1 444 4 .4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 10 5 10. 1 51 .tt .4 4 , : 444444444444 44a 44a4II 44444'. N0 4 544444445 4444M 4444,t 44'10 1.45, 11.i5,4.1,44,1.50, 1i. I 13. J. CONRA D), (4it4o4 er 4 tros4 atiAdans4 4* I>'la444t44i Teachers Co-Operative Association 70IEAOn S Established in i18So Positions filled, 2300. Seeks ToachersW are ambitious for advancement rather than those without Po_ O0 HAVAR AND YALE, (411Alain wt.N I G. H. WILD, Is 4144.4444 the .1:, r1442454 to44414 f41' 14411 r1) s444 '4441444 illthe411 1<11rl441.4 44,' se11 li A 11he 1:41441 41(1d(/s444441 144444114444414444444 444:g' 44444 11>41'4.No. 2 E. Washington St_ near Main.G.H a _ Ts CORRECT:-:STYLES Spring Suitings AND' Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. New Colorings (Trouserings. Novete 14:4Fan'cy44'Sesltings-114(4w- 10 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHI. E4,N44D44 i t&4JA011 I BLANK BOOK, 1444 theInextt 414411 4141s. 1ara, oYal.e, U. efM.fland Universal4 COLLEGE + O'UTFITTER., Sporting a1114 Athletic Gootds, Base Ball an1111Te1111 (Good~s speialty. lO-AND 11 11thRVA4DI1OW, GREATEST VAR IETI 7 1444141Pe4r41White Plateis - 7 inch4 . Adamant11ine Ch11ina41latel 7 inch14Semioi14reelain, 1Boo44's h Pearl Whlite 11414'14414eas Adamantll~in~e 11,1'1'Teas4 - blole>- Semli-po4rcela1in I 1d14'1 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. THE CAMPUS. I be4 photo14graphed nes4444t4Saturday14. Prof Stan~ley 1is14n1144444414 44-414y 441444444444 44p4c1ked41444414s4444for Nev. 1144444 A. 14)414, 4of t14s4 it4, will conduc144t 444441144 144ivate party 4444 4a tri141o1444014p 14441st4444444r. ,Me 4ssrs. Cardl and(1 14)441, lx's ')2, 14444444 leavin44g ('0114444 14 414e 444741 f444444e. 11444' will 441444441ext At414e41141444444r ing Society, 44444 SatudaI4y ev'ening, M~arch 44, 14444. 1:. 1). Camp11bell wxill 44144 a1 4a1lk 04 '"Thie Manfac41ture of Cast Iron.'' M\iss 1-. XW. R2ogersx, a medca41 stud(ent1, 44444 badly burnsed abouit 4114 eyes 44141144lphur4ic aci1(1whlile7 wor4k- 1414 141 111e 4144444441laboratory 7414444 da4y. '11444last 441444444441 4f 1144 (horal1 11444414will1)44fileld Friday morning j44 in 11444Chapel fr40410:(430 444444 12.30. All memllbers 44447 earnesctly requested44(1to 1444jpresent4. 1:. 1". 114111 laxw '88i, 5isione444 1Ham0ilton1, 1hi's, prom0inent 1young 44 attornieys. Sincec 114-graduation, liesscesul ildteofc City' Solicitor of Ihis city. At 11447Geological Society, Friday, eveni11ng4, M\arch 13, J. 1L. W'illiam0s will read a paper 00 "Contributions to Quantitative Anatomly." S. A. LODWEST PRIGS R 3flSII ESS0Did11100V U MW.,bV8 . 11o 4 YI WM. ARNOLD. 141111: 4114l WATCHMAKER AND JEWEL--' 14' 44pl 44 1Swci l 44;4?eIo n II it elir4, 444444444 es - - - o et '44er set 44441 el I 441---s ts pr etM. W .BLAKE, 5(4 s.per44et PICTURES, I; RAMES,A 'I44 ART_(coons. 410'wext l410o pEAN .& CO. FERDON LUMBER YARD, Woman14's 1.eague14, 414 1444r104444, 'No4 J.HALLER 7 Co~rnwe'llI Place, Satu4rday,'.741arcl4 44444 junior irls44 r 4r4 d 4444441 44) O. M. '(IARTI N, 44)4444 1444444 frll. o 14,04n4444144)14444'Cloth Caskets, Xetal d1e4)44from41 430o144 4. J. A.POLHEMUS. 1144444414lola lasur144 e4144444444 -3jI 'i'' EJ I r1 14rig4h4- hrtr "1444(';Icc ('141 15nAlso '1145 BACK ANI) ll54(4.GG A' Ann Arb1or 40444e)'years 41g0oxxill 14e4No4rth4:Main street. delighted 41to 14e444 14441 114) 41444to RINSEY & SEABOLT. gi4v4 44 concer Aprl47t,11411Wrer4Bkersand1eales in Fed s.t1r4441 7414, 144auspc fiorr-Groceries, Provisions,Flour and' 14411 444(144 11, an144d44144141. tW'ashin4g on l. ownclu. Bth hei Gle ad - JOHN WOTZKE. Blanjo club1s ar eceptionally tine4)444Maker 444 t144e 11444 year, 4and(14114444conlcert 4is4sure4LADIES' and GENTIsS 4o 1b44444 artist4ic4 success5. Ieflirisg 44e114l414414. 4:.3 . Ma1in1S~ Competition at Yale. The PSale "News 14444ustrelectedC i1 i4s 0474w boar44d1of e4741144144 tisils4444 With t4110r1141111ocithe B131144l 4w14444it says441(444b1out c4441)he 4cveeaso, wsta1ll 1be prefprared to 14.i11 sys1te05: 141411all 111414 is 14w 41141 desirable'1 "In44announcing44)4th1447l7144i40444to UNIFORIMS 1F014Base Ball,;14'111 '11444 News 1)0444d1for 411474704411)44yearand'tennisfo, trickueOt, ig a u ' 14s. s1I, ura - we annt pais to hihlytheSwveater for qulality an4d d4101.1 y -i 41ual1i4ty44444 iquantity 44o4fthe ork 114) 411141. O414 11110of B1141401111ip, 1104444by all candidatcs for 1144 paper, plies, Bats, Blalls, Alsks, 3 Y Ii 4441 can only regrettha444t there ~wretec4tors, C iI47I4s 414Mitts La4n1e1' 1404 morev04 acie10oe 1f440414on uplies, etc., etc., a nfr'.'. f~fe 4444444174 bcfilc onlstwill defy compeitition, fol 4144 menio 10v14144o410444c4444f44141- ijustly proud of our 01lar1ge4 college Mll ful wor4k. lowing, d1u10as1we440e4440 re,4'4T1ill ''A41104214 li he new board txill 4404 suplerior qul~lity of 0414 goods" 440111 4444157 otrol of tbe Nexvs for estem weaimo sx en4111t tne(O e14 44sasonto season41, I(ine 10144 4?ro r- 400147 days, we wtouldl state 11144 all of 0114 goodissw'here it is possible- rf wrork (1041474104104t11147resent'wek respond~enlce de1sired w sithli 41I41,Oe5' xwill bc credited 0o1 1)47t4year's elec- all college clubs. 8Se1d1f404 0111 q '11 410)4;we ataogle ofSlimertoa porI4 .,iid tin;and furthe~rmore, w troold £fwms,A.&Bfret ll4dleS impre44ss 411)00all, 441401think of try-. 1044, 1114 advantage of an early 44441 A. G, SPALDING & BROS" determined start, while tberc arc 08CICAGO: a e.P1lllf 1)E s fl t~reet.i hot conmparatively few 144ompetSiee.torsl441U in the field.''471 NdE244YnORK:4 CAMBR2 E, M.LSS fPerry will read 44 paper 0n "Causes Ot7IILEIOOI JOLLY, AGENT' S.I of the4 Glacial Elpoe., J